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The Bef ana. BEFANA. THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME The name derives from Epiphany . It remind s us about the witch Beffania , who flung on the houses roof that night . Once left the second "f" and the "i" the word turn s to Befana !. THE LEGEND.
THE ORIGIN OF THE NAME The namederivesfromEpiphany.It remindsus about the witchBeffania, whoflung on thehousesroofthatnight. Once left thesecond"f" andthe "i" thewordturnstoBefana!
THE LEGEND One day the threeKings left their country with special gifts such as Gold, Incense and Myrrh, to reach little Jesus Christ because they wanted togive him their presents. Theytravelledthroughmanydifferentcountriesguidedby a particular star (thefamous Comet) andeverytowntheypassed by, peopleruntomeetandjointhem in theirjourney.
Therewasonlyone old womanwhowantedtojointhem.But she changedhermindandstayed at home. The dayafter, repentedanddispleasedshetriedtoreachtheKings, but theyweretoo far fromher! Thereforethe old womandidn'tmeettheHolyChildneitherthattime nor ever. Sincethattimethe old woman (calledBefana!) visitseveryhousetogivethegoodchildrenallthegiftsshedidn'tgivetotheHolyChild: to do thatsheflies on an old broom with a big canvassack on hershoulders in thenightbetweenthe 5th andthe 6th January (the same nightwhenshe, in thepast, remained at herhome!).
THE BEFANA IN THE PAST but as thosewere hard times (theywerepoor) oftenchildrenweredisappointedandtheonlygiftstheyreceivedweresweets, nuts, chestnutsandtangerineoranges.
WHERE AND WHEN IS THIS TRADITION BORN ? It isnotknownwherethistraditionstartedtobecelebrated, but wecanassertthatsincethe XIII thcentury it isone of themost popular Italian feastlongawaitedbychildren. Maybethe old woman - whosometimesfearsthechildren - symbolisestheendingYear.
THE "BEFANA" The "Befana" is an ugly old woman who brings gifts togood children on Epiphany Eve. She wears a black shawl on her head and her dress is dirty of soot because she goes into the houses through the chimney. If children had been "bad" instead of sweets or toys they will findonions, garlic and coal in their stockings. That's whyduringtheweeksbeforeEpiphanychildrentry to be more patient, goodand obedient than usual. On EpiphanyEve children are very excited and curious. They go to bed veryearlyafter they had hung theirstockings on thefireplace. On Epiphanydaytheywakeupveryearlyand they hurry to discover whatBefana left for them: some children will be very happy, others will feel disappointed.
ManychildrenbelievethatBefanaisSanta'swifeandthatshelives on the South Pole,whilehelives in theNorth Pole.As Santa Clausistoobusy (hehastosatisfyallthechildren of theworld!) theBefanahelpshim in hisworksomedaysafter Christmas. Somechildrenbelievethat Befanadoesreally exist, otherassert it isonly a fancy, becausetheythinkthatparents put thegifts in theirstockings. Neverthelessall of themwait for herwithanxietyandtrepidation. In some Italianvillages, the municipalityorganiseseveryyear, an Epiphany's party duringwhich old women dressup as Befana, anddistributepresents, gifts, chocolate, books, pensandsweetstochildren.