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Dare to Do Right. 1. Dare to do right! Dare to be true! You have a work that no other can do; Do it so bravely, so kindly, so well, Angels will hasten the story to tell. Chorus Dare, dare, dare to do right; Dare, dare, dare to be true, Dare to be true, dare to be true.
Dare to Do Right 1. Dare to do right! Dare to be true! You have a work that no other can do; Do it so bravely, so kindly, so well, Angels will hasten the story to tell. Chorus Dare, dare, dare to do right; Dare, dare, dare to be true, Dare to be true, dare to be true. 2. Dare to do right! Dare to be true! Other men’s failures can never save you. Stand by your conscience, your honor, your faith; Stand like a hero and battle till death. Words: George L. Taylor, b. 1835 Music: Arr. by A. C. Smyth, 1840–1909
Time! Puzzle • I have some puzzle pieces here that have different words on them. • What do these words mean? • Let’s put the puzzle together now!
VALIANT • Let’s turn the pieces over and fit the puzzle back together to find another word. • What does valiant mean?
VALIANT • The words on the puzzle pieces help describe what it means to be valiant. • What words on the puzzle do you remember?
Someone who is valiant is: • Courageous • Faithful • Trustworthy • Prayerful • Virtuous • Repentant • Honest • Obedient
Paul Testifies of Jesus Christ “Lesson 43: Paul Testifies of Jesus Christ,” Primary 7: New Testament, 151” “Scriptural Giants: Saul Becomes Paul,” By Sherrie Johnson, Friend, Sept. 1986 “Scriptural Giants: Saul Becomes Paul,” By Sherrie Johnson, Friend, Oct. 1986 “Scenes from Paul’s Missionary Journeys,” By Kent P. Jackson, Ensign, Sept. 1991
On his way to Damascus to continue his persecution of the Christians, Saul was surrounded by a heavenly light. • The voice of the Lord asked, “Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” • Saul asked Jesus what he should do and was told he would meet someone who would help him.
Saul was blind for three days. He did not eat or drink. • He realized he had done many bad things and felt terrible about the choices he had made.
Saul repented and his sight was restored after receiving a priesthood blessing. • He was baptized. • For many days Saul remained with Jesus’ disciples, learning all that he could from them.
Before long, Saul, the man who had persecuted Christians, was testifying of Jesus Christ in the synagogues. • Nevertheless, many people continued to persecute the Christians.
One time when the people decided to kill Saul, he escaped by being lowered over the city wall in a basket by some of the disciples. • Saul traveled to Jerusalem and tried to join the Christians there, but they remembered his persecutions and were afraid of him.
One of the disciples, Barnabas, took Saul to the Apostles Peter and James, the brother of Jesus. • Saul told them of his wonderful vision and conversion. • They knew that he spoke the truth and accepted him with love.
Saul taught in the name of Jesus Christ and bore his testimony to the people. • They would not listen and again tried to kill Saul. • The Apostles were afraid for Saul’s life and told him to return to his home in Tarsus, where they hoped he would be safe.
Several years later, Barnabas traveled to Tarsus and found Saul. They traveled to other lands. • They taught the people about Jesus and preached the gospel. • About this time Saul began to be called by his Latin name, Paul.
In Lystra, Paul healed a man who had been crippled since birth. • The local people saw and heard about what Paul had done.
They thought Paul and Barnabas were gods and wanted to worship them and offer sacrifices to them. • Paul and Barnabas convinced the people that they were not gods.
On Paul’s second missionary journey, he and another Apostle, Silas, crossed the Aegean Sea to preach the gospel in Macedonia. • Many learned the gospel and were converted.
People liked to hear what the evil spirit said through her. • They paid the men she worked for to hear the evil spirit speak. • A girl had an evil spirit in her.
Whenever Paul and Silas walked by, the girl followed them. As she did, the evil spirit spoke. • One day Paul commanded the evil spirit to leave her. It did. • The men she worked for were angry. • Now they could not make money.
The men took Paul and Silas to the leaders of their city. • They said that Paul and Silas had been causing trouble. • The leaders had Paul and Silas whipped and put in prison.
That night, Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns to Heavenly Father. • Everyone in the prison heard them. • Suddenly, the ground began to shake and the prison doors opened.
The guard woke up and saw the open doors. • He thought the prisoners had escaped. • Paul told the guard not to worry. The prisoners were all still there. The guard knelt by Paul and Silas and asked how he could be saved.
Paul and Silas taught the guard and his family the gospel. That night the guard and his family were baptized. • The next day the city leaders set Paul and Silas free. Paul and Silas went to another city to do more missionary work.
What did the Lord call Paul and Barnabas to do? (Acts 13:2–4.)
After Paul and Barnabas healed the crippled man at Lystra, who did the people think they were? (Acts 14:11–12.)
Jupiter and Mercurius were false gods the people worshiped. They did not know about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. • What did Paul and Barnabas try to teach the people about Jesus Christ? (Acts 14:14–17.)
How was Paul treated by the Jews of Antioch and Iconium? (Acts 14:19.) • Why do you think he continued preaching the gospel after being so badly treated?
Why were certain men in Macedonia upset when Paul and Silas healed a woman by casting an evil spirit out of her? (Acts 16:19.) • What did these men do to Paul and Silas? (Acts 16:20–23.)
What did Paul and Silas do while they were in jail? (Acts 16:25)
Why do you think they prayed and sang praises to God? • What effect do you think their actions had on the other prisoners?
Why do you think Paul and Silas stayed in the prison when the earthquake opened the prison doors? (Acts 16:27–31) • How did their actions bless the keeper of the prison and his family? (Acts 16:32–34)
What kind of opportunities do we have to testify of and teach others about Jesus Christ?
Let’s read Acts 14:3 and Acts 16:18, 25, 31. • How do these scriptures show that Paul was valiant in his testimony of Jesus Christ wherever he went? • How can we let other people know that we have strong testimonies of Jesus Christ?
What are some of the challenges we may face as we try to be valiant in testifying of Jesus?
Think of specific things you can do this week to show others that you have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. • Write down at least one idea and place the paper where you can see it often.
Let’s read the words on the puzzle pieces once more. • How can we valiantly testify of Jesus Christ in these areas? Enr. Act. 2
I have testimony of Jesus Christ. • I know Heavenly Father blesses me when I testify of Jesus Christ.
The lesson is from lds.org. The scripture stories are from lds.org and paraphrased from various articles on lds.org and from the scriptures. • Images and clipart are from lds.org, Microsoft Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the public domain or permitted for church and home use. • Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to suit personal preference. • This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and conducting the lesson.
http://lds.org/friend/1986/09/scriptural-giants-saul-becomes-paul?lang=englhttp://lds.org/friend/1986/09/scriptural-giants-saul-becomes-paul?lang=engl http://lds.org/friend/1986/10/scriptural-giants-saul-becomes-paul?lang=eng http://lds.org/ensign/1991/09/scenes-from-pauls-missionary-journeys?lang=eng