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Origins of the Cold War

Origins of the Cold War. Causes and Key Ideas that lead to the Cold War Start: What do we already know about the COLD WAR?. After World War II. Communist Governments were installed in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, East Germany and Poland (Satellite Nations)

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Origins of the Cold War

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  1. Origins of the Cold War Causes and Key Ideas that lead to the Cold War Start: What do we already know about the COLD WAR?

  2. After World War II... • Communist Governments were installed in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, East Germany and Poland (Satellite Nations) • A chilly “COLD” conflict erupted between the US and USSR (Soviet Union) in which neither side trusted each other.

  3. I. Cold War: 1945-1990 • Hot War : this is actual warfare. All talks have failed and the armies are fighting. • Warm War : this is where talks are still going on and there would always be a chance of a peaceful outcome but armies, navies etc. are being fully mobilized and war plans are being put into operation ready for the command to fight. • Cold War : Neither side ever fought the other - the consequences would be too appalling - but they did ‘fight’ for their beliefs using client states who fought for their beliefs on their behalf e.g. South Vietnamwas anticommunist and was supplied by America during the war while North Vietnam was pro-Communist and fought the south (and the Americans) using weapons from communist Russia or communist China. In Afghanistan, the Americans supplied the rebel Afghans after the Soviet Union invaded in 1979 while they never physically involved themselves thus avoiding a direct clash with the Soviet Union. • We will study the COLD WAR based on Thematic Significance- Communism vs. Capitalism (ideological differences), Arms Race, Indirect Conflict (containment), Red Scare. Source-http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/what%20was%20the%20cold%20war.htm

  4. II. Super Powers: US vs. USSR • Capitalism • System of government is democratic • Property is privately owned • Driven by free enterprise • Wealth distributed unevenly • Education and health care provided by private entities • Freedom of the press • Class distinctions: upper class, middle class and working class • Focus is on the individual and his/her own progress in life • Communism • System of government is totalitarian • Property is owned by the state • No free enterprise is allowed • Wealth distributed equally • Education and health care provided by the state • Press controlled and owned by the state • Classless society: all members of society are considered to be equal • Focus is on the progress of the community as a whole

  5. III. US vs. USSR Goals AmericaSoviet Union (USSR) • Free elections No elections or fixed • Democratic Autocratic / Dictatorship • Capitalist Communist • ‘Survival of the fittest’ Everybody helps everybody • Richest world power Poor economic base • Personal freedom Society controlled by the NKVD(secret police) • Freedom of the media censorship

  6. IV. Arms Race • stats on the nuclear arms race • Watch this…Cold War Nuclear det. Timeline • What does this suggest about the Nuclear Arms Race through the end of the Cold War???

  7. V. Indirect Conflict • “Containment”- block Soviet attempts to spread their influence by creating alliances and supporting weaker countries.

  8. VI. Indirect Conflict Con’d • Domino Theory- if one country falls to communism, more countries in that given regions would fall too. • Espionage- KGB/CIA- Spy cases

  9. Communist Witch Hunts at Home • Red Scare @home- How to spot a communist? • Video clip • Another Video Clip- • STOP

  10. II. Causes of the Cold War • * American fear of communism (Another RED SCARE) • * Truman’s dislike of Stalin • * Russia’s fear of the American's atomic bomb  • * Russia’s dislike of capitalism • * Russia’s actions in the Soviet zone of Germany • * America’s refusal to share nuclear secrets • * Russia’s expansion west into Eastern Europe + broken election promises • * Russia’s fear of American attack • * Russia’s need for a secure western border • * Russia’s aim of spreading world communism • This feeling of suspicion lead to mutual distrust and this did a great deal to deepen the Cold War

  11. The Korean War…really fast • Korean War Timeline • May 1949—China Fall to communism under Mao Zedong after the democratic Nationalist leader Chang Kai-shek flees to Taiwan (Formosa) • Truman’s administration is criticized for being too soft on communism and not doing enough to back the Nationalist movement in China—Truman feels there were inside forces beyond our control in China • NOTE- at the end of World War II-Japanese leaders surrender in the Northern part of Korea to the Soviets and in the south to the United States. The 38th Parallel becomes an imaginary dividing line—this line was supposed to be temporary but becomes permanent when the North forms a communist government (Democratic Republic of Korea), capital Pyongyang, leader Kim Il Sung. South Korea forms a democratic government (Republic of Korea), capital Seoul, under Syngman Rhee. • June 25, 1950--- North Korea invades South Korea over the 38th parallel—alarming Americans. Could South Korea fall to communism? What should the United States do?

  12. Truman decides military action is necessary in Korea. June 27, 1950--- United Nation Security Council adopted a U.S. resolution calling for member nations to help South Korea. Russia was not at the meeting due to Boycott (U.N. would not recognize China’s Communist government) 16 nations sent 520,000 troops to assist South Korea—90% were American. S. Korea also enlisted 590,000 troops all under the command of General Douglas MacArthur. Summer of 1950--- North Korea seems unstoppable. They capture Seoul and push the United Nations forces to Pusan. September 15, 1950 --- MacArthur orders a miracle counter attack—an amphibious landing behind enemy lines at Inchon. This was considered military brilliance as most of the North Korean troops fled north over the 38th Parallel. What should happen now? Does the United State keep pushing the communists out of North Korea (offensive war) or continue to defend the south

  13. October 7, 1950--- United Nations General Assembly recommends a unified , independent, and democratic Korea. • WAIT! China warns if we cross the Yalu River they will fight on the side of the North. • Despite warning MacArthur goes past the YALU RIVER!!! • November 25, 1950---300,000 Chinese soldiers poured into Korea forcing the U.S. to retreat and then they keep pushing them south until Seoul was lost again on Jan 10, 1951. • FOR 2 YEARS THE TWO SIDES ARE FOUGHT IN A STALEMATE. • MacArthur proposes to extend the war beyond Korea against China and DROP THE A- BOMB! Truman rejects the idea but MacArthur pushes the idea through the public. • April 11, 1951---TRUMAN IS MAD! FIRES MACARTHUR •  June of 1951---Allied forces regroup and stabilize at the 38th--- • 1952 Eisenhower is elected and hints at the use of nuclear weapons and Stalin dies • July 1953 the war is officially over at the cost of 54,000 American lives--

  14. Short term effects of the war 54,000 Americans killed Relations with China worsen What are the long- term effect of the Korean War? • Military spending increases • Military commitments • Increase worldwide • Relations with Japan improve • Future presidents will • Send military into combat w/o • Congressional approval. • 5. US troops remain in Korea patrolling • border

  15. The Cold War at Home pages 530-539 • Red Scare • Fall Out Shelters and Duck and Cover • Congress Hunts Communists-(HUAC) • Spy cases worry Americans • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg • McCarthy • Joseph McCarthy, American Hero. Truth about McCarthyism, Red Scare, Communism, and Good Night and Good Luck.

  16. Cold War: 1960s • Kennedy launches New Cold War Strategies- “Flexible Response” and Peace Corps • Confronting Communism in Cuba-Bay of Pigs • The Berlin Crisis- Wall 1961 • Cuban Missile Crisis---October 1962 • Vietnam- Johnson

  17. Cold War Video..Safari Montage

  18. MYTH OR TRUTH: THE VIETNAM WAR • Myth/Truth- The average soldier from the US was 18 years old. • The Vietnam War was a civil war. • The Vietnam War’s objectives were unclear to those fighting and to high ranking officials • Most of the fighters in Vietnam were drafted. • The US soldiers used a lot of drugs in combat. • The US lost the war in Vietnam because of lack of resources and technology.

  19. The Vietnam War 1954-1975 • What makes Vietnam different than any other war we have studied so far in US HISTORY? • Read the Vietnam War Resource: Tuesday and Wednesday we need to know: • Origins- • US Involvement Grows- • The War Divides America- • The War’s End and Impact-

  20. The End of The Cold War • Nixon- China and Nuclear Arms Treaty • Watergate • Reagan Challenges Communism • Foreign Policy After the Cold War

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