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TDR discussion. TDR discussion. 13 March the first draft of the TDR is scheduled to be presented (during Muon Week ) Performance chapter (From Carlo Dallapiccola ):
TDR discussion • 13 March the first draft of the TDR is scheduled to be presented(during Muon Week) • Performance chapter (From Carlo Dallapiccola): • Simulation of the NSW. Description of the NSW simulation(s) used in the performance studies. Documentation of any relevant simulation-level studies regarding the NSW layout: acceptance/hermeticity, etc. What, exactly, do we focus on here? (Andrea, Andy, George?) • Single muon performance. Use of some sort of parameterized, fast simulation (described in above section?) to quantify: offline muon track reconstruction efficiency; pT and angular resolutions. (Ed Diehl? Junjie? George?) • Performance in high background environment. Degradation of performance with cavern+beam background. Fake rates. (?) • L1 trigger performance. Performance of sTGC trigger. (Shikma, Anyes?) pT resolution (???) • sTGC detector simulation: • Garfield and magnetic field simulation • Data flow rate studies: • Charlie’s cavern background simulation using FLUGG • bb and cc pythia samples • Trigger and data acquisition: • TDS and router
FLUGG from Charlie’s note We use the FLUGG-based [1] stand-alone cavern background application [2] for this work. Geometry is defined using Geant4 [3]. The implementation contains an appropriately simplified description of the present ATLAS detector, since the complicated internal geometry of the ATLAS calorimeters is unimportant for this application. On the other hand, it has additional beam line elements and detailed shielding geometry that are crucial to background calculation. Physics modeling is performed with FLUKA [4] which is a widely used tool for shielding studies. This tool was adopted because of the ease of geometry revision, fast turn-around and adequate physics performance. Geometry changes in these studies can be introduced in a matter of hours. Sufficient simulated events can be produced and analyzed within a day, allowing for the evaluation of many ideas. Phojet[5] is used to generate p-p events at 14 TeV. The resulting particles plus their decay and interaction daughter particles are tracked by the FLUGG application. They are recorded when crossing into any of the logical scoring volumes defined around each muon detector station. The recorded information include particle type, 4-momentum, position and time. Detector hits are obtained by convoluting this incident flux with pathlength corrected, energy-dependent, detector technology specific sensitivities. We obtain rates at a given luminosity assuming a p-p cross section of 70 mb[6]. Detector sensitivities for neutrons and photons are artificially increased ten-fold, to provide better statistics; this factor is accounted for when computing rates.