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FEEDING OF THE FIVE THOUSAND. JOHN CHAPTER 6: 34-44. By Becky Kew – Available for download at www.gospelhall.org. Many people came from all cities to hear what the Lord Jesus had to say.
FEEDING OF THE FIVE THOUSAND JOHN CHAPTER 6: 34-44 By Becky Kew – Available for download at www.gospelhall.org
Many people came from all cities to hear what the Lord Jesus had to say. When the Lord Jesus saw the people, he was moved with compassion. They were like sheep without a shepherd.
The Bible says, that we are all like sheep that have gone far away from the Shepherd. Jesus is the Good Shepherd that gave his life for the sheep. John 10:11
The people had gathered and listened to the Lord Jesus for a very long time. The day was almost over, they were in a dessert place. The disciples came to the Lord asking him to send the people away, so that they can go to the villages and get food and drink.
The Lord Jesus said to them: “Give them something to eat.” Jn. 6:37 The disciples said that they would need six months worth of pay to be able to have enough money to feed all of the people that was there. (5000)
Jesus asked, “How much bread is there?” He didn’t ask this question to add to his knowledge, he knew the answer, but the disciples didn’t.One boy had two fishes and five loaves of bread.The disciples said, “What is this for so many people?”
The boy did not have very much, but what he had he was willing to give. The Lord Jesus found grass, and had the people sit down in groups, he took the loaves and gave thanks to God.
He gave the loaves to the disciples and as they passed the basket to the disciples and as they distributed it, the food multiplied! The Bible says that people ate until they were full! The Lord told the disciples to gather the left over's and there were 12 baskets of food remaining!
Three P’s to this story: If the people would not have ate they would have: P __ __ __ __ __ __ __. People in the world are PERISHING who do not have the SAVIOR. JOHN 3:36
The disciples and others were P __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ to feed the people. We are POWERLESS to save ourselves from sin. Romans 5:6
The Lord Jesus is the P__ __ __ __ __ __Savior!All people were fed and full!He died for all people’s sins!People need to take him into their lives just like those who accepted the gift of bread and fish! He did a perfect work on the cross.
WHO IS: Perishing? Powerless? Perfect?
Jesus said: I am the BREAD of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth in on me shall never thirst. John 6:35 What does this mean?
When we read God’s word and take it in for ourselves, (believe it) just like when we take food into our bodies for nourishment. Jesus satisfies the soul, just like food fills up your tummy!