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A really cool car chase

A really cool car chase. J.E.M.inc. Introduction.

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A really cool car chase

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  1. A really cool car chase J.E.M.inc

  2. Introduction • You are driving in your Cadience Nedassian when suddenly a mad man in an 18-wheeler comes speeding up behind you and tries running you off a bridge. Keep in mind that you’re on a bridge. It’s up to you and your actions that will keep you alive and save you.

  3. You are driving on the Golden Gate Bridge one day to your meeting when an 18-wheeler speeds up behind you and rams into the back of your car. Now would be a good time to panic. • Floor it! • Pull over and talk some sense into him. • Call for help.

  4. Man, don’t you ever have any excitement in your life? This guy is a madman for crying out loud!!! • Sorry, but you’re dead. Try again?

  5. You don’t have an inventory • You don’t have an inventory. You keep buying those cheap sweatpants that have no pockets. You have no taste in style. • Go back

  6. + 4 points! • You’re on the right track, buddy! Keep it up! Pretty soon you’ll be in that conference room. You tell the autopilot in your car to take control. Now what are you supposed to do? • Go outside • Look in the back • Check your inventory

  7. The back • There’s not really anything in the back. There’s an old bottle of beer, and an old blanket your grandma knitted you. • Go back • Take the blanket • Take the beer bottle

  8. The back • There’s not really anything in the back. There’s an old bottle of beer, and an old blanket your grandma knitted you. • Go back • Take the blanket

  9. The back • There’s not really anything in the back. There’s an old bottle of beer, and an old blanket your grandma knitted you. • Go back • Take the beer bottle

  10. The back • There’s not really anything in the back. There’s an old bottle of beer, and an old blanket your grandma knitted you. Speaking of which, don’t you have a lighter in the glove box? • Go back

  11. Inventory • Beer bottle • Blanket • back

  12. You’re on the right track, buddy! Keep it up! Pretty soon you’ll be in that conference room. You tell the autopilot in your car to take control. Now what are you supposed to do? • Go outside • Check your inventory • Look in the glove box

  13. You’re on the right track, buddy! Keep it up! Pretty soon you’ll be in that conference room. You tell the autopilot in your car to take control. Now what are you supposed to do? • Go outside • Check your inventory • Look in the glove box

  14. No way man! That’s too dangerous without a weapon or something! • Go back

  15. No way man! That’s too dangerous without a weapon or something! • Go back

  16. The Glove Box • You find a lighter. • Take the lighter • Go back

  17. The Glove Box • You find a lighter. • Go back

  18. Inventory • Beer bottle • Blanket • Go back

  19. Inventory • Beer bottle • Blanket • Lighter • Go back • Combine them

  20. Inventory • Molotov cocktail • Go back

  21. You’re on the right track, buddy! Keep it up! Pretty soon you’ll be in that conference room. You tell the autopilot in your car to take control. Now what are you supposed to do? • Go outside • Check your inventory

  22. Where to? Your car You 18-wheeler

  23. You dead. • You can’t jump that far! Sorry man, but you’re dead. • Try Again?

  24. You jump at the 18-wheeler. He runs you over. Not only are you dead, but you’re also stupid. • Try again?

  25. Where to? Your car You 18-wheeler

  26. Where to? Your car You 18-wheeler

  27. Where to? Your car 18-wheeler You

  28. This is it!!! • This is it! This is your chance to stop that mad man! You have a perfect view of him! So, what are you going to do? • Look in inventory • Tackle him! • Go back

  29. Inventory • Molotov Cocktail Use? • Go Back

  30. Inventory • Molotov Cocktail Use with... • Self • Truck • Car below

  31. Dead • Boy, are you stupid! Everything sets on fire and all is total chaos. But at least you got close! You didn’t win, but you got far, so congratulations. Oh, and you probably used a walkthrough, didn’t you. If you were smart enough to make it all this way but kill yourself like that, then, you’re just stupid. • Try Again

  32. Moment of Truth… • You heave it at the driver’s window…it crashes through…and it bursts into a ball of flames! Hurray! You ended that madness! Actually, you just made it worse. The truck starts veering in and out of traffic pushing cars aside! What do you do?!? • Escape! • Run! • Jump! • Toast.

  33. Toast? • Toast? What’s Toast? Dude, you’re seconds away from getting hit by a car on fire and you’re thinking of TOAST?!? Trust me, you ain’t gonna make it. Bye Bye. • Try Again

  34. RUN!!! You

  35. Whoa!!! • The truck veers out of control and you do nothing about it. It rams straight into the car you’re on and you go off the bridge. Too bad. • Play again?

  36. RUN!!! You

  37. Whoa!!! • The truck veers out of control and you do nothing about it. It rams straight into the car you’re on and you go off the bridge. Too bad. • Play again?

  38. RUN!!! You

  39. Whoa!!! • The truck veers out of control and you do nothing about it. It rams straight into the car you’re on and you go off the bridge. Too bad. • Play again?

  40. RUN!!! You

  41. Arite! • Ok, so you made it back in one piece. You jump in your car and go into manual control. Suddenly the bridge is closed and you and the truck are the only ones on it. A news helicopter flies up above recording everything that’s happening. You HAVE to get the that helicopter! • Go outside • Check inventory • Look on dashboard

  42. Not yet • Be sure that you check everywhere before you go out. It’s awfully risky. • Go back

  43. Not yet • Be sure that you check everywhere before you go out. It’s awfully risky. • Go back

  44. Inventory • Lighter • Go back

  45. Dashboard • You find your cell phone and some music disks. • Get cell phone

  46. Dashboard • You find your cell phone and some music disks. • Get Jason Mraz disk

  47. Dashboard • You find your cell phone and some music disks. • Get Bart Simpson Sing-along

  48. Dashboard • You find your cell phone and some music disks. • Get The Best of SpongeBob Squarepants

  49. Dashboard • You find your cell phone and some music disks. • Go back

  50. Arite! • Ok, so you made it back in one piece. You jump in your car and go into manual control. Suddenly the bridge is closed and you and the truck are the only ones on it. A news helicopter flies up above recording everything that’s happening. You HAVE to get the that helicopter! • Go outside • Check inventory • Look on dashboard • Look on passenger seat

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