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Shine Offline Framework: Status and Plans. The Shine Offline Group. Shine: Organization. Framework: event (object persistence), detector & mag. field classes, central configuration, coordinate systems, data-source managers Event I/O: raw event (BOS), DS, SHOE (import/export)
Shine Offline Framework:Status and Plans The Shine Offline Group
Shine: Organization • Framework: event (object persistence), detector & mag. field classes, central configuration, coordinate systems, data-source managers • Event I/O: raw event (BOS), DS, SHOE (import/export) • Modules: reading/writing, calibration, reconstruction, simulation • NA49: clients, interfaces • eventBrowser • Validation: framework, core,event structures, modules • Utilities: misc. helpers, STL (containers), Math, Geometry • Documentation: SHOE,I/O, modules, reconstruction, physics, tracking • Build system: CMakeModules, CMakeLists
Overview Central Config Manager Registry Run Control NA61: TPC TOF Trigger PSD Mag. Field NA61: TPC TOF Trigger PSD
Framework • Event structures: SHOE • Detector description • strict separation of framework classes and (physics) code • one class per header file • non-deletable: processing only adds things, Has/Make/Get interfaces • prevent accidental processing of a copy: private ctor/dtor • data-source Managers: config defined queues of Managers; easy source replacement, wrappers for MySQL, SQLite, Xerces • central configuration: Detector, Managers, Modules • Registry of Random number streams, seeding conf
Framework: Data Managers TOF BPD Trigger PSD Magnetic field Drift velocity etc. TPC VTPC MTPC GTPC MySQL SQLite Xerces and now also TGeo
Framework: Configuration • XML • run-time XML Schema validation: XSD • automatic conversion of physical quantities into internal units<energy unit=”GeV”> 137.23 </energy> <position unit=”cm”> 14.3 </position> • default configuration check-summed, modifications reported in run logs • full configuration saved with data
Event I/O • Currently supports: • raw BOS reading • DS reading • SHOE read/write (ROOT persistent Event) • (pending) reading of event generators UniGen, HepMC, ...
SHOE • output files (ROOT) are Event objects (no persistent/transient separation) • mega/mini/micro SHOEswitching-off increasing level of Event details (branches) • GUIevent/detector browser, run configuration inspector, simple selection tools
Modules • By detector: BPD, Trigger, TPCs, TOF, PSD etc. • calibration, reconstruction, simulation (Geant4) • readers/writers: native event/detector (SHOE) • modules replaceableimplementing several alternative or competing approaches is easy • (if needed) Modules communicate (only) through the Event structure
rudimentary control-language implemented in XML Modules: Run Control <sequenceFile> <enableTiming/> <moduleControl> <loop numTimes="unbounded"> <module> EventFileReaderSG </module> <module> EventCheckerSG </module> <module> BPDCalibratorSG </module> <module> BPDEventSelectorSG </module> <module> TPCCalibratorSG </module> <module> TOFCalibratorSG </module> <module> TPCClusterFinderFG </module> <module> TPCTrackFinderWG </module> <module> TOFTimeFinderDG </module> <module> TPCTrackPlotterSG </module> <module> ShineFileExporterSG </module> </loop> </moduleControl> </sequenceFile> intermediate Event states can be streamed at any time by inserting Writers
Modules: Interface class ModuleName : public fwk::VModule { public: fwk::VModule::EResultFlag Init(); fwk::VModule::EResultFlag Process(evt::Event& event, const utl::AttributeMap& attr); fwk::VModule::EResultFlag Finish(); REGISTER_MODULE(”ModuleName”, ModuleName, ”$Id$”); };
<sequenceFile> <enableTiming/> <moduleControl> <loop numTimes="unbounded"> <module> EventFileReaderSG </module> <module> ClientInitializerSG </module> <module config="many"> MiniModuleSG </module> <module config="vdinit"> MiniModuleSG </module> <module> VdriftCorrModuleSG </module> <module config="VTPCs"> Dipt256NewModuleSG </module> <module config="MTPCs"> Dipt256NewModuleSG </module> <module config="VT1"> EdistoModuleSG </module> <module config="VT1"> VtNcalcModuleSG </module> <module config="VT2"> EdistoModuleSG </module> <module config="VT2"> VtNcalcModuleSG </module> <module config="MTL"> EdistoModuleSG </module> <module config="MTR"> EdistoModuleSG </module> <module config="ALL"> ResCorrModuleSG </module> <module config="TrckM1"> MtracModuleSG </module> <module config="I2RTrck"> MtracModuleSG </module> <module config="MTPCs"> MpatModuleSG </module> <module config="VT-2"> MpatModuleSG </module> <module> NA49ToShineConverterSG </module> <module> ShineFileExporterSG </module> </loop> </moduleControl> </sequenceFile> NA49 Clients as Modules current module sequence with wrapped clients DSPACK assimilated into a shared library (DSHACK), runs in local mode (still needs shm)
Client-Module Configuration example: XML configuration of RES_CORR_ZG client,run as Shine module <ResCorrModuleSG> <commandLine config="ALL"> -vt1_chris [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/vt1.corr -vt2_chris [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/vt2.corr -mtl_chris [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/mtl.corr -mtr_chris [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/mtr.corr -p [DOCUMENTATION_PATH]/SampleNonEventData/RES_CORR_ZG/vdrift_2007.txt </commandLine> </ResCorrModuleSG>
Utilities • XML Reader (Xerces library wrapper) • SI units, internal units definition • Mathematics, Statistics & Physics functions • Traces, trace algorithms • Linear Algebra, Geometry • ODE Runge-Kutta Integrator, Mag. Field Tracker • MD5 for configuration checksums • custom exceptions • logging, generic file I/O • special template libraryspecialized event & detector containers, shadow pointer, Meyers singleton, counted objects, safe bool cast etc.
Build System • CMakeseems to be preferred by large projects, multiplatform • Shapefor external dependencies and production releasessmall dependency resolution engine; pythonfor installation follow instructions in twiki pages • buildbotsautomated compile, test, validation after each commitseveral linux flavors, email blame notifications
Unit testing: CppUnit • I/O validation (test ROOT schema evolution) • detect changes in reconstructed quantities on example datasets Validation
Status of Client Porting • Roland & Oskar are mostly done with the technicalities of client porting and inclusion in Shine. • more in Roland’s and Oskar’s talk • To do: • fix all bugs related to the operational difference: clients were single processes before, initialization/run/exit once per event (nobody cared about memory management); now initialization is done only once at Shine start, call client main() for each event in the chain(most clients written in a really unprofessional way -> a lot of bug fixes, will have to be ported back to old source) • output verification (done for some)for some can be done only on statistical level, numerical differences (e.g patrec) mostly due to the pgf/gfortran differences in executable code • event comparison
mini ported module vdrift_corr ported module dipt ported module edisto ported module vt_ncalc ported module res_corr ported module mtrac ported module mpat ported module patrec ported module tpc_error ported module r3d ported module tpc_flight_time ported module vtx ported module ppoints ported module gtpc_track ported module reform ported module ftof, tofl, tofr ported module dedxna61 ported module v0find ported module v0fit ported module Status of Client Porting
News • Migration of NDST Online Monitor to Shine • first native module (TriggerSimulatorSG ) • MC event fully implemented in SHOE with RecEvent SimEvent cross linking • buildbot integration (mostly done) • first tags and a release • several physics analysis done with SHOE
pC @ 31GeV 2007 (07H) h- analysis First Physics Analyses with SHOE T61 – Tomek’s analysis SHOE – Martin’s analysis same event selection
First Physics Analyses with SHOE 12 events out of ~200,000 already done: MC corrections; next: acceptance, feed down
And much more: • Krypton calibration (Adam) • S4 trigger bias studies with TriggerSimulatorSG (Michael H) • T2 trigger probabilities with BOSToShine (Michael H) • charged hadron analysis with SHOE (Martin) • V0 analysis with SHOE (Michael U) First Physics Analyses with SHOE
First Physics Analyses with SHOE • And much more... • short lived resonances (Tanja) • PSD (Oleg) • (Maja, Anar, ... ?)
Development in Progress • Shoe event: still thinking about alternative to ShoeLaces(current track/vertex linking implemented with indices) • warning: SHOE still under development • current production with beta release • backward compatibility not guaranteed (yet)might affect files and user code!
Monte Carlo Status • see Marek’s talk
Suggestions for Help • detector description (especially “new” detectors) • access to databases (currently DSPACK soon SQLite or ROOT) • reconstruction modules for new detectors: PSD, LMPDthese Modules can run after the client-wrappers or, since they will not be ready soon, even in the DSToSHOE-phase:EventFileReaderSG (read and convert standard reconstruction output) -> PSDReconstructorSG -> LMPDReconstructorSG -> ShineFileExporterSG • SHOE validationeverybody who runs old analysis on T61 or DSPACK:please re-write your progs for SHOE and check if physics results are the same • utilities from old framework need to run natively:PadTrans: (x,y,z) given (pad,time) and vice versapotential point client: ideal for first moduleKalmanTracker? • simulation modulesadvances with VMC, simHits are ready, need e.g. native MTSIM