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Assisting LGBTQ Students in Their Co-op/Internship Search Rachel Johnson, Drexel University

Assisting LGBTQ Students in Their Co-op/Internship Search Rachel Johnson, Drexel University. First off….What is LGBTQIA?. Global Employment Laws Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation. International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex Association Data.

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Assisting LGBTQ Students in Their Co-op/Internship Search Rachel Johnson, Drexel University

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  1. Assisting LGBTQ Students in Their Co-op/Internship Search Rachel Johnson, Drexel University

  2. First off….What is LGBTQIA?

  3. Global Employment Laws Prohibiting Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation • International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex Association Data

  4. State Laws Regarding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Workplace Source: ACLU

  5. PA State Non-Discrimination Laws • Pennsylvania Student Equality Coalition • Public Sector Employment Definition

  6. Job Search Considerations when working with LGBTQ students

  7. Employer Example

  8. LGBT Job Seeker Statistics • Over one-third of respondents are not out to anyone at work • 42% have experienced at least one form of sexual orientation discrimination at least once in their lives • 56% of employees who are out in the workplace have experienced at least one form of discrimination based on their sexual orientation • Of those who reported they were notout in the workplace, the number reporting discrimination drops to 10% • This discrimination exists despite the fact that both research and federal and state courts have found no link between sexual orientation/gender identity and workplace performance. • Source: UCLA Williams Institute

  9. LGBTQ Student Perspective: What about companies that don’t have diversity initiatives?

  10. “My first job out of college was doing IT work at a small start up company. We all worked together pretty well, except for one colleague who always seemed distant and strayed from working on projects with me. It became really obvious to the point where other people noticed. When I confronted my coworker about this, he eventually revealed that he was uncomfortable with gay people. He said he respected me as a colleague, but not my “personal decisions.” I ended up going to my boss , who happened to be the company owner, told him what happened and explained my concern that there were no written discrimination policies in the employee handbook. Long story short, I worked with the owner to incorporate non-discrimination policies specifically stating sexual orientation and gender identity. I took a huge risk by going forward with this, because for all I knew, my boss could have agreed with my colleague’s intolerant views. Luckily he did the right thing and stood up for equal treatment in the workplace.”

  11. LGBTQ Resume Strategies

  12. Student Perspectives: Disclosure During The Interview Process Handling the 30 Second Commercial

  13. Complete Disclosure “I’m a Business major with a strong interest in market research analysis. Long term, my goal is to become a consultant in LGBTQ marketing. To prepare myself, I’ve worked internships with the Independence Business Alliance, which is the Philadelphia area LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce, and with several LGBTQ entrepreneurs. The possibilities of marketing to the LGBTQ community interest me personally and professionally, so I’ve focused my coursework and skill building in those areas. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to your company’s groundbreaking LGBTQ marketing campaigns.”

  14. Partial Disclosure “I’m a Business major with a strong interest in market research analysis. Long term, my goal is to become a consultant for specialized and emerging markets. To prepare myself, I’ve worked an internship with the Independence Business Alliance Chamber of Commerce and participated in the marketing committee of Drexel’s FUSE student organization. The possibilities of niche marketing interest me personally and professionally, so I’ve focused my coursework and skill building in those areas.”

  15. Non-Disclosure “I’m a Business major with a strong interest in market research analysis. Long term, my goal is to become a consultant for specialized and emerging markets. To prepare myself, I’ve actively participated in a variety of campus organizations and volunteer positions. The possibilities of niche marketing interest me personally and professionally, so I’ve focused my coursework and skill building in those areas.”

  16. Transgender Employment • The statistics are alarming……… • Near universal harassment on the job: Ninety percent (90%) experienced harassment or mistreatment on the job. • Double the rate of unemployment: At twice the rate of the general population, with rates for transgender people of color up to four times the national unemployment rate. • Considerable loss of jobs and careers: Forty-seven percent (47%) experienced an adverse job outcome, such as being fired, not hired or denied a promotion because of being transgender/gender non-conforming • Source: http://www.thetaskforce.org/downloads/reports/reports/ntds_full.pdf

  17. Transgender Employment • What are some primary concerns of this population? • Using preferred name on resume vs. legal name • Correcting employers on PGP (Preferred Gender Pronoun) • - Gendered: She, Her, Hers or He, Him, His • - Gender-Neutral: They, Them, Theirs or Ze, Hir, Hirsor Ze, Zir, Zirs • Selecting interview attire while transitioning MTF (Male to Female) or FTM (Female to Male) • Restroom use at work, lack of gender neutral restrooms • Resources to assist non-binary students in their vocational development: • National Center for Transgender Equality • National Center for Lesbian Rights Helpline • Human Rights Campaign Transgender Resources • Resources for Transgender Employees - Human Rights Campaign • Transgender Law Center • The Transgender Law and Policy Institute • World Professional Association for Transgender Health • For career professionals: • Human Rights Campaign Transgender FAQ • Is Your School Trans-Inclusive? • Managing Transition In The Workplace

  18. Hi, my name is------------. I am majoring in -----------------------, and I am currently a ----------- at Drexel University. There are a lot of fears that come with being either a gender non-conforming identity, a non-binary identity, or a transgender identity. As you know many trans* people are underemployed in many fields. As someone looking for a career in engineering I have the same fears as any other cis-gender graduate. On top of that I face issues such as being turned down upon entering the interview if I don't "pass." Once on the job I can face stigma if HR leaks my background, or if I get clocked by another employee. This can lead to workplace hostility ranging from not being taken seriously and exclusion to more serious issues such as bathroom use, accusations of being a sexual deviant, and I will be "opened" to being asked about my genitalia. The questions I need to ask employers are different than many questions that others will ever have to think about: "How many openly LGBT identified employees are there, and if so, how many are openly trans?" "What is your current (non-discrimination) policy? If there isn't one is someone willing to work with me to make one?" "How close is HR with my particular department?” and most importantly, "How willing is HR to have my back if a situation arises?” These are some very basic questions, but just by asking them I could be rejected from the interview process because I may be considered too big of a “hassle.” Unfortunately these concerns are only a few of many other issues when it comes to career searching as a gender non-conforming person.

  19. Benefits of co-ops and internships to LGBTQ students • Learn how to navigate workplace settings. For many, it’s the first experience in a professional workplace • Build confidence. Be yourself in all aspects of life. Personal comfort may lead to more successful job outcomes. • Test the waters. Determine if being out in your career is important to you. What is it like to be out at work? • Personal/professional intersection. Learn how to be yourself at work and negotiate professional relationships as your true self. Insist on yourself. Never imitate. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  20. Concerns from the other side of the desk… • What if I am not comfortable? Where can I find more information? • How do I let students know I am comfortable? …that my office is a safe space? • Be knowledgeable about resources on campus to which you can direct students when they have additional questions. • I don’t know…but I will find out. The Other Side of the Rainbow The Attic Youth Center

  21. Recommended Resources • OUT for Work Career Center Library • Steinbright Diversity Resources • Lambda Legal State-by-State • Human Rights Campaign - 2014 Corporate Equality Index • HRC Best Places to Work 2013 • DiversityInc. Top 50 Companies for Diversity • Out & Equal LGBTCareerLink • Lambda Legal • Coming Out on a Job Interview • The Lavender Road to Success by Kirk Snyder

  22. Questions? Rachel Johnson Co-op Coordinator at Drexel University rachel.m.johnson@drexel.edu 215.895.1720

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