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Language Learning Space Evaluation Action Research Project

Language Learning Space Evaluation Action Research Project . Kylie Farmer Anne-Marie Morgan. Project Goals. Promote the LLS – lls.edu.au Encourage teachers of Chinese to engage with the resources and materials available on the space

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Language Learning Space Evaluation Action Research Project

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  1. Language Learning Space Evaluation Action Research Project Kylie Farmer Anne-Marie Morgan

  2. Project Goals • Promote the LLS – lls.edu.au • Encourage teachers of Chinese to engage with the resources and materials available on the space • Gain insights into the diverse ways in which the materials can be used by students and teachers to enhance learning • Use feedback from project participants to inform possible areas of improvement for future development of the LLS • Share findings with other teachers via Webinars • Develop “champions” who are able to advocate for the use of the LLS amongst colleagues

  3. Project Timeline

  4. Project Administration • Teacher replacement reimbursement • Will be paid to schools on submission of final report and participation in webinar • Use of 2nd day of teacher release (12 November?) • Preparation of PowerPoint for Video Conference • Writing up of Final Report • Reimbursement of taxis etc • Please use form provided and email to PL@afmlta.asn.au with receipts • Consent forms • Please sign these today and hand to Kylie

  5. Online Collaboration • An online space for everything relating to this project • Resources • Blog • Surveys • llsproject.weebly.com • This is instead of the Scootle Community network we had initially planned to use • It is expected that participants will actively contribute to this space during the project

  6. Accessing the LLS • Go to lls.edu.au • Log in as a teacher using your Scootle Login • You have xx minutes of Discovery • Enjoy! Then….. • Go to our LLS AFMLTA Action Research Project Weeblyllsproject.weebly.com and complete the survey indicating your initial thoughts about the LLS

  7. My Chinese Tutor • Skyping with Regina

  8. Student Challenges – Julie Tee • Using existing challenges and creating your own!

  9. Professional Learning Modules

  10. Using Apps Setting Up a Chinese Program Using Games Learner Diversity The Australia Curriculum: Chinese Language Using Story to Teach Chinese Intercultural Language Learning: Introduction Intercultural Language Learning: Classroom Practice Intercultural Language Learning: Assessment Oracy Literacy Teaching Without English Sister Schools Focus on China Across the Curriculum Professional Standards for Language Teachers

  11. Selecting modules • Consider your needs and context • Consider your interests • Explore the modules • Select one or more for current focus • Plan to use others later • logical connections/sequence • Work at own pace • Evaluate the module • Recommend to others

  12. The Australia Curriculum: Chinese Language • http://www.lls.edu.au/teacherspace//professionallearning?id=18 • Andrew Scrimgeour • A cultural shift?

  13. Intercultural Language Learning: Introduction http://www.lls.edu.au/teacherspace//professionallearning?id=34&sectionid=16 • Introduction film clip • What is ICLL? • How does it apply to you and your context? • Programming for ICLL • Considering ICLL as a focus for inquiry • Connect with • ICLL: Classroom practice • ICLL: Assessment • Consider sequence of engagement, inquiry, use

  14. Professional Standards for Language Teachers http://www.lls.edu.au/teacherspace//professionallearning?id=250 • Marnie Foster • The importance of professional collaboration • Alignment of standards • AFMLTA • Professional Standards for Accomplished Teaching of Languages and Cultures • Chinese Annotation to above • AITSL • Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

  15. Using Apps http://www.lls.edu.au/teacherspace//professionallearning?id=6 • Mei Lin Chu and using apps and games • Kevin Yang- using iPads

  16. Video Conference – 19 November • We will video conference to share the results of our Action Research Projects on Tuesday 19 November, 4 – 6pm AEST • All project participants are required to participate online and present briefly (5 minutes each) on their Action Research Project. • The presentation template will have 3 slides • What I did • What I found • What next

  17. Video Conference – 19 November • The software we will use is called Blackboard Collaborate • To set up your computer, follow the instructions on the link below: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/support/Pages/vccstart.aspx • When you are ready, enter our test video conference by clicking the link below: https://sas.elluminate.com/m.jnlp?sid=2007026&password=M.DF2B5EA9F003D9EE50D387D09A3B50

  18. Teacher/practitioner inquiry evidence-based practice in education is a discourse that advocates the transformation of educational research into a systematic evidence-based research endeavor, based primarily on findings about what works in studies conducted by academic professional researchers Lily OrlandBarak (2009) ‘academic professional researchers’ are teachers involved in inquiry…

  19. AITSL Convention – Feb 22 2012Fred Brown, Learning Forward, US

  20. Inquiry as ‘stance’ • Pedagogical orientation • Normal part of practice • Informed knowing • Develops agency • Reflexive praxis • Active, leads to change • Community of learners/collaborative communities of practice

  21. Action Research (in education) • Integration of action (implement a plan) with research (understanding of effectiveness of implementation) • Overarching goal is positive educational change • Aims to improve schools, teacher practice, learner outcomes • Often ongoing, usually cyclical • School-centred • Collaborative: teachers, students, parents, community • Change impacts significantly on teachers involved • Records kept of the process and findings (data) • Results published or presented to wider audience

  22. Characterised as • Integrated • part of normal practice • Reflective • alternates between plan implementation and critical reflection • Flexible • methods, data, interpretation refined in light of understanding gained during research process • Active • designed to generate change in small steps • Relevant • meets the needs of teachers and/or students

  23. Characterised as • Cyclical • leads to deeper understanding, meaningful outcomes • Focused • single issue of school/practice investigation/improvement • Collaborative • working together to improve student outcomes • Planned • organisedapproach to answering a question • Learning • simultaneous construction of new knowledge by teachers about their practice (NSW DET 2010)

  24. Planning • Identifying the issue to be explored/changed • Looking elsewhere for information • similar projects, professional reading • Developing questions, research methods • Developing plan related to the specific context • personnel, budget, outside agencies, timelines

  25. Acting • Trialling/enacting the investigation • following your plan • Collecting and compiling evidence • Different forms of ‘data’ and ‘data points’ • Questioning process, making changes as needed • If performing cycle of action

  26. Observing/analysing • Analysing evidence critically, collating findings • Discussing findings • with co-researchers, colleagues • Writing a report/presentation • Sharing findings with stakeholders and peers

  27. Reflecting • Critically evaluating the first cycle of the process • Will there be subsequent cycles? • How will they be different? • Implementing the findings or new strategy • Implementing change • Revisiting the process • Replanning, reusing, reinvestigating, etc

  28. Connecting to AITSL

  29. Possible projects • Handout • Working with student challenges • Working with professional learning modules (PLMs) • Other investigation topics • Going further • Priorities • Spread across areas • Provide an indication today of likely area

  30. Project research plan template • Handout • Main sections • Planning • Acting • Observing/analysing • Reflecting

  31. Project research plan template • Planning • Focus of inquiry • Working with … student challenge • Working with LLS materials and My Chinese Tutor • Creating a new challenge • Exploring the ICLL PLMs in relation to my practice • Aims of inquiry • To integrate LLS materials into my regular class practice • To increase use of apps, following recommendations from ‘Using apps’ PLM • To scope a term program incorporating LLS student challenges • To investigate how I might reorient my program to be more interculturally focused • LLS materials working with • Nominate which ones you will be using (if known)

  32. Project research plan template • Planning • Personnel involved • Self and…? other teachers, admin staff, students, community, network • Timeline • Keep to the available time for this project (keep the scope realizable) • Other literature/materials? • Do I need to read more widely, consider other projects (outside LLS)? • Research question (be specific and narrow) (what?) • How did my students respond to working with the … student challenge? • How effective was my assessment item to use with …? • How did the inclusion of… support my usual program? • Research method/processes (how?) • How will I conduct this investigation/process? • Step by step processes (keep simple) • What evidence/data will I collect? At what times? From whom? How will I record this information? (student work, my reflections, classroom observations, test results, student survey, conversations with others)

  33. Project research plan template • Acting • Enacting the investigation • Follow your plan • Focus, timeline, steps, methods • Collection, compiling and considering ‘data’, evidence • ‘Check in’ with project management and colleagues for feedback and advice • Revisit/revise your plan, if time, or if needed • Engage with the project Weebly for • Questions, sharing, advice

  34. Project research plan template • Observing/analysing • Review evidence critically • Did it achieve my aim? What else was needed? What might I do differently? What was missing or especially valuable from the LLS? • Collate (preliminary) findings • Discuss findings • Co-researchers, colleagues, project admin team • Use the project Weebly for feedback

  35. Project research plan template • Reflecting • Share findings with stakeholders and peers • Prepare for teleconference (use presentation template) • What I did, what I found, what next • Present at teleconference • Submit written report (use report template) • Write up of investigation project • Advice to ESA on LLS • Overall reflective comment • Plan further inquiry/practice focus

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