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House File 2797(2006) Sustainable Natural Resources Funding Study. HF2797 passed by House

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    2. House File 2797(2006) Sustainable Natural Resources Funding Study HF2797 passed by House & Senate, signed by Governor in 2006 session. Created Advisory Committee (SFC) to study issue. Report to be delivered to General Assembly by 03/01/07, at beginning of session. Agencies and organizations to be represented on the Advisory Committee. Diverse stakeholders and legislators, chaired by the DNR

    3. House File 2797: 4 Points reported to the Legislature 1. Information on what surrounding states have done to provide sustainable funding for natural resource conservation. 2. Outline of a conservation funding initiative agreed upon by the advisory committee. Fish, Wildlife, and Natural Areas Parks and Trails Soil and Water

    4. House File 2797: 4 Points (cont’d) 3. Outline of the amount of revenue needed and what would be accomplished if the conservation funding initiative is implemented. $150 million – conservative estimate

    5. House File 2797: 4 Points (cont’d) 4. Analysis of Iowa Citizens’ willingness to pay for identified conservation funding initiative.

    6. Funding Mechanisms (how to get $) Funding Vehicles (how to distribute $) Funding Mechanisms Over 40 were evaluated Final recommendation: 3/8 of 1 penny tax for natural resources to be put before the people. Funding Vehicles REAP (fully fund at authorized level) plus $20 M, Local Conservation Partnership Program (counties, cities, conservation organizations): $20 M, Watershed Protection (multi-agency): $20 M, Lake Restoration (multi-agency): $10 M, Dept. of Natural Resources: $35 M, Dept. of Ag & Land Stewardship: $30 M, Trails: $15 M

    7. Senate Resolution-50 (2007) SF Interim Study Committee created Legislative interest resulted in new legislation: Senate Resolution 50 was adopted 04/27/07. SR50 requested the Legislative Council establish a Sustainable Natural Resource Funding Interim Study Committee to work with the Sustainable Natural Resource Advisory Committee. Legislative Status – SR-50 SR-50 1 1 SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 BY DEARDEN 1 3 A Resolution requesting the establishment of an 1 4 interim study committee by the legislative 1 5 council to conduct a study for purposes of 1 6 determining how to best provide for a sustainable 1 7 source or sources of funding for natural resources 1 8 needs in this state. … 1 25 WHEREAS, there is significant need to continue a 1 26 sustainable natural resource funding study in order to 1 27 determine how best to provide for a sustainable source 1 28 or sources of funding for natural resources needs, 1 29 including the implementation of a conservation funding 1 30 initiative; NOW THEREFORE, 2 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE, That the legislative 2 2 council is requested to establish an interim study 2 3 committee to continue to study how to best provide for 2 4 a sustainable source or sources of funding for natural 2 5 resources needs in this state, to provide necessary 2 6 support in order to conduct the study, and to 2 7 cooperate with interested persons including those 2 8 persons who participated in the sustainable natural 2 9 resource funding advisory committee.Legislative Status – SR-50 SR-50 1 1 SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 1 2 BY DEARDEN 1 3 A Resolution requesting the establishment of an 1 4 interim study committee by the legislative 1 5 council to conduct a study for purposes of 1 6 determining how to best provide for a sustainable 1 7 source or sources of funding for natural resources 1 8 needs in this state. … 1 25 WHEREAS, there is significant need to continue a 1 26 sustainable natural resource funding study in order to 1 27 determine how best to provide for a sustainable source 1 28 or sources of funding for natural resources needs, 1 29 including the implementation of a conservation funding 1 30 initiative; NOW THEREFORE, 2 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE, That the legislative 2 2 council is requested to establish an interim study 2 3 committee to continue to study how to best provide for 2 4 a sustainable source or sources of funding for natural 2 5 resources needs in this state, to provide necessary 2 6 support in order to conduct the study, and to 2 7 cooperate with interested persons including those 2 8 persons who participated in the sustainable natural 2 9 resource funding advisory committee.

    8. Senate Resolution-50 (2007) The IC met on 08/13/07, 11/01/07, 11/02/07, and 01/28/08. 11/01/07: SFC members presented general information and proposals (economic study, peer panel, and funding mechanism). 11/02/07: a peer panel presented to the IC. 01/28/08: the IC voted on recommendations for their report to the Legislative Council.

    9. Good news from the Capitol! On 01/28/08, the Interim Committee thoughtfully evaluated, discussed, and made decisions on the points of their draft report.  All five items were approved unanimously and their recommendations will go before the Legislative Council. SF-IC #1: Charitable Conservation Contribution Income Tax Credit SF-IC #2: conservative amount of $150 million is needed SF-IC #3: SF Advisory Committee reauthorization SF-IC #4: create a constitutionally protected trust fund SF-IC#5: funding mechanism chosen-3/8 of 1 penny for a vote to the people

    10. History-making news from the Capitol! On 02/21/08, Senate Study Bill 3217, a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Iowa Constitution to protect a portion of state revenue (3/8 of 1 penny) for natural resources, was introduced!  This is history-making news for Iowa!  It is important to recognize that legislators continue to lead and address this important issue and promote the value of what it will mean for all Iowans. Senate Study Bill 3217 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION BY (PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT RESOLUTION BY CHAIRPERSON BLACK) Passed Senate, Date Passed House, Date Vote: Ayes Nays Vote: Ayes Nays Approved SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 1 A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of 2 the State of Iowa to use a portion of state revenue from the 3 tax imposed on the retail sales of tangible personal property 4 and services for the benefit of the state's natural resources. 5 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 6 TLSB 6469XC 82 7 da/rj/5 PAG LIN 1 1 Section. 1. The following amendment to the Constitution of 1 2 the State of Iowa is proposed: 1 3 Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Iowa is 1 4 amended by adding the following new section: 1 5 NATURAL RESOURCES. SEC. 10. Of the revenue collected by 1 6 this State from the sales tax imposed upon the retail sales of 1 7 tangible personal property and the furnishing of enumerated 1 8 services and from the use tax imposed upon the retail sale of 1 9 tangible personal property and enumerated services sold for 1 10 use in this State and used in this State, an amount equal to 1 11 the amount generated by a tax rate of three=eighths of one 1 12 percent shall be used exclusively for purposes of acquiring, 1 13 managing, reserving, improving, restoring, or conserving this 1 14 State's lands and waters, including lands and fixtures 1 15 acquired, held, or used for purposes related to outdoor 1 16 recreation, natural habitat, and agriculture. In computing 1 17 the revenue collected, a reduction shall be made for any 1 18 refund of sales or use tax made. The general assembly may 1 19 provide by law for the implementation of this section. 1 20 Sec. 2. REFERRAL AND PUBLICATION. The forgoing proposed 1 21 amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa is referred 1 22 to the General Assembly to be chosen at the next general 1 23 election for members of the General Assembly and the Secretary 1 24 of State is directed to cause it to be published for three 1 25 consecutive months before the date of the election as provided 1 26 by law. 1 27 EXPLANATION 1 28 This joint resolution proposes an amendment to the 1 29 Constitution of the State of Iowa to restrict the use of a 1 30 portion of state sales, service, and use tax revenue for the 1 31 benefit of the state's natural resources. The joint 1 32 resolution provides that the revenue collected from a tax rate 1 33 of three=eighths of one percent from those taxes must be used 1 34 exclusively for purposes of acquiring, managing, reserving, 1 35 improving, restoring, or conserving this state's lands and 2 1 waters, including lands and fixtures acquired, held, or used 2 2 for purposes related to outdoor recreation, natural habitat, 2 3 and agriculture. The general assembly is authorized to 2 4 implement the amendment by law. 2 5 The proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of 2 6 Iowa, if adopted, would be referred to the Eighty=third 2 7 General Assembly for adoption a second time, before being 2 8 submitted to the electorate for ratification. 2 9 LSB 6469XC 82 2 10 da/rj/5 (http://coolice.legis.state.ia.us/Cool-ICE/default.asp?Category=billinfo&Service=Billbook&menu=false&hbill=SSB3217)Senate Study Bill 3217 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION BY (PROPOSED COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT RESOLUTION BY CHAIRPERSON BLACK) Passed Senate, Date Passed House, Date Vote: Ayes Nays Vote: Ayes Nays Approved SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 1 A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of 2 the State of Iowa to use a portion of state revenue from the 3 tax imposed on the retail sales of tangible personal property 4 and services for the benefit of the state's natural resources. 5 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 6 TLSB 6469XC 82 7 da/rj/5 PAG LIN 1 1 Section. 1. The following amendment to the Constitution of 1 2 the State of Iowa is proposed: 1 3 Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Iowa is 1 4 amended by adding the following new section: 1 5 NATURAL RESOURCES. SEC. 10. Of the revenue collected by 1 6 this State from the sales tax imposed upon the retail sales of 1 7 tangible personal property and the furnishing of enumerated 1 8 services and from the use tax imposed upon the retail sale of 1 9 tangible personal property and enumerated services sold for 1 10 use in this State and used in this State, an amount equal to 1 11 the amount generated by a tax rate of three=eighths of one 1 12 percent shall be used exclusively for purposes of acquiring, 1 13 managing, reserving, improving, restoring, or conserving this 1 14 State's lands and waters, including lands and fixtures 1 15 acquired, held, or used for purposes related to outdoor 1 16 recreation, natural habitat, and agriculture. In computing 1 17 the revenue collected, a reduction shall be made for any 1 18 refund of sales or use tax made. The general assembly may 1 19 provide by law for the implementation of this section. 1 20 Sec. 2. REFERRAL AND PUBLICATION. The forgoing proposed 1 21 amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa is referred 1 22 to the General Assembly to be chosen at the next general 1 23 election for members of the General Assembly and the Secretary 1 24 of State is directed to cause it to be published for three 1 25 consecutive months before the date of the election as provided 1 26 by law. 1 27 EXPLANATION 1 28 This joint resolution proposes an amendment to the 1 29 Constitution of the State of Iowa to restrict the use of a 1 30 portion of state sales, service, and use tax revenue for the 1 31 benefit of the state's natural resources. The joint 1 32 resolution provides that the revenue collected from a tax rate 1 33 of three=eighths of one percent from those taxes must be used 1 34 exclusively for purposes of acquiring, managing, reserving, 1 35 improving, restoring, or conserving this state's lands and 2 1 waters, including lands and fixtures acquired, held, or used 2 2 for purposes related to outdoor recreation, natural habitat, 2 3 and agriculture. The general assembly is authorized to 2 4 implement the amendment by law. 2 5 The proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of 2 6 Iowa, if adopted, would be referred to the Eighty=third 2 7 General Assembly for adoption a second time, before being 2 8 submitted to the electorate for ratification. 2 9 LSB 6469XC 82 2 10 da/rj/5 (http://coolice.legis.state.ia.us/Cool-ICE/default.asp?Category=billinfo&Service=Billbook&menu=false&hbill=SSB3217)

    11. You ask, “What Can I do?” Stay informed. SFC work: www.iowadnr.gov/sustainablefunding/index.html Interim Committee work: http://www.legis.state.ia.us/aspx/Committees/Committee.aspx?id=212 Understand your local natural resource issues. Spread the word!


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