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Contact Precautions

Wash hands or use hand sanitizer before entering and before leaving room. Wear gloves when entering room/cubicle. STOP. ALTO. Visitors must go to nursing station before entering room. Contact Precautions. Wear gown when entering room/cubicle.

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Contact Precautions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer before entering and before leaving room Wear gloves when entering room/cubicle STOP ALTO Visitors must go to nursing station before entering room ContactPrecautions Wear gown when entering room/cubicle Use patient-dedicated equipment or single-use, disposable equipment. Clean and disinfect all equipment before removing from environment. Precauciones de Contacto Los visitantes deben presentarse primero al puesto de enfermeria antes de entrar. Lávense las manos. Pónganse guantes al entrar al cuarto.

  2. ContactPrecautions • Burkholderia cepacia for patients with cystic fibrosis • Conjunctivitis (acute viral, acute hemorrhagic) • Diarrhea with a likely infectious cause in a diapered or incontinent patient (see also Contact Precautions Enhanced): Adenovirus, Campylobacter sp, cholera, E. coli, Giardia lamblia, Norovirus, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., V. parahaemolyticus, viral, Y. enterocolitica • Hepatitis A (diapered/incontinent patients) • Hepatitis E (diapered or incontinent patients) • Human metapneumovirus • Multi-drug resistant organisms (e.g. MRSA, VRE, VISA, VRSA, ESBL-producing organisms) • Poliomyelitis • Rotavirus • SARS (with Airborne and Droplet) • Skin infections that are highly contagious or that may occur on dry skin including: • Abscesses, cellulitis, decubiti, wounds, burns (major, large, infected, draining, noncontained) • Chickenpox (Varicella) (with Airborne if disseminated or localized in immunocompromised • Diphtheria (cutaneous) • Herpes simplex virus (mucocutaneous, disseminated or primary, severe) • Impetigo • Monkey pox (with Airborne) • Pediculosis/lice (until 24 hours after appropriate treatment) • Scabies • Scalded skin (staphylococcal) • Smallpox (with Airborne) • Tuberculosis (extrapulmonary draining lesion) • Vaccinia: eczema vaccinatum, fetal vaccinia, generalized vaccinia, progressive vaccinia, secondary bacterial infection, conjunctivitis • Zoster (disseminated OR localized in an immunocompromised patient) • Viral/hemorrhagic infections (Ebola, Lassa, Marburg, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Crimean-Congo) with Droplet) • Children: Adenovirus, bronchiolitis, congenital rubella, Furunculosis, Respiratory Syncytial virus, Parainfluenza, enteroviral infections, neonatal herpes simplex

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