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How to Make a Grilled C heese S andwich

How to Make a Grilled C heese S andwich. The right way By Benjamin Johns. Ingredients. Cheese (of your choice) Bread (of your choice) Butter (spreadable) Salt and pepper (optional) Deli meat (also optional) Other optional toppings of your choice. Step 1.

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How to Make a Grilled C heese S andwich

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  1. How to Make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich The right way By Benjamin Johns

  2. Ingredients • Cheese (of your choice) • Bread (of your choice) • Butter (spreadable) • Salt and pepper (optional) • Deli meat (also optional) • Other optional toppings of your choice

  3. Step 1 First, Butter one side of each piece of bread. Then put a frying pan on the stove/grill and heat it up to about medium heat. While the pan is heating up, gather all of your toppings that you would like to put on your sandwich.

  4. Step 2 Now that the pan is all heated up, you put the buttered side of the bread down on the pan’s surface. You should here a soft sizzling sound. Then add your other toppings on top of the sizzling bread. Then place your other piece of bread, this time butter side up, on top of your toppings.

  5. Step 3 When the bottom piece of bread stops sizzling then flip it over so that the other bread is face down and wait for that piece to stop sizzling.

  6. Step 4 After both sides are done (golden brown) then you can take it off the pan and eat it. WARNING: sandwich will be hot. YUM!

  7. Thank you for your time CREDITS Producer….............................................................................Benjamin Johns Assistant….............................................................................Jeffry the turtle Co-producer….............................................................................Mr. Rodgers Photographer…...............................................................Stalker in the Bush Technicolor…...........................................................................................PETA Pro0f…........................................................................................................FBI Intelligence….............................................................................................CIA Vacation operator…....................................................................Jamacamon Light operator…........................................................................The Dark Side Shadows…................................................................................The Light Side Doughnut Giver-outer…..........................................................Bob the Baker Editor…................................................................A fat lazy cat named Ralph Co-Editor…...........................................................................................His Son Printer.........................................................................................His Son’s Son Co-printer..........................................................................His Son’s Son’s Son Applications............................................................His Son’s Son’s Son’s Son Co-Application.............His, um well, lets just say he’s got a lot of sons, OK? Everything that I forgot to mention...........................................Chuck Norris Thank you for making this production possible THANK YOU!!!!!

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