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Rapid E clinical guidance in the management of Type 2 diabetes

Rapid E clinical guidance in the management of Type 2 diabetes. New Zealand Guidelines Group. Introduction to guidance. Developed for use in primary care Addresses 3 identified priority areas: Early identification of patients at high risk of diabetes-related complications

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Rapid E clinical guidance in the management of Type 2 diabetes

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  1. Rapid E clinical guidance in the management of Type 2 diabetes New Zealand Guidelines Group

  2. Introduction to guidance Developed for use in primary care Addresses 3 identified priority areas: Early identification of patients at high risk of diabetes-related complications Better management of raised blood pressure and microalbuminuria Improved glycaemic control (including insulin initiation) Draws on SIGN guideline 116 Management of Diabetes 2010 www.sign.ac.uk

  3. 1. Early identification of risk • Risk of diabetes-related complications varies from patient to patient • Aim is to prevent complications, especially targeting those at high risk • Patients with existing complications (eye, foot, kidney or cardiovascular disease) are high risk and should be managed intensively

  4. 2.Management: BP & microalbuminuria BP is measured frequently but BP targets set in clinical guidelines are not being consistently met Recent NZ reports indicate 53 ̶ 78% of people with type 2 diabetes have a BP above 130/80 mm Hg Key reasons are medication adherence by patients and clinical inertia ie, failure of health practitioners to initiate or intensify treatment when indicated The guidance assists stepwise intensification of treatment as appropriate to individual patients

  5. Blood pressure management • Target BP <130/80 mm Hg • Evidence suggests BP target <120 mm Hg may be harmful (Accord 2010)

  6. Management: microalbuminuria • People with confirmed microalbuminuria should be treated with an ACE inhibitor or ARB whether or not hypertension present

  7. More on renal disease • Māori, Pacific Island and South Asian peoples are at higher risk of renal complications • More frequent monitoring of renal status is indicated • Any evidence of renal disease based on decreasing eGFR should be treated with urgency

  8. 3. Glycaemic control. Good glycaemic control is difficult to maintain over time as the condition progresses More intensive treatment is required over time to meet the treatment target Good glycaemic control has a clear benefit on microvascular outcomes and if started early enough, on long-term macrovascular outcomes

  9. Management of glycaemic control Target HbA1c 50 ̶ 55 mmol/mol (7%) or as individually agreed Any reduction in HbA1c is beneficial

  10. When to consider insulin therapy Consider if: • unsatisfactory glycaemic control (measured HbA1c does not meet or closely approach agreed target) or • signs & symptoms of hyperglycaemia AND Management has included: • diet, physical exercise and behavioural strategies • review of medication adherence & dose optimisation.

  11. When to consider insulin therapy cont. Also seriously consider insulin therapy if the person has an HbA1c >65 mmol/L

  12. Key Points For General Practice 1. General Practice and Primary Care need to take the lead • Identify risk of complications early for intensive intervention

  13. Key Points (2) • Aim for HbA1c 50–55 mmol/mol (~7%) • Don’t be too aggressive. 7%(50-55) • Accord (2010) – Some evidence increase fatal events with tighter control (6%) • Metformin till eGFR < 30 • Insulin early rather than late

  14. Key Points (3) • BP aim <130/80. • Avoid Clinical Inertia • Often multiple medication required • <120 maybe harmful(Accord) • ACEI/ARB with microalbuminuria, whether or not hypertensive • Lipid control – • Consider satins early: Aim TC<4, TG<1.7 • CV Guidelines

  15. Key Points (4) • Diet/Exercise/Smoking Cessation essential in management: • Diet/Exercise: Additional Benefit compared with most expensive new drugs if intensify diet/exercise. • Practice recalls for retinal screening/podiatry review/bloods/medical review • Specialist advice as required: • Case Conferencing, Phone, E-mail, combined Consults, Outpatients

  16. Guidelines • Available on line • Published Nov 2011 with new CV Handbook

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