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EPA PBT MONITORING WORKSHOP A NOAA PERSPECTIVE?. Richard S. Artz and Jawed Hameedi National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Silver Spring, Maryland. Intensive measurements Routine measurements Remote sensing Closely coupled with NWS One member of a large partnership.

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  1. EPA PBT MONITORING WORKSHOPA NOAA PERSPECTIVE? Richard S. Artz and Jawed Hameedi National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Silver Spring, Maryland

  2. Intensive measurements Routine measurements Remote sensing Closely coupled with NWS One member of a large partnership NOAA Generally Subscribes to a Multi-Tier Measurement Philosophy to Fuel a Targeted Modeling Program

  3. Major ions NADP CASTNet International Joint Commission North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation International POPs Treaty Interagency and International Cooperation 1997-1999 Particulate Sulfate Concentrations

  4. Most NOAA air toxics programs are housed in one of the six divisions of the Air Resources Lab or at the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Lab ARL Atmospheric Sciences and Modeling Division program is driven by EPA ARL HQ and Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Divisions provide surface and aircraft deposition technology to multiple agencies Several ARL divisions simulate transport and deposition of toxics using various meteorological modeling tools Atmospheric Program

  5. NOAA / CMDL Baseline Measurement Sites

  6. ARL/ATDD Relaxed Eddy AccumulationDirect measurements of DRY DEPOSITION for Ammonia, Mercury, and potentially anything that can be measured using filters or denuders

  7. An Airborne Investigation of Local and Regional Sources of Atmospheric Mercury Deposition to the Everglades NOAA DeHavilland Twin Otter Aircraft MERCURY VAPOUR ANALYZER 2537A MERCURY VAPOUR ANALYZER 2537A

  8. Modeling effort driven by National Air Toxic Assessments addressing human health issues Fate and transport simulated using CMAQ Chemical Transport Model Atrazine 17 dioxins and furans Benzene Mercury Formaldehyde/acetaldehyde Neighborhood Scale Linking emissions-based models with ambient and exposure monitors as inputs to human exposure models at ~1 km. Involves collaboration with ARL/ATDD LESchem system Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division

  9. acetaldehyde acrolein acrylonitrile arsenic compounds benzene beryllium Compounds 1,3- butadiene cadmium Compounds carbon tetrachloride chloroform chromium compounds coke oven emissions dioxin ethylene dibromide propylene dichloride 1,3-dichloropropene ethylene dichloride ethylene oxide formaldehyde hexachlorobenzene hydrazine lead compounds manganese compounds mercury compounds methylene chloride nickel compounds polychlorinated biphenyls polycyclic organic matter puinoline 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane perchlorethylene vinyl chloride EPA\OAQPS List of the 33 Urban Air Toxics

  10. Real-time Environmental Applications and Display sYstem www.arl.noaa.gov/ready.html HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model Meteorological data (forecast/archive) Air quality products Volcanic ash model (VAFTAD) Emergency response products ARL/HQ READY System

  11. Meteorological Analysis Tools • Maps • Pre-defined loops • Interactive (Java-based) • Cross-sections • Meteograms • Stability/mixing height • Vertical profiles

  12. Online trajectories (forward/backward) Online concentration/deposition calculations Forecast or archived global gridded meteorology Windows NT/98/95 available for download HYSPLIT Model

  13. Forecast Local (4-16 km): RAMS, MM5 Regional (40-91 km): MM5, Eta, NGM, RUC Hemispheric (111-191 km): AVN, MRF Archived Regional (40-180 km): EDAS, NGM Hemispheric (191–381 km): MRF, FNL, Re-analysis Gridded Meteorological Data

  14. Urban Test-Bed Concept • Urban Observations • High resolution winds, temperature and humidity • Wind profilers, temperature/humidity profilers • radar – SPY-1, WS88D • In situ temperature and humidity • ACARS (commercial aviation data) • Chemical/biological sensing • In situ Chem/Bio sensors Partnership with Army, Navy, DTRA, UCAR, DOD-JPO

  15. Examples of Efforts to track Specific Events

  16. Atmospheric Deposition of Mercury to the Great Lakes

  17. Chemical and physical forms of emission Physicochemical reactions in clouds Gas-particle partitioning of oxidized Hg Dry deposition of RGM and aerosol Hg Wet deposition Meteorology Primary Factors Affecting the Transport Range of Mercury Emissions to Air

  18. ARL programs are well integrated with several other agencies at state, federal and international levels. QA efforts are becoming more rigorous. Modelers participate in well organized comparison efforts. ARL programs could be better linked with NOAA ocean and freshwater programs. Atmospheric Program – Closing Thoughts

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