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Caltrans Transportation Planning Grant Programs: Partnership Planning & 5304 Transit Planning Presented by Priscilla Martinez-Velez California Department of Transportation Division of Transportation Planning Sacramento, CA (916) 651-8196 priscilla_martinez-velez@dot.ca.gov.
Caltrans Transportation Planning Grant Programs:Partnership Planning &5304 Transit PlanningPresented byPriscilla Martinez-VelezCalifornia Department of TransportationDivision of Transportation PlanningSacramento, CA(916) 651-8196 priscilla_martinez-velez@dot.ca.gov
This discussion will focus on the following federally funded transportation planning grants offered through the California Department of Transportation: Partnership Planning 5304 Transit Planning Statewide Transit Studies Transit Technical Planning Assistance Transit Professional Development
$3.25 Million in Federally Funded Transportation Planning Grants • Goals: to fund transportation planning studies or projects that improve mobility, accessibility, reliability, safety, or efficiency of the transportation system • Not for capital improvements (construction), engineering work, equipment purchases, operating costs, environmental studies, project study reports
Who is eligible to apply: • Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Regional Transportation Planning Agencies (RTPAs) can apply as recipients • Other entities can apply in coordination with an MPO or RTPA as sub-recipients: • Cities, counties, universities • Native American Tribal Governments • Community-based organizations • Non-profit organizations • Public entities
Funding Requirements • Funding provided on a reimbursement basis • Work Element in the Overall Work Program • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise reporting • Requires a local match • Partnership Planning grants • supply 80% of the project cost • require 20% minimum non-federal local match • 5304 Transit Planning grants • supply 88.53% of the project cost • require 11.47% minimum non-federal local match
Competitive Grant Process • Statewide competition • Two evaluation committees • Grant award recommendations to management for approval
Grant Programs • Partnership Planning • Transportation studies having statewide benefit and/or multi-regional significance • Performed in partnership with Caltrans • Approximately $1,000,000 funding available • Funding provided by Federal Highway Administration • Maximum award per grant is $300,000
Partnership Planning Objectives or benefits may include: • Improve public involvement • Increase agency ability to plan or collect data on transportation systems and potential users • Make more efficient use of transportation infrastructure and land use
Partnership Planning Projects Prior Examples: • High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane Feasibility Study(Sacramento; Placer) $105,000 Grant. A study to examine the legal, operational, financial, and logistical issues in determining feasibility of implementing a system of HOT lanes in the Sacramento region. • Multi-Modal System Partnership (Fresno; Madera; Tulare; Kings) $276,000 Grant. A partnership to develop a consensus base between local entities to build a base communication about coordinated regional land use policies framework to implement any high-capacity, mass transit-based, multi-modal corridor system adopted in the Fresno Blueprint process.
5304 Transit Planning • Transit studies – funded by the Federal Transit Administration, projects must focus on transit • Three sub-categories, each with separate objectives: • Statewide Transit Planning Studies • Transit Technical Planning Assistance • Transit Professional Development
5304 Transit Planning • Statewide Transit Planning Studies • Transit studies that have statewide and/or multi-regional significance • Approximately $1,400,000 funding available • Maximum award per grant is $300,000
5304 Transit Planning • Statewide Transit Planning Studies • Objectives may include: • Improve mobility or accessibility: increase connectivity, enhance mode choice, improve transit service • Enhance agency ability to plan, forecast or collect data to improve transit service • Integrate transit in the planning process • Encourage efficient development patterns that incorporate transit service
5304 Transit Planning • Statewide Transit Planning Studies Prior Examples: • Butte Regional Transit—A Market-Based Approach to Planning Transit (Butte; Glenn; Sutter; Yuba) $160,000 Grant. An inter-regional study to develop a market-based transit report that clearly delineates the existing and proposed route system planned in consultation with the public. • Victor Valley Long-Distance Commuter Needs Assessment Study (San Bernardino) $72,000 Grant. A study to assess and coordinate inter-regional commuter service options between the Victor Valley communities into the San Bernardino Valley and Los Angeles basin.
5304 Transit Planning • Transit Technical Planning Assistance • Transit or intermodal transportation planning study that benefits a transit service area with a population of 100,000 and less • Identifies mobility or access needs and evaluates continuity of service • Approximately $700,000 funding available • Maximum award per grant is $100,000
5304 Transit Planning • Transit Technical Planning Assistance Prior Examples: • Benicia Breeze Local Transit Service Study(Solano) $30,000 Grant • City of Escalon Short Range Transit Plan(San Joaquin) $30,000 Grant • Making Transit Work in the City of San Marcos(San Diego) $88,728 Grant
5304 Transit Planning • Transit Professional Development • Project provides student transit planning internships in a public transportation agency • Approximately $150,000 in funding available • Maximum award per grant is $50,000
5304 Transit Planning • Transit Professional Development Prior Examples: • Marin County Transit District Internships in Transit Planning(Marin) $40,220 Grant • Monterey Bay Transit Planning Rotational Internship Program(Monterey; Santa Cruz) $50,000 Grant • Rising Stars in Transit – Internships for University Students(Riverside) $50,000
The transportation planning grant application package is available on the Caltrans website: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/tpp/grants.html
Questions? Priscilla Martinez-VelezCalifornia Department of TransportationDivision of Transportation PlanningSacramento, CA(916) 651-8196 priscilla_martinez-velez@dot.ca.gov