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EUA, The Bologna Process and European Higher Education reforms

EUA, The Bologna Process and European Higher Education reforms. Working Towards Graz and Berlin EAIE, Porto,11-14 Sept. 2002. Introduction. Building Europe : Euro and economics cannot be the only means Higher Education Institutions have a major role to play

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EUA, The Bologna Process and European Higher Education reforms

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  1. EUA, The Bologna ProcessandEuropean Higher Education reforms Working Towards Graz and Berlin EAIE, Porto,11-14 Sept. 2002

  2. Introduction • Building Europe : Euro and economics cannot be the only means • Higher Education Institutions have a major role to play • Universities and social cohesion • Universities and their importance for regional development • Universities and their role in the dialogue with the younger generation

  3. The story of the EHEA • 1987 : Erasmus launched by the Commission : Mobility inside Europe • 1998-1999 : A new impulse : the intergovernmental Sorbonne- Bologna process : Convergence and the shaping of a European Area

  4. Major consequences: 3 examples • Italy and the “big bang” • Germany: new degreestructures and accreditation • France : “Master” for All HEIs

  5. Next steps • It’s time for the universities to take their responsibilities. • 2001: EUA, a new Association created in Salamanca • The need for a clear message • The need for a stronger voice

  6. EUA – the European Universities – next steps in the process - Working Towards Graz 2003…. - 2nd Convention of European Higher Education Institutions, Graz, 29-31 May 2003

  7. Working towards Graz: key themes • A European Area and a global space : the GATS and more • Higher education and research : making the link • Promoting Quality culture • Teaching & Learning – the action points of Bologna and Prague • Putting HEIs in the centre

  8. Europe’s universities are present in the decision making process EUA as an integral part of the process permanent observer in the Bologna Follow-Up Group + Berlin Preparatory Group

  9. Conclusion • World competition • At European level : work together and share experiences to progress

  10. Working Towards Graz: EUA Projects • Pilot Project: Quality culture within Europe’s universities • Pilot Project: Joint Master Programmes at European level • TRENDS III • Promtion of ECTS & the Diploma Supplement

  11. Three joint declarations • With ESF and European All Academies on 6th FP • With ACE , AUCC and CHEA on Gats • With ESIB on building Europe and EHEA

  12. Conclusion: from Graz to Berlin EUA’s Goal: • Create collective message from the Graz Convention • Present this shared message to the Ministers in Berlin - Continue towards 2010

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