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Verb Expansion Game

Verb Expansion Game. Team 3 Bryan Bloss Jeremy Comardelle Gordon Gable Gleyner Garden Sponsored By: Dr. Beth Young. Proposal. Customer requested development of a game that would help students practice use of verb phrases.

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Verb Expansion Game

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Verb Expansion Game Team 3 Bryan Bloss Jeremy Comardelle Gordon Gable Gleyner Garden Sponsored By: Dr. Beth Young

  2. Proposal • Customer requested development of a game that would help students practice use of verb phrases. • Game would have students match a particular verb phrase with the rule that created it

  3. Verb Expansion Is… • Auxiliary + Verb Combinations • Five Main Verb Forms • Equation of a Sentence • T (M) (have + -en) (be + -ing) MV • Modals

  4. Verb Phrase Examples Present tense: I will fly = T + M + MV I will have flown = T + M + have + -en + MV I will have been flying = T + M + have + -en + be + -ing + MV I am flying = T + be + -ing + MV Where: T = Tense M = Modal (Will/Would Can/Could May/Might) tense related MV = Modal Verb (verb also changes depending on tense)

  5. Verb Phrase Examples • Past tense: • I flew = T + MV • I would fly = T + M + MV • I would have flown = T + M + have + -en + MV • I was flying = T + be + -ing + MV Where: T = Tense M = Modal (Will/Would Can/Could May/Might) tense related MV = Modal Verb (verb also changes depending on tense)

  6. Game Ideas • Since sponsor suggested matching game where the user would have to match a verb phrase with its corresponding rule • A game of “Concentration” would fulfill this requirement perfectly

  7. Statement of Work • The system shall run on a standard desktop computer with the Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, or Microsoft Windows 98 operating systems. • The system shall utilize to a database of verb phrases and associated expansion rules. • The system shall have a user-friendly interface that minimizes entry from the user. • The system shall provide a score to the user. • The system shall have the capability to expand the database. • The system shall have less than 2% down time per month. • The system shall use a high level programming language. • The system shall use regular as well as irregular verbs in the game.

  8. Concept of Operation • User logs into class website, and accesses Game intro page. • Java plug-in may be downloaded & installed, if necessary. • User reads instruction page, if necessary. • User begins Game by accessing page with Game Java application. • Game generates graphical array of "cards", face down, with the number ofcards to be determined by the difficulty level selected. • Each card is assigned either a verb phrase or its associated rule, sothat there is a whole number of matched pairs. This requires theapplication to generate the verb phrases from a source file of verbs andtheir usage. • Clock/timer begins. • User selects two cards at a time. • If there is a match, cards are colored to indicate a finished pair. Ifnot, the two cards are turned face down again. • Repeat steps 8-9 until all of the verb phases have matched with the correct phase equation.

  9. Software Requirement Specs. • Has to run over the web • Execution has to be client side • Best solution: Java Applet

  10. Internal Workings • Three main classes: • Concentration class • Gets everything started • DrawCard class • Is the actual card that is displayed • Controller class • Static • Methods are called an event happens, i.e. one of cards is clicked

  11. Working Prototype • http://home.cfl.rr.com/eel5881/Concentration/Concentration.HTML

  12. Graphic Design Concept

  13. Testing • Component Testing • Module Testing • Integration Testing • Product Testing • Testers

  14. Questions/Comments ?

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