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Bell Ringer

Bell Ringer. Do you recycle or take other steps to protect the environment? List a few. Tree Huggers Unite!. Environmental Movement. Pinch of Salt and Bug Repellant. Powerful pesticides (DDT) were being used to mosquitos in NY Harmful to those who consume

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Bell Ringer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bell Ringer • Do you recycle or take other steps to protect the environment? List a few.

  2. Tree Huggers Unite! Environmental Movement

  3. Pinch of Salt and Bug Repellant • Powerful pesticides (DDT) were being used to mosquitos in NY • Harmful to those who consume • The Yannacones successfully sued to stop DDT use • The courts: new place to address environmental issues • “the one place where facts and evidence, not politics and emotions, would decide the outcome”

  4. Stopping DDT • Environmental Defense Fund • Used the contributions for a series of legal battles • Nationwide ban on DDT in 1972

  5. A Silent Spring • Rachel Carson: soft-spoken marine biologist • Wrote Silent Spring in 1962 • Attacked use of pesticides • Killed insects but also killed birds, fish, and others

  6. Enviromental Issues • Cutting down the forests • Smog • Oil spills • Construction • Lake pollution

  7. Earth Day • Growing concern for environ’t • 1970 • Millions participated • From picking up litter to public demonstrations

  8. Gov’t Steps In • Created the Environmental Protection Agency • Set and enforce pollution standards, promote research, coordinate antipollution activities

  9. Other Gov’t Actions • Clean Air Act-established emissions standards for factories and cars • Clean Water Act-restricted water pollution in lakes and rivers • Endangered Species Act-established measures for saving threatened animals species

  10. Love Canal • Rising health concerns: nerve damage, blood disease, cancer, miscarriages, and birth defects • Built on a toxic waste dump • 800 families would be relocated

  11. Nuclear Energy • Supporters: Considered cleaner and less expensive than fossil fuels • Critics: What if it leaks? • Provides 20% of US electricity

  12. Three Mile Island • Harrisburg, PA • Cooling system failed • Overheated and leaked low levels of radiation • Declared safe after repairs

  13. San Onofre • Opened in 1968 • Used by 19% of CA Edison customers • Required 18 sq miles solar panels to make up for this plant • Premature wear led to minor leaks within the dome • Being decommissioned

  14. Solar Energy • 12 total plants • 11 in CA • 1 in NV • Pros: no pollutants and minimal impact on envir’t • Cons: too varied and requires a lot of space

  15. Other Forms of Energy Wind-2.5% of world power Hyrdo-16% of world power

  16. Consumer Movement

  17. Product Safety • New “things” brings new concerns • Ralph Nader • Unsafe at Any Speed • Charged automobile makers with putting speed, style, and cost ahead of safety

  18. National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act • 1966 • Set mandatory safety standards • Established way for notifying car owners of defects • Had to make cars safer • Seat belts, door locks, safer fuel tanks

  19. Other Product Regulations • Laws for… • Dangerous toys • Flammable fabrics • Unsafe meat and poultry

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