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The Core of a Blazar. Alan Marscher Boston University Research Web Page: www.bu.edu/blazars
The Core of a Blazar Alan Marscher Boston University Research Web Page: www.bu.edu/blazars Main collaborators on this effort: S. Jorstad, F. D'Arcangelo, & H. Oh (Boston U.), P. Smith (Steward Obs.), V. Larionov, V. Hagen-Thorn, & E. Kopatskaya (St. Petersburg State U.), G. Williams (MMO), W. Gear (Cardiff U.), T. Cawthorne (U. Central Lancashire)
The Core on VLBI Images • At one end of jet • Essentially stationary • High opacity on upstream side farther downstream at longer (in steps?) • Low polarization (e.g., 3C 273 on left) • Some cores: radial polarization matches expected pol. from ambient jet flow with chaotic magnetic field passing through conical shocks (Cawthorne 2006 MNRAS & ...et al., in prep.) (e.g., 1803+784 below)
Pseudocore & Standing Shocks "Pseudocore" on VLBI images is either: ~ 1 surface First standing (oblique or conical) shock outside ~ 1 surface Proposed by Daly & Marscher 1988 ApJ Pseudocore at ~3 mm At ~1 cm At ~4 cm >1 at ~3 mm >1 at ~1 cm >1 at ~4 cm Prediction: Moving knots can appear a bit upstream of pseudocore if already loaded with high-E electrons Stationary feature w/ variable pol.
Quasar 0420-014: Optical Emission from Turbulent Core (D'Arcangelo et al. 2007 ApJL) Quasar 0420-014 Scale: 1 mas ~ 8 pc knot in jet Polarization flipped by 90o during the 10-hr observation POL % 7 mm core & optical polarization vector rotated together during 10-day period turbulent plasma flowing through a standing conical shock produces both 7 mm & optical emission (but some 7 mm also comes from an unpolarized region) 7mm core (gray) optical (black) EVPA knot in jet
Polarization Variations from Turbulent Plasma Passing through Emission Region Polarization Variations from Turbulence See also T.W. Jones et al.(1985) Simulations with 600 turbulent cells, 25 swapped during each time step Apparent rotation of EVPA by >100o occurs ~10% of the time simply from stochastic variations of chaotic field Signature: EVPA fluctuates about trend, as seen in 0420-014 Other possibilities -- e.g., changing aberration or knot moving down twisting jet - do not agree with behavior of 0420-014
Sketch of Physical Structure of Jet, AGN Magnetic acceleration zone with toroidal field gives way to turbulence
Relativistic Gas Dynamical Simulations(2+D) • Beam of relativistic gas injected from left, flow Lorentz factor =4 • Perturbation initiated in form of momentary increase to =11 • Conical compressions & rarefactions form in wake of disturbance Click to view movie Click to view movie
Pseudocore & "True" Core at mm Wavelengths "True" core (seen at < ~1 mm): end of flow acceleration zone Perhaps can probe acc. zone at ~ 1 mm & FIR (see Jorstad et al. 2007, AJ, in press)
Conclusions • Polarization variability in 0420-014 conforms with model of turbulent jet plasma flowing through a standing conical shock in the core → Such recollimation shocks imply an external confining medium (slower sheath = wind?) → Optical & 7 mm emission are partially cospatial • Long mm-wave observations seem to probe region of jet beyond magnetic acceleration zone → Suggestion that 1 mm & FIR emission from this zone • Standing shocks accelerate electrons that light up moving knots (cf. M87 Cheung et al. 2007)
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X-Ray Dips in 3C 120 Superluminal ejections follow X-ray dips Very roughly similar to microquasar GRS 1915+105 Radio core must lie at least 0.4 pc from black hole to produce the observed X-ray dip/superluminal ejection delay of ~ 60 days
FR II Radio Galaxy 3C 111 (z=0.0485) Seems to Do the Same X-Ray Dips/Superluminal Ejections inFR II Radio Galaxy 3C 111 Scale: 1 mas = 0.92 pc (Ho=70) Complex of new knots following prolonged X-ray/opical low state Superluminal ejections follow start of X-ray dips by ~0.3 yr 7 mm core must lie at least 1 pc from black hole to produce the observed X-ray dip/superluminal ejection delay
Evidence for Collimation of Jets Well Outside Central Engine • VLBA observations of M87: jet appears broad near core • → Flow appears to be collimated on scales ~1000 Rs Junor et al. 2000 Nature