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The document provides details on how to use Alias Management Resource Tree for Alias Function in Chatbot Platform or MNO network, including various operations like AliasLink, setting toggles, and subscribing to notifications.
Submitted To: ARC Date: 20 Sep. 2017 Availability: Public OMA Confidential Contact: Shahram Mohajeri, sm7084@att.com Source: AT&T OMA-ARC-Alias-2017-0001-INP_AliasMgmt_resource_treeAlias Mgmt Resource Tree X USE OF THIS DOCUMENT BY NON-OMA MEMBERS IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE USE AGREEMENT (located at http://www.openmobilealliance.org/UseAgreement.html) AND IF YOU HAVE NOT AGREED TO THE TERMS OF THE USE AGREEMENT, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO USE, COPY OR DISTRIBUTE THIS DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" "AS AVAILABLE" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS" BASIS. Intellectual Property Rights Members and their Affiliates (collectively, "Members") agree to use their reasonable endeavours to inform timely the Open Mobile Alliance of Essential IPR as they become aware that the Essential IPR is related to the prepared or published Specification. This obligation does not imply an obligation on Members to conduct IPR searches. This duty is contained in the Open Mobile Alliance application form to which each Member's attention is drawn. Members shall submit to the General Manager of Operations of OMA the IPR Statement and the IPR Licensing Declaration. These forms are available from OMA or online at the OMA website at www.openmobilealliance.org.
GSMA Alias Mgmt Requirements (part 1) • Used when the Alias Function is deployed in the Chatbot Platform
Proposed Alias Mgmt Resource Tree (part 1) Base URL: //{serverRoot}/aliasmgmt/{apiVersion}/{botsId}/{userId} • POST to request AliasLink operation /alias • GET to retrieve current alias setting • PUT to toggle alias On/Off /status • {serverRoot} part of the request URL can be API GW’s or Chatbot Platform’s depending on which system deploys Aliasing Function (AF) • Assuming RCS client App uses REST APIs as opposed to SIP, {serverRoot} provided to the App during onboarding onto API GW • If AF is deployed by MNO then aliasOn/Off/Link/Fetch requests are between RCS client App and MNO API GW (Chatbot Platform is not involved) • If AF is deployed by Chatbot Platform then aliasOn/Off/Link/Fetch requests are directly between RCS client App and Chatbot Platform (no need for MNO API GW to be in the middle of the callflow! no need to expose above REST resources) • If however, RCS client App is based on SIP and AF deployed in Chatbot Platform, MNO API GW does mapping of SIP-to-REST and invoke aliasOn/Off/Link/Fetch requests on its behalf • MNO API GW is the client of the RESTful API i/f (i.e. noneed to expose above REST resources) • Key Point: Above REST resources can be exposed by either API GW or Chatbot Platform depending on AF deployment scenario and usage of SIP Vs RESTful API by the RCS client App
GSMA Alias Mgmt Requirements (part 2) • Used when the Alias Function is deployed in the MNO network • It shall be possible for the Chatbot Platform to receive asynchronous events from the Service Provider API GW. • **It is Service Provider policy on how to configure the URL for the Chatbot Platform in the API GW and how to expose the URL for the API GW to the Chatbot Platform.(is this requirement related to events?) • All callback (HTTP POST) requests will contain the callback URL as the Request-URI.
Proposed Alias Mgmt Resource Tree (part 2) Base URL: //{serverRoot}/aliasmgmt/{apiVersion}/{botsId}/{userId} • POST to subscribe to AliasLink Report notification (from MNO) /subscriptions /{subscriptionId} • DELETE to stop AliasLink Report Notifications (from MNO) • Above resources are exposed by MNO API GW only if AF is deployed by MNO • Chatbot Platform is the client of this i/f in order to receive AliasLink Report Notifications • One subscription per chatbot in the context of a given user • {chatbotId} is part of the requestURI
Proposed Alias Mgmt Resource Tree (complete picture) Base URL: //{serverRoot}/aliasmgmt/{apiVersion}/{botsId}/{userId} /alias /status /subscriptions /{subscriptionId} • Note: In a given AF deployment scenario portion of the above resources is needed to enable Alias Mgmt functionality (e.g. subscriptions resource is needed if AF is deployed by MNO)
Overview of the Resources & Operations (part1) To allow a client to manage Alias Function
Overview of the Resources & Operations (part2) To allow a client (i.e chatbot Platform) to manage subscriptions for AliasLink notifications (used if AF is deployed by MNO network)