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An unchanging universe. ACAYAN ANG KANAPI RAZON SY. Steady-state theory. Tommy Gold, Hermann Bondi , Fred Hoyle General character of the universe is not changing over time as it expands Universe has a “steady” or static appearance though it expands
An unchanging universe ACAYAN ANG KANAPI RAZON SY
Steady-state theory • Tommy Gold, Hermann Bondi, Fred Hoyle • General character of the universe is not changing over time as it expands • Universe has a “steady” or static appearance though it expands • Universe is timeless (no beginning and no end).
But how could the universe always look the same if it was always expanding?
Hello, steady state theory! • Matter was continuously being created in order to maintain a constant density. • New stars and galaxies could form to fill the space left behind as the old ones moved apart.
Hello, Steady state theory! “One defect in the [big bang] theory was that Hubble, because of errors in measuring light from distant galaxies, had miscalculated the age of the universe to be 1.8 billion years. Geologists claimed that Earth and the solar system were probably many billions of years old. How could the universe be younger than its planets?” -MichioKaku (Physicist)
Good bye, Steady state theory! • Violates the Law of Conservation of Matter (Matter can neither be created nor destroyed.) The Steady State Theory violates this law because it requires the continuous creation of matter so as to keep the density of the universe constant.
Good bye, Steady state theory! • Discovery of Quasars Quasars- highly luminous cores of very distant galaxies (older galaxies)
Discovery of quasars • The discovery of quasars has a huge impact in disproving the Steady State Theory. Quasars are only found in older galaxies and none in younger galaxies. This means that there are no recently formed quasars, violating the proponent of the theory that matter is constantly created in the universe as it expands.
Good bye, Steady state theory! • Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation -remnant energy left over the formation of universe, according to Big Bang Theory
Cosmic microwave background radiation • In 1965 the American astronomers Arnold Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered low levels of microwave radiation coming from every part of the universe. The temperature of this radiation matched the temperature of the radiation that should be left over from the big bang at the beginning of the universe3 C (6 F) above absolute zero and the radiation was coming equally from all directions. This discovery convinced most scientists that the universe did indeed have a beginning and that the steady-state theory is not the best model of the universe.
Group reflection Science is never constant. Everyday, we discover new things that may approve or disprove something that already exists. The discovery of the the Steady State Theory as the possible explanation on how the universe began has temporarily shaken the stand of the Big Bang Theory. However, because of findings and evidences against the theory, the Steady State Theory collapses.
Group reflection Our group didn’t see the discovery of the Steady State Theory as a waste of time just because it was disproved by a lot of evidences. Instead, we saw it as a great opportunity for other scientists to discover more things that can explain how the universe came about. Because of the Steady State Theory’s existence, scientists were enlightened to discover more. Examples of these were the discovery of quasars and the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. These two wouldn’t have been discovered if the Steady State Theory, the theory that they were challenging that was why they were able to discover such things, had not been proposed in the first place.
Group reflection Because of this case study about a rejected theory, we realize that all things discovered and found, whether they are ineffective, unsuccessful, or not viable, play an important role in the transformation of knowledge and in turn, on how the world works. Every piece of information discovered is very important, and we should not be afraid to share it to others though we may be unsure of it. We, as members of the youth, can do and contribute so much in our society. The first step we must make, however, is we must be proud of our ideas, no matter how small or irrelevant they may seem, because we never know that maybe one day, that small idea of ours is the answer to some questions scientists have long been seeking for.
Sources http://www.universeadventure.org/fundamentals/popups/model-dtrh-steadystate.htm http://www.aip.org/history/cosmology/ideas/bigbang.htm http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/glossary/steady_state.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/space/universe/questions_and_ideas/steady_state_theory http://www.pbs.org/wnet/hawking/universes/html/univ_steady.html www.physicsoftheuniverse.com davidesuniverse.weebly.com
Sources (images) http://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=7orB0per87pKSM&tbnid=ZmKP-qm3lE7VYM:&ved=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.co.uk%2Fscience%2Fspace%2Funiverse%2Fsights%2Fcosmic_microwave_background_radiation&ei=UPI9UqXUFqOXigfk24GYAg&psig=AFQjCNH_pdDOCLQOvG9LYVvDC8aFhmz_LQ&ust=1379877840418419 http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?q=steady+state+theory&um=1&safe=off&sa=N&hl=en&biw=1024&bih=611&noj=1&tbm=isch&tbnid=5WOR8IU7teVFTM:&imgrefurl=http://www.universeadventure.org/fundamentals/popups/model-dtrh-steadystate.htm&docid=kj3_31OdZMlbtM&imgurl=http://www.universeadventure.org/fundamentals/images/model-steadystatedeath.jpg&w=250&h=300&ei=KfM9Uu38KOmgigeOy4HwBA&zoom=1 http://www.as.utexas.edu/~triples/research.html