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This presentation gives an overview of how to create a continuous learning curriculum for account managers, measuring the competencies of a great account manager, and how to formulate a positive perception of our company's account managers. Get your account managers on the journey to best-in-class account management with The Brooks Group. Contact us today. <br>Learn more here -<br>https://thebrooksgrouponline.com/training-programs/large-account-management-training/
Best in Class Account Management Recommendations on Building a Continuous Learning Curriculum that Produces Best in Class Account Managers innovate | implement | impact
<Client> 2018 Strategic Business Plan – Example for Illustrative PurposesCurricula Needs to Tie Back to Helping the Market Access Team’s Objectives. The Training Events Themselves are Tactics. Objective 1: Achieve Gross Sales of <$> for with Net Sales of <$> Objective 2: Increase Net Promoter Score from <TBD> to <TBD> as measured by PAR & Equity Scan Strategy 1 Strategy 2 Strategy 3 Perform internal & external gap analysis to identify goals & issues that will inform the Managed Markets Continuous Learning Curriculum Build & implement the curriculum to elevate the team’s competence, confidence & achieve established business objectives • Measure the change in behaviors & business outcomes to drive accountability & a “living” curriculum • Where we are today – <TBD>: 2
Customer Engagement Sustainability MethodologyAs good as the training is, coaching, reinforcement & touch points are critical success factors to ensure the business processes become part of the (Client) DNA. • Establish a baseline for AMs skills, behaviors & competencies • Ongoing Coaching • Measure the change in behavior
Level III Analysis Technique to establish baseline competency scores from AMs + Leadership. 16 Weeks after training, re-survey the team to measure the change in behavior. Rating scale: 1 = Do not demonstrate the behavior, 2 = Inconsistently demonstrates the behavior, 3 = Demonstrates the behavior most of the time, 4 = Demonstrates the behavior almost all the time, 5 = Consistently and effectively demonstrates the behavior 4 © 2018 The Brooks Group
Manufacturer Net Promoter Scores Way to triangulate voice of the customer feedback into your curriculum & can act as a longitudinal measure. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company's products or services to others. It is used as a proxy for gauging the customer's experience, overall satisfaction with a company's product or service, loyalty, & predicting business growth. NPS is a core metric in customer experience management programs across industries. Company 5 Response Breakdown Promoters Detractors Passives -11 -42 -49 -9 9 22 Company 5 2 Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 6 Company 7 -15 -60 -30 0 15 30 45 60 -45 Wave 1 (September 2017); n=55 Q: How likely are you to recommend each company based on their overall efforts in (1) patient/care giver support, (2) provider education support, and (3) unbranded program support? Note: Net Promoter Score is always shown as just an integer and not a percentage. And, a negative NPS is possible as the score can range from -100 to +100. 5
Manufacturer Differential Access Scores The Differential Access Score (DAS) is an index ranging from -100 to 100 that measures the willingness of customers to provide increased (comparatively better) access to a company’s AM team based on their overall experience with the company. DAS can be used as a proxy or outcome metric for how well a company executes its customer/account engagement approach. Company 5 Response Breakdown Likely Unlikely Passives -29 -45 -55 -15 4 11 Company 5 -9 Company 7 Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 6 -15 -60 -30 0 15 30 45 60 -45 Wave 1 (September 2017); n=55 Q: When considering the quality of (1) the service of their customer facing personnel and (2) their support offerings, how likely are you to provide increased access to each company? Note: Differential Access Score is always shown as just an integer and not a percentage. And, a negative DAS is possible as the score can range from -100 to +100. 6
Best in Class Account Manager MetricsMeasuring the Competencies of a Great Account Manager Value Proposition Knowledge & Capabilities Engagement Approach 7
Value Proposition <Company> has the highest Value Proposition Cumulative Score among the comparator companies active in the <therapeutic area> space, followed by Company 7 & Company 5. • Navigate Medication Coverage Issues: Company 7 • Identify, Align & Bring Resources: Company 3, Company 7 & Company 5 • Informs of Payer Related Issues or Challenges: Company 1 & Company 3 • Informs of National, Regional & Local Trends: Company 1, Company 3 & Company 6 Wave 1 (September 2017); n=55 Note 1: Each Parameter Scores Ranges From 0-100 (with 0-25=Poor, 26-50=Fair, 51-75=Good, 76-100=Exceptional) Note 2: Top Quadrant is the percentage of the panel giving the company a rating 80> Note 3: Presence is the average percentage of the panel that has engaged with the manufacturer and able to provide a rating Note 4: Cumulative Corporate Image Score Ranges From 0=Lowest to 500=Highest Leaders by Sub-factor: 8
Knowledge & Capabilities <Company> has the highest Knowledge & Capabilities Cumulative Score among the comparator companies active in the <therapeutic area> space, followed closely by Company 6 & Company 5. • Understands Clinical & Operational Objectives: Company 5 & Company 6 • Deep Understanding of Managed Care Health Insurance Business: Company 6 & Company 7 • Reimbursement & Pay-for-Performance Metrics: Company 1, Company 6 & Company 7 Wave 1 (September 2017); n=55 Note 1: Each Parameter Scores Ranges From 0-100 (with 0-25=Poor, 26-50=Fair, 51-75=Good, 76-100=Exceptional) Note 2: Top Quadrant is the percentage of the panel giving the company a rating 80> Note 3: Presence is the average percentage of the panel that has engaged with the manufacturer and able to provide a rating Note 4: Cumulative Corporate Image Score Ranges From 0=Lowest to 400=Highest Leaders by Sub-factor: 9
Engagement Approach <Company> has the highest Engagement Approach Cumulative Score among the comparator companies active in the <therapeutic area> space, followed very closely by Company 6. • Focused on Matters of Strategic Importance: Company 6 & Company 7 • Demonstrates Critical Thinking: Company 7, Company 3, Company 6 & Company 2 Wave 1 (September 2017); n=55 Note 1: Each Parameter Scores Ranges From 0-100 (with 0-25=Poor, 26-50=Fair, 51-75=Good, 76-100=Exceptional) Note 2: Top Quadrant is the percentage of the panel giving the company a rating 80> Note 3: Presence is the average percentage of the panel that has engaged with the manufacturer and able to provide a rating Note 4: Cumulative Corporate Image Score Ranges From 0=Lowest to 300=Highest Leaders by Sub-factor: 10
Most Important Metrics when Formulating Perception of a Company's Professional Account Managers “ The best Account Managers are those knowledgeable about the disease & understands the reason the medication is beneficial. Those who bring speaker programs, coupons, vouchers, patient assistance program samples, education, & assist with prior authorization.” – <Therapeutic Area> Provider “The representatives who gets involved in the PA process & understands the tiered process are the best at their jobs.” – <Therapeutic Area> Provider “They know what they are talking about. They know what the market is like. They know about the accessibility of their drug. They know where you can get the medication & which plans. They actually follow-up with patients. It is their follow-through & level of professionalism. 70% of account managers are just dropping off samples, & don’t even know anything about their product, they don’t know anything about the market. They are just like delivery people. I don’t consider them professional. & most of them are that way. It is nice to see a professional Account Manager who knows about their specific region & health population of their specific territories.” – <Therapeutic Area> Provider Wave 1 (September 2017); n=55 Q: Please check the three metrics you consider most important when formulating your perception of a Company's Account Manager. 11
The Journey to Best in Class Account Management: Sample Curriculum Becoming Trusted Advisors Prepare Learn Perform • Pre-work • Pre-reads • Updated Healthcare Primers • iPad Application • Course Previews with Directors • Training • Integrated Account Planning • Individual Account Manager Tracks based on VOC results: • Selling on a Basis Other Than Price • Business Leadership • Leveraging Your Value Proposition Through Mentoring • Certification • Quarterly Business Reviews • VOC (Voice of Customer) research Collaborative Problem Solving Learn Perform Prepare • Training • Building & Positioning the Unique Value Proposition • Driving Innovation with Customers • Value-Based Negotiation • Pre-work • Pre-reads • Course preview with Directors • Updated Healthcare Primers • iPad Application • Certification • Conduct joint account planning with external customers • Coaching • VOC(Voice of Customer) Research Integrating Strategically Learn Perform Prepare • Training • Accessing & Integrating at Strategic Levels • Executive Level Presence • Certification • VOC(Voice of Customer) Research • Pre & Post Course Assessment • Pre-work • Pre-reads • Healthcare Primers(i.e. Healthcare Market Overview) • Additional topical area healthcare primers with interactive components Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce • Keep training fresh • Coaching • Actively Deploy, Execute & Support • Keep training fresh • Coaching • Actively Deploy, Execute & Support 12
Ryan Evans Sr. Partner Ryan.Evans@brooksgroupinc.biz 602.751.1987 Innovate ⎸Implement ⎸Impact