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Parallel Structure. Using similar grammatical elements—words, phrases, clauses, or sentences—to express related or coordinate ideas. Eat, drink, and be merry. …a government of the people, by the people, and for the people… (Lincoln)
Parallel Structure Using similar grammatical elements—words, phrases, clauses, or sentences—to express related or coordinate ideas.
Eat, drink, and be merry. • …a government of the people, by the people, and for the people… (Lincoln) • Ask no what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. (Kennedy) • Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana. (G. Marx)
Items in a series • After a game of soccer, Bob quaffs a gallon of Gatorade, a quart of Quencher, and some prune juice. • After a game of soccer, Bob quaffs a gallon of Gatorade, a quart of Quencher, and a pint of prune juice.
Bulleted lists • Construction of the preliminary proposal • Do library research • Interview with the Bemco vp • First draft • Revision of the first draft • After we get your proposal, preparing the final draft
Write the preliminary draft • Do library research • Interview the Bemco vp • Write the first draft • Revise the first draft • Prepare the final draft after we get your approval
Verb voice • Bob participated in three events and was awarded a prize in all three. • Bob participated in three events and won awards in all three.
Verb tense • Whenever he feels melancholy, Bob runs on the beach, plays tennis, saw an upbeat movie, or calls a friend. • Whenever he feels melancholy, Bob runs on the beach, plays tennis, sees an upbeat movie, or calls a friend.
Verb mood • The compositor should follow the printed directions; do not change the originator’s work. • The compositor should follow the printed directions and should not change the originator’s work.
Fearing failure, Bob began trembling, sweating, and he vomited. • Fearing failure, Bob began trembling, sweating, and vomiting. • Because Bob became an investigative reporter, he asked where the accident occurred, when it occurred, and the reason it occurred. • Because Bob became an investigative reporter, he asked where the accident occurred, when it occurred, and why it occurred.
Tonight will be a stomach-churning moment for Mr. Bush, and he must be puzzling over how he got snarled in this nightmare, with Old Europe making him beg, North Korea making him wince, the deficit making him cringe, the lost manufacturing jobs making him gulp; with the hawks caving in to the U.N. and to old Saddam Baath army members who want to rebuild a security force; with Representative David Obey demanding the unilateral heads of Rummy and Wolfie, so that "Uncle Sam doesn't become Uncle Sucker"; with the F.B.I. warning that more Islamic terrorists who know how to fly planes may be burrowing into our neighborhoods. Maureen Dowd, “From Swagger to Stagger,”New York Times September 7, 2003
Tonight will be a stomach-churning moment for Mr. Bush, and he must be puzzling over how he got snarled in this nightmare, with Old Europe making him beg, North Korea making him wince, the deficit making him cringe, the lost manufacturing jobs making him gulp; with the hawks caving in to the U.N. and to old Saddam Baath army members who want to rebuild a security force; with Representative David Obey demanding the unilateral heads of Rummy and Wolfie, so that "Uncle Sam doesn't become Uncle Sucker"; with the F.B.I. warning that more Islamic terrorists who know how to fly planes may be burrowing into our neighborhoods.
[W]e hope to develop not only markers to specific strains of this dinoflagellate but also to find markers that are unique to different stages in the life cycle and different functions of the organism… [34 words] (Burkholder and Rublee, in Penrose and Katz, Writing in the Sciences, p. 317)
[W]e hope to develop not only markers to specific strains of this dinoflagellate but also to find markers that are unique to different stages in the life cycle and different functions of the organism… (Burkholder and Rublee, in Penrose and Katz, Writing in the Sciences, p. 317)
[W]e hope not only to develop markers to specific strains of this dinoflagellate but also to find markers that are unique to different stages in the life cycle and different functions of the organism… (Burkholder and Rublee, in Penrose and Katz, Writing in the Sciences, p. 317; as edited by Souder.)
[W]e hope to find not only markers to specific strains of this dinoflagellate but also markers that are unique to different stages in the life cycle and different functions of the organism… [32 words]
[W]e hope to find markers to not only specific strains of this dinoflagellate but also different stages in the life cycle and different functions of the organism… [27 words]