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Towards Mainstreaming Results Framework in Local Government Engineering Department. Presented By:- Iftekhar Ahmed Project Director Municipal Services Project, LGED. Presentation Index. Evolution, mandates and activities of LGED Development of Results chains
TowardsMainstreamingResults Framework inLocal Government Engineering Department Presented By:- Iftekhar Ahmed Project Director Municipal Services Project, LGED
Presentation Index • Evolution, mandates and activities of LGED • Development of Results chains • Brief on selected features of Results Chains • Towards Mainstreaming Results Framework in LGED
Evolution, mandates and activities of Local Government Engineering Department(LGED)
Local Government Division Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development &Co-operatives Position of LGED Rural Development & Co-operatives Division Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Evolution of LGED Rural Development Model (BARD) 1960s Works Program 1970s 1984 1982 Engineering Cell in Ministry of LGRD&C LGEB WPW LGED 1992
Planning, Implementation and monitoring development of rural /urban / small scale water resources Infrastructure Planning, Implementation and monitoring maintenance of rural /water resources Infrastructure Human resource development of LGED officials, LGI public reps., officials & staffs Prepare Upazila / Union/ Pourashava plan books, maps, design manuals, technical specifications LGED Functions (Simplified) Technical support to other Ministries/ Agencies for Const. of Primary Schools, Cyclone Shelters & others. Technical support to Pourashavas & City Corporations Technical support to Union, Upazila & Zila Parishads
Chief Engineer (1) Additional Chief Engineer (4) Basic Chain of COMMAND Superintending Engineer (17) Project Director (40) LGED Organogram Executive Engineer (98) TOTAL MANPOWER = 10,770* OVERHEAD COST = 4.40% *Includes newly created posts Upazila Engineer/ Senior Assistant Engineer (544) Upazila Assistant Engineer/ Assistant Engineer (624)
SUMMARY of PROJECTS under LGED in FY 2009-2010 1 million US$ = 7.00 Crore Taka
LGED Activities in brief • Rural Infrastructure • Small Scale Water Resources Infrastructure • Urban Infrastructure
Rural Infrastructure • Construction of Upazila Road • Construction of Union Road • Construction of Bridges and Culverts • Development of Growth Centres and Rural Bazars / Markets • Tree Plantation on Slopes of Upazila Roads, Union Roads, Embankments
Rural Infrastructure • Routine Maintenance of Earthen Roads, Herring Bone Bond (HBB) and other Paved Roads • Repair and Routine Maintenance of Structure • Construction of School Buildings, Office Buildings, Residential Quarters, Cyclone Shelters and Killas
Developed Road with Tree Plantation in Rural Area
608 m. long Polla Kandi Bridge over Brahmaputra River in Jamalpur
Developed Baro Bari Growth Centre in Lalmonirhat
Cyclone Shelter cum Primary School For Coastal Area
Typical Union Parishad Complex (Local Govt. Institution)
LGED Activities in brief • Rural Infrastructure • Small Scale Water Resources Infrastructure • Urban Infrastructure
Small Scale Water Resources Infrastructure • Construction of Embankment • Flood management in Cultivable Land (up to 1000 ha.) • Improvement of Irrigation System • Construction of Water Control Structure • Excavation, Re-excavation of Khal • Construction of Rubber Dam • Conservation of Water for Irrigation
LGED Activities in brief • Rural Infrastructure • Small Scale Water Resources Infrastructure • Urban Infrastructure
Urban Infrastructure • Municipal Roads, Footpaths, Bridges & Culverts • Rain / Storm Sewer System Development • Water Supply & Sanitation System Development • Solid Waste Management • Slum Development • Integrated Town Centres (Bus Terminal, Markets etc.) • Housing & Land Development (pilot) • Master Planning Drainage & Road Networks
Development of Results Framework (Chains) forLocal Government Engineering Department
LGED Results ChainChronology 23 July 2007 - Workshop on initial development with Chief Engineer & unit representatives & assistance from ADB int’l & local consultants 14 Aug 2007 - Consultants prepare initial draft Results Chain 15 Aug – - LGED core team review draft chain, 10 Sept 2007 re-design format & prepare revised final draft 11 Sept 2007- LGED senior & key officials review final draft & recommend a few more major changes 17 Oct 2007 - Results Chain developed & distributed to all concerned at HQ & field level.
Draft LGED Results Chain developedin workshop on 23 July 2007
Draft LGED Results Chain prepared by Consultants Sector Outcomes Improved access to services, schools, and job markets Improved balance in urban / rural development Increased agricultural product diversity Increased self sufficiency of LG Increased transparency & accountability of LG Improved urban health and environment Increased market integration Decrease in prices Increased social inclusion Reduced effects of natural disasters Org. Outcomes Improved LG planning and use of technology Improved LG financial resource mobilization Increased accessibility to quality services by citizens Increased economic activity of women and disadvantaged groups Increased efficiency and improved solid waste management and sanitation services Increased direct employment Increased local agricultural productivity Improved and more efficient water management Primary Education delivered Increased efficiency of LG Increased mobility and accessibility of goods (agri & ind) and people Decreased loss of life from cyclones Increased local economic activity Increased community water systems O&M Decreased flood damage to crops and property Local government buildings built and maintained Slum development committees formed and supported Improved systems, software, resources and finances of LGs Slum infra structure provided Solid waste management and sanitation infrastructure and equipment provided Physical infrastructure (Pri. Schools, cyclone shelters, etc) built and maintained Market facilities built and maintained Transportation related infra structure built and maintained Water management Community Associates formed and supported Irrigation, drainage, and flood control infra structure built and maintained Increased technical capacity and personnel strength of LGs Labour contracting societies formed and supported Increased skills, knowledge, and awareness of LG officials RURAL Org. Outputs LGIs OTHER URBAN WATER Information on quality of materials Master plans produced Information and data on physical and financial performance Manuals produced Standards and specifications produced Plan and design information produced Databases produced and operated Good and services available for operations Increased skills, knowledge, and awareness of staff Mechanical equipment maintained and available Internal Outputs
Initial Results Chain of LGEDbasically contains 2 separate sections • Organizational (External) Results Section : • Logical linkage between organizational outputs, outcomes and sector outcomes (impacts) in different areas of intervention by LGED. • Institutional (Internal) Results Section : • Logical linkage betweeninstitutional outputs and outcomes internally requiredwithin LGED in orderto deliver organizational outputsin different areas of intervention.
OrganizationalResults ChainLocal Government Engineering Department
SECTOR OUTCOMES Increased utilization of information & Comm. technology Improved rural economic conditions Increased market integration & favourable price of agri. inputs/outputs RURAL DEVELOPMENT & INSTITUTIONS INTERVENTIONS Increased Social inclusion Increased balance between urban & rural development Improved access to services, goods and job markets Organizational Results Chain Organizational OUTCOMES Increased knowledge & capacity of LGI public reps. for quality service Increased participation & economic activity of women & disadvantaged Increased & improved accessibility to LGI, Govt. & public services Direct employment, higher skill & wage protection of day labourers Increased local economic activity & marketing of agri./non-agri. goods Increased accessibility to relevant information, Technology, Resources Increased knowledge & capacity of LGI staffs for quality service Increased & improved accessibility & mobility of people and agricultural/non-agricultural goods Direct employment opportunity & social uplift of destitute women Increased afforestation & resources To build and maintain Rural transportation related infrastructure To form, train, employ & support Labour Contracting Societies To plant trees & take care of by Length-person / LCS system To build and maintain Growth Centre / Market facilities To prepare, update & implement Gender Action Plan for RD&I Organizational OUTPUTS Rural transportation related infrastructure built and maintained Trees planted & taken care of by Length-person / LCS system LGI staffs trained & supported Labour Contracting Societies formed, trained, employed & supported Gender Action Plan for RD&I prepared, updated & implemented LGI Public Representatives trained & supported Physical infrastructure of Local Government Institutions (LGIs) built & maintained Growth Centre/ Market facilities built and maintained Information & Communication Technology hardware & software provided and supported to LGIs To build & maintain physical infrastructure of Local Government Institutions (LGIs) To provide and support Information & Communication Technology hardware & software to LGIs To train & support LGI Pub. Reps. To train & support LGI staffs
SECTOR OUTCOMES Decreased food deficit, shortened lean period of food scarcity and lengthened agricultural employment period SMALL SCALE WATER RESOURCES INTERVENTIONS Increased diversity of agricultural products & cropping pattern Increased Social Inclusion Organizational Results Chain Improved & efficient water resources management Increased local agricultural productivity Organizational OUTCOMES Increased participation & economic activity of women & disadvantaged groups To build and maintain irrigation, drainage and flood management infrastructure Increased irrigation coverage, cropping intensity & area and decreased flood damage to crops Increased community participation in O&M Increased capacity & improved livelihood of WMCA community Direct employment, higher skill & wage protection To form, train, employ & support Labour Contracting Societies To form & support Water Management Cooperative Associations Organizational OUTPUTS Gender Action Plan for SSWR prepared, updated & implemented Water Management Cooperative Associations formed & supported Labour Contracting Societies formed, trained, employed & supported Irrigation, drainage and flood management infrastructure built and maintained To prepare, update & implement Gender Action Plan for SSWR
SECTOR OUTCOMES Improved governance & quality of service delivery Improved access to goods, services and job markets URBAN GOVERNANCE & DEVELOPMENT INTERVENTIONS Increased transparency & accountability of LGIs Increased sustainability of developed infrastructure Improved LG planning and increased use of technology Increased financial self sufficiency of LGIs Increased social inclusion & stakeholder ownership Improved urban living conditions including slums Improved environmental conditions Organizational Results Chain To form, train & support Community bodies (TLCC, WLCC, CBO) Organizational OUTCOMES Increased participation & economic activity of women & disadvantaged groups Increased & improved accessibility & mobility of people & goods Increased efficiency and improved solid waste management and sanitation condition Increased capacity & improved livelihood & environment in slums Increased cooperation & income generating activites in slums Increased capacity & efficiency of LGs with improved systems & financial resource mobilization Improved slum infrastructure Direct employment, higher skill & wage protection of slum dwellers Increased cooperation, capacity & participation of communities To train & support LGI Pub. Reps & staffs To provide and support Information & Communication Technology hardware & software to LGIs Increased accessibility to information, technology & Resources Increased capacity of LGI pub. reps. Increased capacity of LGI staffs To form, train and support slum development committees To form, train, employ and support LCS groups Organizational OUTPUTS LGI Pub. Reps. trained & supported LGI staffs trained & supported Urban infrastructure built & handed over to LGIs for maintenance Gender Action Plan for UG&D prepared, updated & implemented LCS groups formed, trained, employed and supported Slum infrastructure provided Infrastructure and equipment for solid waste management and sanitation provided Slum development committees formed, trained and supported Community bodies (TLCC, WLCC & CBOs) formed, trained & supported Information & Communication Technology hardware & software provided and supported to LGIs To provide slum infrastructure To provide infrastructure and equipment for solid waste management and sanitation To build urban infrastructure & hand over to LGIs for maintenance To prepare, update & implement Gender Action Plan for UG&D
SECTOR OUTCOMES Increased enrolment to primary schools Reduced affects of natural disasters OTHER INTERVENTIONS Organizational Results Chain Organizational OUTCOMES Decreased loss of life, poultry, livestock & cattle from natural disasters Increased access to primary education To build and maintain physical infrastructure such as: Primary Schools, cyclone shelters, Killas (raised land for livestock & cattle) etc. Organizational OUTPUTS Physical infrastructure such as: Primary Schools, cyclone shelters, Killas (raised land for livestock & cattle) etc built and maintained
Organizational Results ChainMajor Objectives: • This Results Framework would guide in future what projects are to be taken under LGED, instead of projects dictating what the organization should do. • Future projects / activities can be prioritized, monitored & evaluated based on the kind of contribution to the Results Chain.
InstitutionalResults ChainLocal Government Engineering Department
Draft LGED Results Chain prepared by Consultants Sector Outcomes Mechanical equipment maintained and available Improved access to services, schools, and job markets Improved balance in urban / rural development Increased agricultural product diversity Increased self sufficiency of LG Increased transparency & accountability of LG Improved urban health and environment Increased skills, knowledge, and awareness of staff Increased market integration Good and services available for operations Decrease in prices Increased social inclusion Reduced effects of natural disasters Org. Outcomes Databases produced and operated Improved LG planning and use of technology Improved LG financial resource mobilization Increased accessibility to quality services by citizens Increased economic activity of women and disadvantaged groups Increased efficiency and improved solid waste management and sanitation services Increased direct employment Increased local agricultural productivity Improved and more efficient water management Manuals produced Primary Education delivered Plan and design information produced Increased efficiency of LG Master plans produced Increased mobility and accessibility of goods (agri & ind) and people Decreased loss of life from cyclones Information and data on physical and financial performance Increased local economic activity Increased community water systems O&M Decreased flood damage to crops and property Local government buildings built and maintained Slum development committees formed and supported Improved systems, software, resources and finances of LGs Slum infra structure provided Standards and specifications produced Solid waste management and sanitation infrastructure and equipment provided Physical infrastructure (Pri. Schools, cyclone shelters, etc) built and maintained Information on quality of materials Market facilities built and maintained Transportation related infra structure built and maintained Water management Community Associates formed and supported Irrigation, drainage, and flood control infra structure built and maintained Increased technical capacity and personnel strength of LGs Labour contracting societies formed and supported Increased skills, knowledge, and awareness of LG officials Internal Outputs Org. Outputs Information on quality of materials Master plans produced Information and data on physical and financial performance Manuals produced Standards and specifications produced Plan and design information produced Databases produced and operated Good and services available for operations Increased skills, knowledge, and awareness of staff Mechanical equipment maintained and available Internal Outputs
Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, hardware & software Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology and expertise Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology and expertise Increased accessibility to information, Technology & Resources In-house quality control software updated, distributed & supported Quality control manuals, standards and specifications produced Increased use of modern test equipments & facilities GIS databases expanded, updated, maintained & analyzed for thematic mapping & spatial information LAN & WAN expanded & maintained In-house software, web site & databases developed & maintained In-house monitoring software updated, distributed & supported Performance based monitoring & evaluation practised Annual & periodic reports automated Existing QC unit strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials Existing PM&E unit strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology Existing GIS & MIS unit merged into ICT&EGov. unit and strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials QUALITY CONTROL UNIT PM&E UNIT ICT&EGov. UNIT Institutional OUTCOMES Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology & expertise Institutional OUTPUTS Institutional visions set, sectoral Master plans produced & updated, new projects initiated & persuaded InstitutionalResults Chain Institutional ACTIVITIES Existing planning unit strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology Page 1SUPPORT UNITS PLANNING UNIT
Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology and expertise Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology& expertise Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology& expertise Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology and expertise Increased knowledge, skills and awareness of staff for quality performance Mechanical equipment maintained and available on time Procurement management efficiency improved Procurement management training programs developed & delegated Design standards set & manuals produced, updated & supported In-house training management software developed, updated, distributed & supported Increased use of modern tools, techniques & commercial software In-house procurement management software developed, distributed, updated & supported In-house design softwares updated, distributed & supported In-house equipment management software updated, distributed & supported Equipment maintenance manuals produced & distributed Performance & utilization of field equipment improved Best practices on procurement management documented & promoted Performance based training manuals / modules produced & updated Training Need Assessment updated & on-job impact of training monitored Increased use of modern training tools, techniques & facilities Existing training unit strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials Existing design unit strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology Existing procurement unit strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology Existing mechanical unit strengthened with contractual experts & supported GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology TRAINING UNIT PROCUREMENT UNIT DESIGN UNIT MECHANICAL UNIT Institutional OUTCOMES Institutional OUTPUTS InstitutionalResults Chain Institutional ACTIVITIES Page 2SUPPORT UNITS
Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology Increased capacity & efficiency with improved systems, technology Improved quality & life of urban sector works Improved quality & life of water sector works Improved quality & life of maintenance works urban sector works under different projects well coordinated Maintenance works under different projects well coordinated Water sector works under different projects well coordinated Manuals, standards and specifications produced, distributed & supported Manuals, standards and specifications produced, distributed & supported Maintenance manuals, standards and specifications produced & supported Increased use of modern tools, equipments & facilities Increased use of modern tools, equipments & facilities In-house softwares updated, distributed & supported Master plan produced, distributed, updated & monitored Increased use of modern tools, equipments & facilities Master plan produced, distributed, updated & monitored In-house softwares updated, distributed & supported Road Master plan updated & monitored In-house softwares updated, distributed & supported RURAL MAINTENANCE UNIT URBAN MANGEMENT UNIT IWRM UNIT Existing urban management unit strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials Existing maintenance management unit strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology Existing integrated water resources management unit strengthened with contractual experts, supported and run by competent GOB officials GOB officials are trained on modern tools, techniques & technology Institutional OUTCOMES Institutional OUTPUTS InstitutionalResults Chain Institutional ACTIVITIES OPERATIONAL UNITS
Institutional Results ChainMajor Objectives: • Institutional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and constrains / threats can be analyzed from this framework. • Comprehensive institutional strengthening programs can be identified & taken up instead of patching up performance gaps in delivery of organizational outputs.
Towards MainstreamingResults FrameworkinLocal Government Engineering Department
Milestones So Farwithin LGED • Established core group of officials for development results • Finalized comprehensive Results Chain in the context of diversified nature of activities • Institutional (internal) Results Chain also developed for institutional strengthening initiatives to be well coordinated • Completed short trainings for the core group for further knowledge sharing across the organization • Initial Need Assessment for institutional changes done by ADB individual consultants and recommendations available for future courses of action • Developed customized “Project Monitoring and Evaluation software” for systematic monitoring & Evaluation.
Results Framework -Brought Major Shift in Organization: • Focus on what targetgroup / Client actually needs • No longer Project driven organization • Results Framework dictates project concepts • All Projects / activities to be formulated,prioritized, monitored & evaluated based on the kind of contribution to the Results Chain • Indicators for evaluation of performance • Contribution to national level identified.
SECTOR OUTCOMES RURAL DEVELOPMENT & INSTITUTIONS INTERVENTIONS Improved access to services, goods and job markets New Perspective of Results Organizational OUTCOMES Example: OUTCOME of 2 similar schemes Increased & improved accessibility & mobility of people and agricultural/non-agricultural goods To build and maintain Rural transportation related infrastructure To form, train, employ & support Labour Contracting Societies To plant trees & take care of by Length-person / LCS system Bridge 1: Progress 99% Cost 99m Bridge 2: Progress 100% Cost 100m To build and maintain Growth Centre / Market facilities To prepare, update & implement Gender Action Plan for RD&I Organizational OUTPUTS Rural transportation related infrastructure built and maintained Users can cross river. One approach not complete. Users can not cross the river. To build & maintain physical infrastructure of Local Government Institutions (LGIs) To provide and support Information & Communication Technology hardware & software to LGIs VERY USEFUL to Users / Clients ! No RESULT to Users / Clients ! To train & support LGI Pub. Reps. To train & support LGI staffs
SECTOR OUTCOMES Decreased food deficit, shortened lean period of food scarcity and lengthened agricultural employment period SMALL SCALE WATER RESOURCES INTERVENTIONS Increased diversity of agricultural products & cropping pattern New Perspective of Results Improved & efficient water resources management Increased local agricultural productivity Organizational OUTCOMES To build and maintain irrigation, drainage and flood management infrastructure Increased irrigation coverage, cropping intensity & area and decreased flood damage to crops Increase irrigation coverage? Increase cropping intensity ? Decreased flood damage ? Increase cropping area? Farmers get what they WANT/NEED? If YES, then OK. To form, train, employ & support Labour Contracting Societies To form & support Water Management Cooperative Associations Organizational OUTPUTS Irrigation, drainage and flood management infrastructure built and maintained To prepare, update & implement Gender Action Plan for SSWR
Examples ofResults OrientationinCurrent Project Designsunder LGED
SECTOR OUTCOMES RURAL SECTOR: 2nd Rural Infrastructure Improvement Project (RIIP-2) Increased market integration & favourable price of agri. inputs/outputs Improved rural economic conditions Improved access to services, goods and job markets RIIP-2- key interventions (July 2006 – June 2011) Project OUTCOMES Average annual household on-farm income in Project areas will increase by 20% At least 75% increase in existing transport volume and at least 30% reduction in travel time achieved At least 15 million people in Project areas will have all-weather access to economic and market opportunities and to government services Average time (hrs) for project households to access their preferred agricultural market decreased by 75% Average cost (Tk./kg) to transport crops to market preferred by household will decrease by 1 0% To build/ improve / upgrade rural infrastructure related to economic activities and transportation such as roads, bridges including Growth Centre / Market (GCM) facilities Project OUTPUTS Selected 1,300 kms of sub-district road improved / upgraded to bituminous surface standard connecting GCMs with higher road network 550km of union roads upgraded to bituminous surface standard 4,380m of bridges/culverts Constructed on sub-district and union roads Improved re- sectioning 7,328km of village roads 175 Union Centres connected with improved roads All structures on sub- district & union roads constructed
SECTOR OUTCOMES Improved access to goods, services and job markets URBAN SECTOR: Urban Partnerships for Poverty Reduction Project (UPPRP) Increased sustainability of developed infrastructure Increased social inclusion & stakeholder ownership Improved urban living conditions including slums Improved environmental conditions UPPRP- key interventions (July 2007 – March 2015) Project OUTCOMES 2 million urban poor people, of whom 50% are women and girls, benefit from improved incomes as measured by an increase in family assets In all project towns local government, urban poor community, civil society and private sector partnerships are established To form, train & support Community bodies 3 million urban poor people, of whom at least 50% are women and girls, have improved living conditions, assets or incomes 2.5 million people living in urban slums have improved access to basic services, as measured by proxy health indicators To improve the livelihoods and living conditions of urban poor and extremely poor people Project OUTPUTS 100% of in-community physical infrastructure improvements undertaken through community contracting 450,000 families in project CDCs have access to hygienic sanitation and potable water supplies All urban poor communities in project towns/wards are mobilised and form Primary Groups and Community Development Committees (CDCs) 2,000 communities in project CDCs undertake solid waste management and environmental sanitation practices To improve urban infrastructure including solid waste management and sanitation facilities