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Modeling and Understanding of Blazar Sources. Gabriele Ghisellini INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera With the help of: G. Bonnoli, A. Celotti, L. Foschini, G. Ghirlanda, L. Maraschi, F. Tavecchio. Fermi blazars. 3 months, 10 s. 3 months, 10 s. 3 months, 10 s.
Modeling and Understanding of Blazar Sources Gabriele Ghisellini INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera With the help of: G. Bonnoli, A. Celotti, L. Foschini, G. Ghirlanda, L. Maraschi, F. Tavecchio
3 months, 10 s Fossati et al. 1998; Donato et al. 2001
0.8 Fg=k Fr P~10-17 20 GHz southern sources with F>40mJy: 3600 radio flat sources, 230 associations with Fermi blazars Ghirlanda+ 2010
Only 1/15 of the radio sources are detected by LAT 0.8 Fg=k Fr Ghirlanda+ 2011
Assume a slope and a dispersion (g-variability) 1.3-1.5 1 Fg=k Fr 2 3:number Ghirlanda+ 2011
3 months, 10 s FSRQs Steep Lg Fossati et al. 1998; Donato et al. 2001 BL Lacs Flat
11 months – 4s Abdo+ 2010 FSRQs BL Lacs
11 months – 4s Abdo+ 2010 Intruder BL Lacs?
LMgII=1.75x1044 erg/s EW=5A Scarpa & Falomo 1997 11 months – 4s 0208-512
When a BL Lac is a BL Lac? • Usually, EW< 5A • Easy, but not physical • Better to measure LBLR • But normalize it to LEdd
~5x10-4 GG+ 2011
SDSS+1LAC Sbarrato+ in prep Do we really need to divide blazars?
107 sources: 46extragal + 61 gal http://www.mpp.mpg.de/~rwagner/sources/
Also FSRQs ! http://www.mpp.mpg.de/~rwagner/sources/
Also Radio-galaxies ! http://www.mpp.mpg.de/~rwagner/sources/
Also starbursts galaxies! http://www.mpp.mpg.de/~rwagner/sources/
PKS 2155-304 ~15 Crab tvar~ 3-5 min !<< RS/c Crab level Aharonian et al. 2007
Blob Rs Rs Rs Rs R~d/G Internal shocks RS 1/G 2G G tvar~d/G2 d ~ 102-103 RS ~ G2 RS d=~G2RS tvar ~ 104M9 seconds (3 h)
G2 G1
GG+2009: needle Giannios +2009: jet in a jet by reconnection
GG+2009 Giannios+2009 For 2155-304: No strong disk, no severe cooling, e- can reach high energies
1222+216 z=0.432: a FSRQ! 10 min Aleksic+ 2011 – MAGIC
GG+2009 Giannios+2009 For 1222+216: Strong disk, severe cooling, e- cannot reach high energies. Plenty of external seeds, no need to be inside the “normal” emitting region
GG+2009 Giannios+2009
TeV no GeV Tavecchio+ 2010
LHC Reprocessed GeV intergalactic B
A simplified view: see Neronov+ 2010; Tavecchio+ 2010 With no B-field ~10 GeV IC with CMB e+e- e+e- ~10 TeV e+e- tgg~1 with IR bkg
Neronov+ 2010 – Tavecchio+ 2010 With no B-field ~10 GeV IC with CMB ~10 TeV tgg~1 with IR bkg
Neronov+ 2010 – Tavecchio+ 2010 With B-field
Within RBLR UBLR= const Within RTorusUIR= const Big blazars RTorus Torus ~1-10 pc G RBLR disk Broad Line Region ~0.2 pc Poutanen
~VLBI region ~20 pc away (Marscher+) Lyutikov G RTorus Torus ~1-10 pc RBLR disk Broad Line Region ~0.2 pc
Fermi EC M=2x109 synchro UVOT XRT GG, Tavecchio & Ghirlanda 2009 torus X-ray corona disk SSC Low energy synchro peak: leave the disk naked!
Blazars also present in SDSS (DR7) FWHM + estimate of RBLR
jet power and accretion luminosity G Pr = radiation ~ Lobs/G2 Pe = relat. electrons Pp = protons PB = B-field R Pjet = Pe+Pp+PB ~1017 cm Shakura-Sunjaev disk: Ld
Pr ~ Lobs/G2 ”model independent” Pr=Ld Pr is the absolute minimum of Pjet
Pr ~Ld Pr ~ Mc2 Ld ~ M2c2 1/2 Pr ~Ld