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Sociology: Identity & Roles

Sociology: Identity & Roles. Social Identity. Sociologists view identity as a mutual relationship b/w the individual & society Individuals influence society through the creation of groups & networks Society influences individuals through the creation of a common language & its shared meanings

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Sociology: Identity & Roles

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  1. Sociology:Identity & Roles

  2. Social Identity • Sociologists view identity as a mutual relationship b/w the individual & society • Individuals influence society through the creation of groups & networks • Society influences individuals through the creation of a common language & its shared meanings • Social identity is the way an individual defines him/herself & the world around them • Created through socialization by internalizing the values of the groups an individual belongs to -> creates a self-concept (a place w/in the world)

  3. Social Identity & the Life Cycle • Social identity is not static – it changes as we age & is influenced by life experiences • Below is a list of stages/tasks – not everyone goes through all

  4. Social Identity Theory – ExperimentMake a mental note of which painting you like better Abstract Cubist

  5. Social Identity Theory • You officially belong to either the Abstract group or the Cubist group. • Pretend I have given you $100 & you must now give the money to one member from each group • Write down how much $ you would give to a member in YOUR group & how much $ you will give to the OTHER group • How many of you gave MORE money to YOUR group? • Social Identity Theory states that as a member of a group, individual's aim to protect its core values & ensure its future survival • To do so, we often put down opposing groups that threaten our group’s existence

  6. Role Theory • Sociologist Erving Goffman believes all human behaviour is acted • Ppl manipulate their appearance to present a specific kind of self, depending on the audience • IOW, ppl conform and “act” various Social Roles • Social Roles are expectations that are attached to particular social positions • Ppl may play a role willingly or reluctantly • Gender Roles – pre-children can’t distinguish roles, happens as children mature. • Who do young preschool children play with? What do they play with? • Who do they gravitate too during elementary school? What changes in play occur? • When is their another shift?

  7. Dating, Courtship, & Homophily • Sociologists would be interested in studying relationships and how the roles of participants have changed (and why) • How did ppl enter into a relationship in the Victorian Era? • Chaperones would have to accompany single females on social outings w/ males (to supervise behaviour) • Parents still arrange courtship/marriage in many parts of the world • Canada (in general) is a free-choice culture when it comes to dating • Digital dating is changing the way ppl connect w/ one another & brings attention to homophily • Homophilyis the tendency to associate w/ those who are similar to us, even in mate selection (not necessarily gender based) • How would digital dating impact homophily?

  8. Finish your work from yesterday!

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