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Wind Farming. Windmill History. Windmills have been in use since 7 th century Persia Initially employed for grinding flour and pumping water Pioneers such as James Blyth (18??-18??) developed and patented a dynamo version in 1887 which powered the lights in his cottage.
Windmill History • Windmills have been in use since 7th century Persia • Initially employed for grinding flour and pumping water • Pioneers such as James Blyth (18??-18??) developed and patented a dynamo version in 1887 which powered the lights in his cottage Early Persian Windmill ‘Windmill at WijkbijDuurstede’ - Jacob Isaakszoon van Ruisdael, Wind-turbine advertisement
Wind Turbine Design Energy Output • Wind turbines use kinetic energy from the motion of air • Energy flowing through an imaginary area is calculated as • While mill output varies considerably, a general rule is the larger the blade the more energy output p = density of air v = wind speed Avtp = mass m per unit time E= mv2= (Avtp)v2= Atpv3 1 1 1 E 1 2 2 2 t 2 P= = Apv3
The London Array How it all began • The London Array project was born in 2001, when a series of environmental studies in the outer Thames Estuary confirmed the area is a suitable wind farm site. Two years later, the Crown Estate gave London Array Ltd a 50 year lease for the site and cable route to shore. • Planning consent for a 1GW offshore wind farm was granted in 2006, and permission was granted for the onshore works in 2007. Work on Phase One started in July 2009 when we began building the onshore substation at Cleve Hill in Kent. Offshore construction started in March 2011 when the first foundation was installed. The first turbine was installed in January 2012, first power was achieved in October that year and the final turbine was installed in December 2012. London Array is now fully operational. Phase One • Facts and Figures: • An offshore area of 100km2 • 175 wind turbines • Two offshore substations • Nearly 450km of offshore cabling • One onshore substation • 630MW of electricity • Enough power for nearly half a million UK homes a year – two thirds of the homes in Kent • CO2 savings of 925,000 tonnes a year • A proposal was submitted to The Department of Energy and Climate Change and the MMO in October 2012 to allow the Grampian Consent condition to be lifted and allow Phase 2 of the project to go ahead. In April 2013, following a review of the consultation responses to cumulative environmental assessment of wind farm developments in the Thames Estuary, London Array asked DECC and the MMO to put their analyses on hold to allow post-construction bird monitoring data to be acquired.
LAL-EMP-Preconstruction http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8448203.stm http://www.londonarray.com/ Sustainable Energy
Environmental surveys As part of the planning consent process we have to carry out a number of environmental surveys before construction started, during construction and after construction of the wind farm. The various ecological measures have been put together into a single environmental monitoring plan, following advice from Natural England and CEFAS. The plans provide clarity on the detail of the ecological conditions and the requirements to be carried out before, during and after construction of the onshore substation, the export cable route up to the sea defences of the Swale Estuary, and the whole of the offshore development of 175 turbines, two substations and associated cabling.
New UK offshore wind farm licences are announced More offshore wind turbines could soon be seen around the UK Successful bids for nine new offshore wind farm zone licences within UK waters have been announced. A consortium including Npower and Norway's Statkraft won the licence for the biggest zone, in Dogger Bank, which could produce nine gigawatts of energy. Turbines in the nine zones could generate up to 32 gigawatts of power, a quarter of the UK's electricity needs. The winners have signed exclusive agreements with the Crown Estate, which owns the UK seabed. 'Delighted' Proposals for the wind farms will now go through planning and consent stages. It will create one of the biggest infrastructure projects for wind energy in the world, with construction beginning in 2014 at the earliest. The second largest zone, with a potential yield of 7.2 gigawatts, is at Norfolk Bank. The wind farm licence there has been won by a consortium of Scottish Power Renewables and Sweden's VattenfallVindkraft. Speaking on behalf of the joint venture, Keith Anderson said the companies were "delighted" to have been awarded the development rights. "It will be a major engineering challenge, but the combined experience of both partners acquired over decades in the energy business will help us deliver a project that will deliver enough green power to meet the equivalent annual electricity demand of more than five million homes in the UK," he said. New jobs This is the third time companies have had a chance to bid for zones. Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the government's policies to support offshore wind energy had put the UK ahead of other countries. "This new round of licences provides a substantial new platform for investing in UK industrial capacity," he added. "The offshore wind industry is at the heart of the UK economy's shift to low carbon and could be worth £75bn and support up to 70,000 jobs by 2020," he said. However, the British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) warned that the UK would only truly benefit if the turbines were manufactured here. "We need to ensure the UK benefits through a boost in manufacturing, engineering and skills: but this will only happen if additional action is taken by the government through working actively to create coastal manufacturing hubs," said Maria McCaffery, BWEA chief executive. The wind farm licences in full: The Moray Firth Zone Won by EDP Renovaveis and SeaEnergy Renewables. Potential yield: 1.3 gigawatts The Firth of Forth Zone Won by SSE Renewables and Fluor. Potential yield: 3.5 gigawatts The Dogger Bank Zone Won by SSE Renewables, RWE Npower Renewables, Statoil and Statkraft. Potential yield: 9 gigawatts The Hornsea Zone Won by Mainstream Renewable Power and Siemens Project Ventures, and involving Hochtief Construction. Potential yield: 4 gigawatts The Norfolk Bank Zone Won by Scottish Power Renewables and VattenfallVindkraft. Potential yield: 7.2 gigawatts The Hastings Zone Won by E.On Climate and Renewables UK. Potential yield: 0.6 gigawatts The Isle of Wight Zone Won by Eneco New Energy. Potential yield: 0.9 gigawatts The Bristol Channel Zone Won by RWE Npower Renewables. Potential yield: 1.5 gigawatts The Irish Sea Zone Won by Centrica Renewable Energy and involving RES Group. Potential yield: 4.2 gigawatts http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8448203.stm First Generation Technologies https://restats.decc.gov.uk/cms/wind-farm-capacities-map • Hydroelectricity http://restats.decc.gov.uk/app/pub/map/map/
Renewables Flow Chart (thousand tonnes of oil equivalent)
https://restats.decc.gov.uk/cms/number-of-sites-by-country-1/https://restats.decc.gov.uk/cms/number-of-sites-by-country-1/ Electricity GrowthGrowth in Electricity Generation (TWh) from Renewables since 1990 England has the most sites (excluding Solar PV) generating renewable energy (3752 out of 7096) There were 311,192 PV sites reported for England with 27,173 for Wales and 24,360 for Scotland based on FITs data. The value of 531 for Northern Ireland was based on data from the Micro-generation Certification Scheme and the Renewables Obligation. Overall generation figures strongly dependent on wind, hydro and bioenergy. Scotland has highest hydro-based (89%) renewables capacity but shares the highestwind-based capacity (44% each) with England England has the highest bioenergy-based renewables capacity (88%) England hasd 29% more renewable generating capacity than Scotland Growth in Electricity Generation (percentage) from Renewables since 2000
Links Llyn Brianne hydro scheme Government/Agencies Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS)SOEC (Eurostat)The Statistics Office of the European Community (SOEC - also refered to as Eurostat) IEAInternational Energy Agency OFGEMOffice of Gas and Electricity Markets - the regulator for Britain's gas and electricity industries. UNEP IETCUnited Nations Environment Programme/International Environmental Technology Centre Energy Groups Joule Centre, an North West Development Agency sponsored project linking north western universities and companies. Other Renewable Statistics Initiatives ENGLAND EasternNorth EastNorth WestSouth WestWest Midlands SCOTLAND Scotland NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland Projects/Publications AD-NETTthe European Aaerobic Digestion Network Useful web site with links to sites on renewable energy Anaerobic DigestionEngland's Official Information Portal on Anaerobic Digestion Biomass Energy CentreA 'one stop shop' able to provide advice to anyone with an interest in biomass derived fuels and associated conversion technologies. EuforesEuropean site on renewable energy National Non-Food Crops Centrethe UK's national centre for renewable fuels, materials and technologies UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) a Research Council sponsored Centre established in response to the energy white paper. Planning Issues The Planning Portalfor planning and building services online Links
Second Generation Technologies • Solar Energy • Solar Heating • Solar Photovoltaics • Wind Energy • Wave Power • Geothermal Energy • Artificial Photosynthesis • Tidal Power
Third Generation Technologies • Biomass Gasification • Biorefinery Technologies • Solar Thermal Power
Nuclear fuel pellets Uranium ore Yellowcake UF6 National Energy Generation by Process Nuclear power reactor fuel assembly The process starts with mining (see Uranium mining). Uranium mines are underground, open-pit, or in-situ leach mines. In any case, the uranium ore is extracted, usually converted into a stable and compact form such as yellowcake, and then transported to a processing facility. Here, the yellowcake is converted to uranium hexafluoride, which is then enriched using various techniques. At this point, the enriched uranium, containing more than the natural 0.7% U-235, is used to make rods of the proper composition and geometry for the particular reactor that the fuel is destined for. The fuel rods will spend about 3 operational cycles (typically 6 years total now) inside the reactor, generally until about 3% of their uranium has been fissioned, then they will be moved to a spent fuel pool where the short lived isotopes generated by fission can decay away. After about 5 years in a spent fuel pool the spent fuel is radioactively and thermally cool enough to handle, and it can be moved to dry storage casks or reprocessed.
Insolation and energy[edit]Solar insolation is made up of direct radiation, diffuse radiation and reflected radiation (or albedo).The absorption factor of a PV cell is defined as the fraction of incident solar irradiance that is absorbed by the cell.[37] At high noon on a cloudless day at the equator, the power of the sun is about 1 kW/m²,[38] on the Earth's surface, to a plane that is perpendicular to the sun's rays Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. The concentrated heat is then used as a heat source for a conventional power plant A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell (PV), is a device that converts light into electric current using the photoelectric effect