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TSDL, Principal SDL & Grade Detail EOY Data Submission Sept. 2012- June 2013

TSDL, Principal SDL & Grade Detail EOY Data Submission Sept. 2012- June 2013. CHECKLIST Data due June 12, 2013*. Demographic Records Enrollment Records All Program Services Staff Snapshot Data in L0 Express

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TSDL, Principal SDL & Grade Detail EOY Data Submission Sept. 2012- June 2013

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  1. TSDL, Principal SDL & Grade DetailEOY Data SubmissionSept. 2012- June 2013

  2. CHECKLISTData due June 12, 2013* • Demographic Records • Enrollment Records • All Program Services • Staff Snapshot Data in L0 Express • Course Data in L0 Express - http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/courseCatalog/home.html • LMP Template in L0 Express • Staff Student Course (Roster & Assessment Group) Records (Teacher Linkage) • Staff Assignment (Principal Linkage) - *Exception – please submit earlier so that the principal can use the new Principal L2RPT when available.

  3. CHECKLISTData due July 10, 2013 • 2012-2013 Regents exams assessment fact records (including June 2013 records) to be used in principal evaluation calculations – you may or may NOT be importing and uploading these through Level 0. Watch for emails from Testing and/or our NERICDW listserv. • There is a very quick turn around and ALL Regents will have to be in for scanning earlier than in the past. In addition there are also a number of new rules for scoring and administration of tests. Please work closely with your Testing Coordinators. • ALL students who took a test should be in Level 0 and pushed to Level 1 BEFORE bringing the sheets for scanning.

  4. CHECKLISTAugust of 2013 Deadline OR Later Another webinar will cover these EOY data submission requirements • All Demo, Enrollment, PS, & Accommodations not scanned and uploaded to L1 by NERIC • Final Staff-Student-Course records • SPED Data (EOY Snapshot and Events if needed) – Due Date of August 21, 2013. Remember – all demo, enrollment, and PS data must be in prior to the state freezing data even if SPED Events data isn’t due to be certified until November! If a student isn’t reported in August, they can’t be added later. • Grade Detail – Due Date of August 21, 2013 • Daily Attendance – Due Date TBD • Student Contact – Due Date TBD • Contact – Due Date TBD • Staff Evaluation – TBD (after September 1st)

  5. Staff-Student-Course Review“All Students K-14, All Teachers, All Courses” Two types of records in the Staff-Student-Course screen: • Roster (Reported for both courses that DO terminate in a state assessment and courses that DO NOT terminate in a state assessment. Reporting date: 2013-06-30). This record simply shows enrollment in a course • Evaluation or Assessment Group (Reported ONLY for courses that DO terminate in a state assessment. Reporting date: First date of assessment period). This record tells NYSED that they need to generate a Student Growth score if the child is grade 4-8 for ELA & Math. • Of note: There may be situations where SSC records are reported, but a Grade Detail record is NOT (If the course has NO outcome, does NOT show on a report card or transcript, or is NOT credit bearing – Report SSC, but NO Grade Detail Reporting Dates for Staff-Student-Course Assessment Group Records (only reported for courses that terminate in a state assessment) • 2013-01-22 (January Regents) • 2013-04-16 (3-8 ELA) • 2013-04-24 (3-8 Math) • 2013-05-22 (4 & 8 Science) • 2013-06-11 (June Regents) Cheat Sheets: http://portal.neric.org/sites/services/DW/Pages/Downloads.aspx

  6. TSDL Verification Teacher Verification (TSVR – Teacher Student Verification Report) • Staff-Student-Course records must be sent to the state before a PIN is generated • Once SED identifies submission of S-S-C records for a teacher NOT previously submitted, a PIN is generated • Generated PIN letters are placed on the IRS portal and the DDC is notified via email • PIN letters need to be distributed to the teachers • Instructions for creating an account and logging into the system are included in the PIN letters • Teachers should verify their rosters – students listed on each roster (student will be included even if they were only in the class for one day); start and end dates should also be verified • Data corrections should be made as needed; resubmitted and verified as accurate • Districts should set up a process for verification as the TSDL data will need to be certified • TSVR website has good videos on how to create an account & login and how to verify the data A New Principal Verification Report will be available in Level 2 RPTs soon • Rosters for teachers/students under the principal’s purview will be listed • The Staff Assignment template will provide the linkage information • Allows the principal access to their records Level 2 RPT – SIRS - 315 • Staff and Course folder/Teacher and Student Data Linkage (TSDL) Verification Report • Allows DW Team & CIOs access to see what data has been reported to the state; for use in troubleshooting issues, etc.

  7. Staff Assignment Data collected to link principals to students enrolled in programs they supervise • Location Code: Local building code used by the Data Warehouse, uniquely identifying the location associated with the course sections for which the staff person is responsible, typically assigned by the local student management system. For school districts and charter schools, use the building code that uniquely identifies the building to which the principal responsible for the instruction is assigned. For BOCES, use a virtual location code assigned to the principal responsible for the instruction. If the principal changes, use the same location code used for the previous principal overseeing that group of students. TSDL Linkage MUST not be broken because of a principal change. • Assignment Code: Use “PRN” • Assignment Date: Use first day of school year, or the first date of the school year that the staff member was assigned to the "location" as the principal. • Grade Level: Can report “ALL” for an entire instructional program (per building of location) for all grade levels OR multiple records (one per grade level) for principals who share supervision (ex: HS Principal A – 2 records, one for grade 9 and one for grade 10. HS Principal B – 2 records, one for grade 11 and one for grade 12) • Assignment Title: Local use. Not required. • Programs Code: Local use. Not required.

  8. Student Class Grade Detail A record must be reported for ALL K-12 courses, unless the course has no grade/other outcome and no credit earned and the course is not reported on the student’s transcript and/or report card If ANY of these conditions are TRUE, record is required. • All reported records (ALL Grade levels) must include a course outcome – P for passing, F for fail, or N for not complete (for any reason). • Numeric final grades and credits attempted/earned are required for all secondary courses (7-12 and ungraded secondary). • Indicate whether or not a Regents exam score included in the final course grade calculation • Students earning credit through a make-up credit program (i.e. retaking a course, summer school, or taking the course online) must be reported as such in the credit recovery field • All Credit Recovery records are now reportable, not just Summer classes. • For summer classes, no Staff-Student-Course records are submitted and DISTRICTS submit the results: Summer School Participation, Student Class Grade Detail record and Regents results if applicable. • For school year courses, the entity with instructional reporting responsibility reports all records for that course.

  9. Q & A • What courses, teachers, students need to be reported this year? • What about ungraded courses? • How should Labs be reported? • Some of my teachers are unable to login to the TEACH system? What should we do? • We split our ELA into 3 courses: Reading, Writing and Spelling and have them 100% instructional responsibility on all of them. Will that make them 300% responsible for ELA? • Should we load all of our courses now or only those leading to a state assessment? • My teachers are seeing minutes on the TSVR but I see hours/minutes, do I need to convert all of those? • Do BOCES need to report GED students for APPR purposes? • When do I use a 0055 enrollment record? • Can a student parentally placed at a private school enroll as a “walk-in” student at my district to take a state assessment? • Other questions?

  10. Contacts: • Please email all questions to: DWHelp@neric.org • Or call our Data Warehouse Hotline at: 518-862-5409 Thank you for attending!

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