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Resampling: power analysis

Austin Hilliard Feb 19 2009. Resampling: power analysis. We've done an experiment. Data:. boxplot([ctrl exp], 'labels' ,{ 'ctrl' 'exp' }). ctrl = 8 13 14 13 16 13 15 3 9 9. exp = 4 13 12 18 12 6 11

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Resampling: power analysis

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  1. Austin Hilliard Feb 19 2009 Resampling: power analysis

  2. We've done an experiment... • Data: boxplot([ctrl exp],'labels',{'ctrl''exp'}) ctrl = 8 13 14 13 16 13 15 3 9 9 exp = 4 13 12 18 12 6 11 4 9 9

  3. ...we've looked at the data... figure subplot(1,2,1), hist(ctrl,5), xlabel('ctrl') subplot(1,2,2), hist(exp,5), xlabel('exp')

  4. ...we've done some stats >>out = bootstrap2groups(@median,ctrl,exp) ans: gp1desc: 13 gp2desc: 10 testStat: 3 distMean: -0.0081 reflectLeft: -3.0162 pvalRight: 0.0955 pvalLeft: 0.0991 pval: 0.1946 groups: [10x2 double] But there was no effect!

  5. Did we have sufficient power? • power = chance we have of detecting a difference of a particular size (δ), using a particular statistic, investigating a particular n • What can increase power? • increased n • increased across group variation • decreased within group variation Probably a cheat, but does increase power: • increase α → relax significance threshold

  6. Our experiment • What was our n? → 10 • What statistic? • difference of medians • What was δ? → ~23% decrease • What was α? → 0.05 • Across group variation? • Within group variation? ctrl = 8 13 14 13 16 13 15 3 9 9 median = 13 stdev = 3.97 exp = 4 13 12 18 12 6 11 4 9 9 median = 10 stdev = 4.37

  7. Retrospective power • We got a null result, is it “real”? • Maybe we didn't have large enough n • Maybe we chose poor descriptors/statistic, resulting in small δ • Maybe we really do have a significant difference (i.e. p < α), but study design prevented us from detecting it • study design = n, statistic, significance level (α)

  8. Retrospective power • Basic strategy • Decide what δ to test → use actual (-23%), or can generate exp groups w/ different δ by scaling ctrl group • Generate null distribution of test stat • Compute 95% confidence interval for null dist (assumingα = .05) • Generate alternate dist of test stat using δ (preserve difference between groups when resampling) • See how many test stats in alt dist are outside confidence interval of null dist, divide by size of dist → power

  9. What will this tell us? • Considering a 23% decrease from ctrl to exp as significant w/ α = .05, with 10 subjects/group, using the difference between medians as our test statistic, the power is the percentage of times that we will actually detect this difference • Have created null distribution as per normal, then, instead of testing just our actual data against this null dist, test permutations of actual data to see how often we get a significant result

  10. Generate null distribution ctrl = 8 13 14 13 16 13 15 3 9 9 exp = 4 13 12 18 12 6 11 4 9 9 boxNULL = [ctrl; exp]; % combine datasets statsNULL = []; % initialize vec for pseudo stats for trials = 1:10000 % run 10,000 times pseudo_ctrl = sample(length(ctrl), boxNULL); % create pseudo groups pseudo_exp = sample(length(exp), boxNULL); pseudo_stat_null = ... % compute pseudo test stat median(pseudo_ctrl) - median(pseudo_exp); statsNULL = [statsNULL pseudo_stat_null]; % store pseudo test stat end NULLconfint = ... % compute 95% confidence interval percentile(statsNULL, [.025 .975]

  11. Null distribution 95th percentile NULLconfint = -3.9700 3.9900

  12. Generate alternate distribution % Don't combine groups here, want to preserve % difference since this is distribution reflecting % values of test stat when there IS a difference statsALT = []; % initialize vec for pseudo stats for trials = 1:10000 % run 10,000 times pseudo_ctrlALT = sample(length(ctrl), ctrl); % create pseudo groups pseudo_expALT = sample(length(exp), exp); % only sample from ctrl for % pseudo ctrl, only % sample from exp % for pseudo exp pseudo_stat_alt = ... % compute pseudo test stat median(pseudo_ctrlALT) - median(pseudo_expALT); statsALT = [statsALT pseudo_stat_alt]; % store pseudo test stat end

  13. Alternate distribution

  14. Compute power % Count test stats from alternate dist that % fall outside of significance threshold % (defined here as 95th percentile) of null dist right_power = count(statsALT > NULLconfint(2)); % count values of test stat in % alt dist % greater than 97.5 % percentile of null dist left_power = count(statsALT < NULLconfint(1)); % count values of test stat in % alt dist % less than .025 % percentile of null dist power = (right_power + left_power) / trials % sum counts and divide by size % of dist to compute power

  15. power = 0.2963 → NOT GOOD mean(statsNULL) = -.02 mean(statsALT) = 2.78 std(statsNULL) = 1.99 std(statsALT) = 2.11

  16. Test different values of δ our experiment

  17. Try different test stat • difference of means, instead of difference of medians • but remember what our data looked like? mean is a poor descriptor → likely over-estimating power

  18. Try different test stat • absolute value of difference of medians

  19. function out = power_EXAMPLE(ctrl, change, Func) % ctrl is control group, should be column vector % change is factor to scale ctrl group by to create phantom exp % Func is method for computing descriptors exp = change * ctrl; % --- null hypothesis --- boxNULL = [ctrl; exp]; % combine datasets statsNULL = []; % initialize vec for pseudo stats for trials = 1:10000 % run 10,000 times pseudo_ctrl = sample(length(ctrl), boxNULL); % create pseudo groups pseudo_exp = sample(length(exp), boxNULL); pseudo_stat_null = ... % compute pseudo test stat feval(Func, pseudo_ctrl) - feval(Func, pseudo_exp); statsNULL = [statsNULL pseudo_stat_null]; % store pseudo test stat end out.NULLconfint = ... % compute 95% confidence interval percentile(statsNULL, [.025 .975]); % --- alternate hypothesis --- % Don't combine groups here, want to preserve % difference since this is distribution reflecting % values of test stat when there IS a difference statsALT = []; % intialize vec for pseudo stats for trials = 1:10000 % run 10,000 times pseudo_ctrlALT = sample(length(ctrl), ctrl); % create pseudo groups pseudo_expALT = sample(length(exp), exp); % only sample from ctrl for % pseudo ctrl, only % sample from exp % for pseudo exp pseudo_stat_alt = ... % compute pseudo test stat feval(Func,pseudo_ctrlALT) - feval(Func,pseudo_expALT); statsALT = [statsALT pseudo_stat_alt]; % store pseudo test stat end % Count test stats from alternate dist that % fall outside of significance threshold % (defined here as 95th percentile) of null dist out.right_count = count(statsALT > out.NULLconfint(2)); % count values of test stat for alt dist % greater than 97.5 % percentile of null dist out.left_count = count(statsALT < out.NULLconfint(1)); % count values of test stat for alt dist % less than .025 % percentile of null dist out.power = (out.right_count + out.left_count) / trials; % sum counts and divide by size of dist % to compute power figure subplot(1,2,1), hist(statsNULL), title('Null distribution') subplot(1,2,2), hist(statsALT), title('Alternate distribution')

  20. % use this script to try different values of 'change' % using power_EXAMPLE.m % 'change' is scalar to create phantom exp group by scaling ctrl group % example: change = .9 will create phantom exp group that shows 10% % decrease compared to ctrl, since ctrl will be multiplied by .9 clear powers clear conf_ints clear runs clear more powers=[]; conf_ints=[]; runs = [.99 .95 .9 .85 .8 .75 .7 .65 .6 .55 .5 .45 .4 .35 .3 .25 .2 .15 .1 .01]; more = length(runs); for it = runs out = power_EXAMPLE(ctrl,it,@median); powers = [powers out.power]; conf_ints = [conf_ints; out.NULLconfint]; more more = more - 1; end figure subplot(1,2,1) plot(100.*(1-runs),powers,'-o','MarkerEdgeColor','b','MarkerSize',12,'Color','k') xlabel('Percent decrease from ctrl -> exp', 'fontsize', 14) ylabel('Power', 'fontsize', 14) subplot(1,2,2) hold plot(100.*(1-runs),conf_ints(:,1),'x','Color','r'),text(1,conf_ints(1,1)-2,'lower bound') plot(100.*(1-runs),conf_ints(:,2),'o','Color','b'),text(1,conf_ints(1,2)+2,'upper bound') xlabel('Percent decrease from ctrl -> exp', 'fontsize', 14) ylabel('Null distribution 95% confidence interval bounds', 'fontsize', 14) hold

  21. Best way to increase power? • Increase n • Our power seemed to plateau around .7 (when using medians) • Maybe we just need to get more subjects • How many more? → Prospective power analysis

  22. Prospective power • Basic strategy • Choose n and δ to test • Generate phantom ctrl group • sample from normal distribution w/ mean and standard deviation of real ctrl group n times • Generate phantom exp group • scale phantom ctrl by δ, or use pilot data to generate phantom exp with bigger n, as with ctrl group above • Proceed w/ “retrospective” power analysis

  23. Generate groups function power = power_prospectEXAMPLE(ctrl, change, n) % ctrl is control group % change is factor to scale ctrl by to create exp % n is sample size to test u = mean(ctrl); % compute mean and stdev of actual ctrl group sig = std(ctrl); ctrl = normrnd(u, sig, n, 1); % generate phantom ctrl group by sampling from % norm dist w/ same mean and stdev as real % ctrl group, sample n times exp = change * ctrl; % generate exp group by scaling ctrls ...Now just run the retrospective analysis on these groups

  24. Variability Prospective power values can fluctuate with each run, suggest running at least 10x Example: n = 20, run 100x mean power = .47 median power = .43

  25. Try different values of n Use δ from actual data: 23% decrease from ctrl → exp Each point is mean of 10 runs for that n

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