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AAC FACILITATORS FOR PERSONS WITH AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS: LEARNING STYLES & TECHNOLOGY INTERESTS * LJ Ball, ^ K. Schardt & ^* DR Beukelman * University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe-Meyer Institute, Omaha *^ University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
AAC FACILITATORS FOR PERSONS WITH AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS: LEARNING STYLES & TECHNOLOGY INTERESTS * LJ Ball, ^ K. Schardt & ^* DR Beukelman * University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe-Meyer Institute, Omaha *^ University of Nebraska-Lincoln • 5. The mean number of hours training provided by various supports included: • manufacturer representative (.15 hrs.) (SD = .37), • video (0 hrs.), • tech support (0 hrs.), • AAC/SLP (4 hrs.) (SD = 6.7), • user (.25 hrs.) (SD = .62), • other computer expert (not AAC) (1.1 hrs.) (SD = 2.9). II. AAC Technology Learning Mode The learning mode questionnaire contained four items. 1. Preference for learning AAC technology alone with manuals, tutorials and AAC devices. The mean score for this item was 3.3 (6-point scale) (S. D. = 1.54). 2. Preference for learning AAC technology with a small group of learners. The mean score was 4.2 (S. D. = 1.48). 3. Preference for learning AAC technology in response to case scenarios, had a mean score of 5.1 (S.D. = 1.12). 4. Preference for learning AAC technology through detailed, step-by-step instruction, had a mean score of 4.6 (S.D. = 1.19). Paired samples T-tests revealed significant differences between 1 & 2 and between 1 & 3. A review of these results reveals that PALS’ AAC technology facilitators reported relatively similar preference for the first three learning modes, with the lowest preference for learning the AAC technology alone with manuals. III. AAC Training 1. PALS received a mean of 3.4 hours (SD = 2.9) training. 2. AAC facilitators received a mean of 2.7 hours (SD = 2.2) training. 3. Ten out of 13 (77%) facilitators viewed the training as adequate. 4. The mean number of training hours desired was 2.0 hours (SD = 3.1). ABSTRACT Characteristics of persons who facilitate AAC technology use with people who have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) will be presented. Results of a survey to 19 AAC technology facilitators of PALS will be presented. INTRODUCTION ALS is a progressive neuromuscular disease resulting in speech impairments. Successful AAC use has been documented, however a review of the literature suggests that little is known about the skills, training, and learning styles necessary for the person who facilitates use of AAC technology. Fried-Oken, Rau, Fox, Tullman & Lou (2004) reported that caregivers of PALS indicated a positive attitude toward AAC technology and that no significant relationships existed between attitudes toward technology/computer difficulty and role strain. Communication device skills difficulty, however, was identified as a significant contributor to role strain. Caregivers of persons with ALS (PALS) need to develop a range of expertise to manage the technology solutions that are used by PALS. Domain interest (computer technology) was examined (Hidi & Baird, 1988; Hidi, 1990; Pintrich, 1989; Pintrich & DeGroot, 1990; Schiefele, 1990, 1991). Interest should be accorded a prominent role in a comprehensive model of learning and it continues to play a prominent part in our theories about choice of activities, persistence, and attainment level. Recent theoretical analyses (e.g., Hidi, 1990, Schiefele, 1990) have provided persuasive arguments for examining interest in understanding motivation and cognition. Learning mode preference (preferred mode people choose to learn content or procedures) was selected. Some people prefer direct instruction, during which the instructor presents step-by-step information. Others prefer to learn alone using books, manuals, and/or tutorials. Still others prefer to learn in small groups. PURPOSE The purposes of this study are to document (a) characteristics of AAC technology facilitators for PALS, (b) amount of learning time received and required by AAC technology facilitators, and (c) length of use data for AAC technology for PALS. METHOD Participants Persons identified as the primary AAC technology facilitator for a PALS were invited to complete a brief survey. A group of 40 persons who had previously participated in AAC clinical activities with a PALS and self-identified as the primary AAC technology facilitator were included. Nineteen surveys were returned. Demographics of this sample represent 16 female and 3 male facilitators, including spouses, adult children and primary care providers. Procedures Participants completed a brief survey, including three questionnaires. Questionnaire one, computer technology interest (17 items rated on a 5-point Likert type scale) was adapted from a survey developed by Horn and Bruning (1999). Questionnaire two, AAC learning mode preferences, contained items that dealt with independent learning (using AAC devices, manuals, and tutorials), small group learning, learning in response to case scenarios, and step-by-step instruction by an instructor. Preferences for these items were rated on a 6-point Likert-type scale with “1” representing strongly disagree and “6” strongly agree. • Questionnaire three, AAC training, contained 5 items in which participants indicated the number of hours of training the PALS and facilitator received, whether training was adequate, amount of training needed, and where training was obtained. • Questionnaires were distributed to the participants by mail. Participants were instructed to complete the questionnaires without consulting anyone or comparing their responses with others. The total time required to complete the questionnaires was approximately 5 minutes. • RESULTS • AAC Technology Facilitators • 19 AAC technology facilitators completed questionnaires. • 1. A 2.25:1 female to male ratio was observed. They facilitated AAC for: • 14 male PALS, age range 42-86 • 5 female PALS, age range 56-84 • I. Computer Technology Interest • All facilitators who participated in this study reported interest in computer technology measured using a 17-item questionnaire. The scale ranged from 1, denoting “not at all like me” to 5 “exactly like me.” • The mean level of interest was 2.36 on the 5-point scale (S. D. = .74). Only one subject reported a mean interest over a scale score of 3.0. In general, the level of computer interest in these participants was considered to be low. TRAINING BY SUPPORTS GENDER OF PARTICIPANTS TECHNOLOGY LEARNING MODE • Quotes from Facilitators • “I had an advantage, my husband was a computer whiz!” • “I am a visual hands-on learner, workshop instruction works best for me, then allowing me to help the person with ALS.” • “My person with ALS was a quick study, so I learned from him.” • “Taking the device home with all the booklets that come with it and using them to try to operate it on our own was extremely frustrating and confusing.” • CONCLUSIONS • More facilitators were female than male • Facilitators expressed low interest in computers & technology in general, with the highest rating for interest in word processing/typing documents. • Facilitators received training from a variety of sources, however the majority of training was received from AAC/SLP. • Facilitators reported a preference for training in detailed one-on-one sessions, through workshops/group activities, and based on specific needs. They indicated that learning alone, with manuals and tutorials was not a desired method. • It appears that facilitators are chosen by the person with ALS to be the technology facilitator, based on the fact that they are willing to assist and their proximity. It is likely to expect that facilitators need training in amounts equal to or perhaps greater than the person using the device. TECHNOLOGY INTERESTS AAC TECHNOLOGY TRAINING HANDOUTS AVAILABLE http://aac.unl.edu