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Essential Question :

Essential Question : What factors intensified the Cold War hostilities between the U.S. & Soviet Union? Warm-Up Question : How did the WW2 conferences at Tehran, Yalta, & Potsdam intensify hostilities between the USA & Soviet Union?. Creating World Peace & Prosperity .

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  1. Essential Question: • What factors intensified the Cold War hostilities between the U.S. & Soviet Union? • Warm-Up Question: • How did the WW2 conferences at Tehran, Yalta, & Potsdam intensify hostilities between the USA & Soviet Union?

  2. Creating World Peace & Prosperity U.S. leaders hoped to continue its trade dominance in Western Europe, Asia, & Latin America • At the end of WW2, the major world powers addressed the global economy & peace-keeping: • To rebuild war-torn Europe, the International Monetary Fund & World Bank were created • The United Nations replaced the League of Nations in 1945 The USA was the largest supplier of funds for both, so the USA had the greatest control over policy

  3. Each member of the Executive Council has veto power over other members The U.S., U.S.S.R, England, France, & Nationalist China made up the Security Council An army! All 50 member nations were represented on the General Assembly

  4. Fighting a Cold War & Containing CommunismTruman Video

  5. The Beginning of the Cold War The USA supported the Russian White Army against Lenin’s Red Army • The Cold War was an era of distrust, threat of nuclear war, & ideological expansion between the superpowers, USA & USSR: • The Cold War began during the Russian Civil War (1917-1921) & Soviet pullout of WW1 • But, American-Soviet tensions heightened at the Yalta & Potsdam WW2 conferences Stalin agreed to allow self-determination in Eastern Europe…but never did

  6. The Cold War Begins “I can work with Stalin…he is honest—but smart as [heck].” • In July 1945, Truman first met Stalin at Potsdam to discuss post-war Europe & ending the war with Japan Truman, a rookie, was a “Wilsonian idealist” & hoped for international cooperation Stalin had ruled Russia for 2 decades, was a cautious realist, & believed the USSR needed to protect itself

  7. Because Britain, France, the USA, & USSR could not agree on German war reparations, Germany was divided into occupied zones at the Potsdam Conference Cold War Divisions At Yalta, Stalin agreed to allow self-determination in Eastern Europe Potsdam was the conclusion of the American-Soviet alliance that brought an end to World War 2 By Potsdam, Stalin had extended his control over Eastern Europe to create a buffer zone between the USSR & its future enemies Potsdam presented a major Cold War theme: Because they could not agree on how to govern Europe, Truman & Stalin divided it

  8. Withholding Economic Aid • The USSR was badly damaged in WW2 & needed help to rebuild • FDR & Truman declined loans & ended all Lend-Lease aid • So, Stalin took over factories in Eastern Europe & Manchuria • The USSR slowly recovered but this deepened the hostility & antagonism of the Cold War

  9. The Iron Curtain Capitalism & Democracy Communism & Totalitarianism The USA began to view Stalin in the 1940s as a new Hitler—a dangerous threat & an aggressive dictator desiring world domination

  10. Containment • Truman’s Secretary of State, George Marshall, began a policy of Containment in 1947 • Strong resistance to the USSR would stop Russian expansion & the spread of communism • The U.S. initiated containment in 3 phases: Truman Plan, Marshall Plan, & NATO “A long-term, patient but firm, and vigilant containment of Russian expansionist policies… Will not lead to any immediate victory but will eventually force the USSR to live in peace with the West”

  11. The Truman Doctrine • Soviet pressure on Greece & Turkey led to U.S. fears of Russian influence on 3 continents • Taking Greece might lead to communism in Iran & all of Asia • Then, into Egypt & all of Africa • Then, all of Europe through Italy • The Truman Doctrine offered U.S. assistance to any nation threatened by Communism This commitment to stopping the spread of Communism was viewed by the Soviet Union as an informal declaration of a cold war

  12. The Marshall Plan • European nations had difficulty recovering after WW2 which led to U.S. fears of Communist coups in Europe • The Marshall Plan offered aid to help Europe recover • Industry revived & Western Europe became a bonanza for U.S. trade & consumer goods • The “Communist threat” ended

  13. Marshall Plan to Aid Europe 1948-1952 Stalin refused to accept Marshall Plan aid in the USSR or any Soviet satellite & responded with his own Molotov Plan in Eastern Europe

  14. NATO This is a major departure from the traditional U.S. policy of isolationism • Fears of Soviet aggression led to the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949: • To provide collective security for Western Europe, the USA, Canada, Greece, & Turkey • The Cold War now had an ideological (Truman Doctrine) & economic (Marshall Plan) base & military enforcement (NATO)

  15. The USSR responded in 1955 with the formation of the Warsaw Pact NATO initiated as a result of a Soviet coup in Czechoslovakia in 1948

  16. The Berlin Blockade • In 1948, the USSR responded to Containment by cutting off all traffic to Berlin in East Germany • Truman allowed food, fuel, & supplies to be airlifted into West Berlin & moved several U.S. bombers to England • The standoff lasted 2 weeks until Stalin lifted the blockade

  17. Here comes help!

  18. Essential Question: • What factors intensified the Cold War hostilities between the U.S. & Soviet Union? • Reading Quiz Ch 26B (948-961)

  19. The Cold War Expands

  20. The Military Dimension The new air force was the preferred military agency of the Cold War due to its ability to deliver nuclear bombs & deter enemy attacks • By 1947, 3 new agencies were createdsothemilitarycouldbetter respondtothreatstoU.S.security • Dept of Defense to direct the army, navy, & the new air force • Central Intelligence Agency to collect & manage information among all gov’t agencies • Nat’l Security Council to advise the president on nat’l security

  21. The Soviet testing of the atomic bomb motivated the USA to regain its advantage; In 1952, the U.S. tested the 1st hydrogen bomb (1,000 times more powerful than the a-bomb) The Nuclear Arms Race The American monopoly on nuclear weapons technology ended in 1949 when the USSR successfully tested their own atomic bomb The Soviets responded with their own h-bomb in 1953

  22. The Cold War in Asia • By 1952, Asia also was divided: • After WW2, the U.S. helped create a Japanese democracy & signed a U.S.-Japanese alliance • In 1949, Truman “lost” China after a Mao Zedong’s defeat of Chiang Kai-shek & Kuomintang • In 1950, China signed a mutual assistance treaty with the USSR The U.S. refused to recognize Communist China & continued its diplomatic relations with the Kuomintang Nationalists in Taiwan

  23. Based upon this chart, why were Mao & the Communists so popular among the Chinese people? Industrial workers Chinese Communist propaganda What message does this poster project? Farmers Loyal communists Notice the sun Women Notice the Chinese people Chinese Communist propaganda Who might this poster appeal to?

  24. Chinese Civil War VS. Nationalist Leader Chiang Kai-shek (Kuomintang) Communist Leader Mao Zedong

  25. The Military Dimension • In 1950, the NSC created a new nat’l defense plan, NSC-68: • Labeled communism a “fanatical” & “permanent” threat to the U.S. & rest of the world • Pledged the U.S. not only to contain communism but to liberate communist countries • Recommended the expansion of U.S. military, stockpiling nuclear weapons, & covert operations NSC-68 came in response to the Soviet development of an atomic bomb & the “loss” of China to communism NSC-68 was a military, economic, political & psychological examination of the USSR & China in order to develop an appropriate American responses to these threats This policy paper became a “blueprint” for the Cold War & shaped U.S. actions over the next 20 years 3 months after NSC-68 was written, its assessment appeared correct when North Korea attackedSouthKorea;U.S.militarybuildupbegan

  26. The Korean War • The showdown between the U.S. & USSR in Asia came in Korea: • After WW2, Korea was divided along the 38° with USSR in the North & the USA in the South • Soviet-trained North Korea attacked across the 38° in 1950 • The United Nations condemned North Korea & sent (U.S.) troops Stalin & Mao approved of the attack, but Stalin warned: “If you should get kicked in the teeth, I shall not lift a finger. You have to ask Mao for help.”

  27. Truman was unable to end the Korean War United Nations Counter-Attack September-October 1950 North Korean Invasion June-September 1950 Chinese Advance October-January 1951 Eisenhower made the Korean War a campaign issue in 1952

  28. The Korean War • MacArthur hoped to unify Korea but Truman feared a world war • In 1953, the 38° was restored under Eisenhower, but: • Truman achieved his original goal to defend South Korea • The U.S. showed its dedication to fight (not just talk) in the war against the Communists

  29. Armistice January 1951-July 1953

  30. …& the U.S. became involved in France’s attempt to end an independence attempt by communist Ho Chi Minh

  31. The Cold War at Home

  32. The Cold War at Home • Truman’s domestic policy was not as successful as his foreign policy • Post-war Americans found prices too high & supply too low on new consumer goods • Union members went on strike to demand their share of wartime company profits • In the 1946 mid-terms, Repubs took back the House & Senate The Republican Congress overturned the Wagner Act with the Taft-Hartley Act that weakened unions by forcing members to swear an anti-communist oath “Had enough?” “To err is Truman”

  33. The Cold War at Home He attacked the “do-nothings” Republicans • Reelection in 1948 seemed remote • Truman faced strong opposition from Republican Thomas Dewey, Progressive Henry Wallace, & Dixiecrat Strom Thurman • With nothing to lose, Truman campaigned across the country • The “FDR coalition” of farmers, labor, urban, black voters held together to keep Truman in office He reminded voters that the Democrats ended the Depression The Republicans couldn’t attack Truman’s Cold War successes

  34. Truman and the Fair Deal • Truman’s Fair Deal tried to extend FDR’s social aid programs: • Called for increasing minimum wage & Social Security benefits • Wantednationalheathinsurance • Fair Employment Practices Commission to end economic discrimination against blacks • Repubs & southern Democrats blocked all Fair Deal legislation

  35. The Loyalty Issue The Federalists in the 1790s used the Alien & Sedition Acts • Fear of radicalism is a recurrent theme in U.S. history; In the 1940s & 1950s, American fears of Communism grew as a result of: • The fall of China to communism • The successful testing of an atomic bomb by the USSR • The discovery of American spies • Fear of an unseen conspiracy The Know-Nothings attacked foreigners in the 1850s The Red Scare after WW1 was aimed at radicals & foreigners

  36. The Loyalty Issue Alger Hiss in the State Dept was accused of being a USSR spy (the “pumpkin papers”) • The fear of Communism abroad led to a 2nd Red Scare in America: • Fears of Soviet espionage led to House Un-American Activities Committee to rid gov’t of spies • Loyalty Review Board fired gov’t workers for “reasonable doubt” • Justice Dept jailed 11 members of the Communist Party for plotting a socialist revolution Manhattan Project employee Klaus Fuchs admitted to providing nuclear plans to the USSR Ethel & Julius Rosenberg were executed for leaking atomic secrets to the USSR despite a lack of hard evidence

  37. McCarthyism in Action Used a barrage of treasonable actions against the accused that overwhelmed the defendant’s ability to respond • In 1950 Joseph McCarthy (R-WI) accused 205 State Dept workers of being Communists; Began a 4½ year attack on “Communists” • McCarthyism was popular because it offered an easy solution to the Cold War: defeat the enemy at home & avoid costly, entangling policies abroad McCarthy failed to find a single confirmed Communist in the U.S. gov’t & never had more than 50% approval rating among voters He attacked U.S. gov’t agencies, especially the State Dept, of harboring spies

  38. Conclusions • Cold War foreign policy dominated American thoughts throughout the 1940s & early 1950s: • Defense spending increased dramatically • The nuclear arms race made people anxious about the future • WithEisenhower’selectionin1952 American anxieties subsided as the Cold War became more covert

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