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Rotter and Mischel

Rotter and Mischel. Chapter 12. Outline. Biography of Rotter Predicting Specific Behaviors Predicting General Behaviors Maladaptive Behavior Psychotherapy. Cont’d. Outline. Biography of Mischel Background of the Cognitive-Affective Personality System

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Rotter and Mischel

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  1. Rotter and Mischel Chapter 12

  2. Outline • Biography of Rotter • Predicting Specific Behaviors • Predicting General Behaviors • Maladaptive Behavior • Psychotherapy Cont’d

  3. Outline • Biography of Mischel • Background of the Cognitive-Affective Personality System • Cognitive-Affective Personality System • Related Research • Critique of Cognitive Social Learning Theory • Concept of Humanity

  4. Biography of Rotter • Born in Brooklyn in 1916 • In high school, he became familiar with the writings of Freud and Adler • In 1941, received a Ph.D in clinical psychology from Indiana University • Moved to the University of Connecticut in 1963 and has remained there since his retirement

  5. Predicting Specific Behaviors • Behavior Potential • Expectancy • Reinforcement Value • Psychological Situation • Basic Predicting Formula

  6. Predicting General Behaviors • Generalized Expectancies • Needs • Categories of needs • Need components • General Prediction Formula • Internal and External Control of Reinforcement • Interpersonal Trust Scale

  7. Maladaptive Behavior • Rotter defined maladaptive behavior as any persistent behavior that fails to move a person closer to a desired goal • It is usually the result of unrealistically high goals in combination with low ability to achieve them

  8. Psychotherapy • Changing Goals • The role of the therapist • Help patients understand the faulty nature of their goals • Teach them ways to strive toward realistic goals • Eliminating Low Expectancies

  9. Biography of Mischel • Born in Vienna in 1930 • Second son of upper-middle-class parents • When the Nazis invaded Austria in 1938, his family left for the U.S. • Received his Ph.D from Ohio State University where he worked under Rotter • Has taught at Colorado, Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia, where he remains as an active researcher

  10. Background of the Cognitive-Affective Personality System • Consistency Paradox • Although both laypeople and professionals tend to believe that behavior is quite consistent, research suggests that it is not • Person-Situation Interaction • Mischel believes that behavior is best predicted from an understanding of the person, thesituation, and theinteraction between person and situation

  11. Cognitive-Affective Personality System • Behavior Prediction • Individuals should behave differently as situations vary • Situation Variables • All those stimuli that people attend to in a given situation • Cognitive-Affective Units • Encoding strategies • Competencies and self-regulatory strategies • Expectancies and beliefs • Goals and values • Affective Responses

  12. Related Research • Locus of Control and Health-Related Behaviors • Smoking (Bunch & Schneider, 1991; Norman, 1995) • Alcohol abuse (Jih, Sirgo, & Thomure, 1995) • Unwise eating (Ludtke & Schneider, 1996)

  13. Critique of Social Learning Theory • High on Generating Research, Internal Consistency, Parsimony, and Ability to Organize Knowledge • Average on its ability to Guide Action and to be Falsified

  14. Concept of Humanity • Free Choice over Determinism • Teleology over Causality • Conscious over Unconscious • Culture over Biology • Uniqueness over Similarity • Rotter's view is slightly more optimistic whereas Mischel's is about in the middle

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