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Hİ FRİENDS . QUASTİONS…. What do you think about this video? Do you think this method is useful for children?. I am Nurseda Polat I’ll talk about M ontessori E ducation. Maria MONTESSORİ is first female doctor in İtaly and she found this method( montessori education).

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Presentation Transcript


  2. QUASTİONS… • What do you think about this video? • Do you think this method is useful for children?

  3. I am Nurseda Polat • I’ll talk about Montessori Education

  4. Maria MONTESSORİ is first female doctor in İtaly and she found this method(montessori education).

  5. Montessori Education is useful for children because children are free in the classroom. • Children do choose according to their skills. • They want to learn by trying,so they do or try everything in the montessori class.

  6. They can wash dishes

  7. They can cooking food

  8. They can cultivate flowers

  9. According to this education,children think differently from the adults. • Children have their own need and right,so adults and teachers shouldn’t prevent children. • FOR EXAMPLE: HEY CHİLD DON’T DO İT.(It’s bad behavior for children’s evolution.)

  10. If kinds take montessori education: • Develop their self-confidence, • Develop their motor skills, • They learn their responsibility, • They learn to solve their own problems, • They are prepared for real life…

  11. FOR EXAMPLE:Ifchildren clear the table( or everything )develop their hand muscles.!

  12. If you want to give Montessori Education to children: • You shouldn’t interfe to children. • You musn’t be active when they do choose. • You should just help to children. • You have to known their skills and wishes.

  13. Now,many countries are using this education.Come on let’s look at activities.

  14. UNKNOWN WORDS: • Cultivate: Grown crops improve.EXAMPLE:Many people can cultivate flowers in their garden. • Right:Conservative political party or parties.EXAMPLE:Everybody have right to live. • Prevent:Cause no to happen,avert. • Evolution:Development. • Self-confidence:Having confidence in one’s abilities,sure of oneself • Interfe:Meddle,impede


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