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India's Best Educational Schools in 2023

This edition of The Knowledge Review, "India's Best Educational Schools in 2023" that are covered Educational Schools.<br>

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India's Best Educational Schools in 2023

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  1. India Vol. 01 | Issue 04 | 2023 Vol. 01 | Issue 04 | 2023 Vol. 01 | Issue 04 | 2023 India's www.theknowledgereview.com Best Innovating Classroom How Schools Can Revolutionize A EDUC TIONAL Learning in India Schools Prioritizing Whole- in 2023 child Development Exploring the Advantages of a Holistic Education Approach for Students Cygnus World School, Vadodara A Global Ecosystem for Holistic Development

  2. Celebrating Pedagogical Excellence ducation has always been a critical pillar in the E E development and growth of a country. It is through education that we are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to innovate, create and drive progress. As we enter 2023, the world of education is evolving at an unprecedented pace. With technological advancements and changing pedagogical approaches, the way we learn and teach is rapidly transforming. The world of education is constantly evolving, and schools must adapt to these changes to ensure that their students are equipped with the

  3. Note Ed?or's necessary tools to succeed in a unique strengths, and contributions rapidly changing world. of such innovative schools to the field of education. These schools India, with its young and dynamic have demonstrated an unwavering population, is at the forefront of commitment to providing quality this change. The country has made education. significant strides in improving the quality of education offered in Our aim is to recognize and schools, and we have witnessed a celebrate the efforts of the best surge in the number of schools educational institutions in India and offering innovative and progressive contribute to the ongoing dialogue learning environments. India, being on education in the country. the second most populous country in the world, has always placed Have an enticing read! great importance on education. In recent years, the country has witnessed a surge in the quality of education being offered in various schools across the country. It is with this in mind that we ฀Anish David present to you our latest edition of The Knowledge Review, 'India's Best Educational Schools in Aoish David 2023,' highlighting achievements,

  4. P r o f i l e s St. John s ‘ High Schzzl 20 Exploring and Embedding Overall Social and Academic Development of Students T agore Ioteroatizoal Schzzl 26 Creating Free Minds for a Progressive Country The Cathedral & Jzho Czoozo Schzzl 34 Shaping the Young Minds Unique Public Schzzl 40 Giving Wings Gen-Y with Quality Education and Holistic Development Contents

  5. A r t i c l e s Ioozvatiog Classrzzm 16 Prizritiziog Whzle-child Develzmeot 30 08 C o v e r S t o r y Cygnus World School, Vadodara A Global Ecosystem for Holistic Development

  6. P e o p l e Behiod this sales@thekozwledgereview.czm Editor-io-Chief Pooja Bansal Seoior Editor Anish David CORPORATE OFFICE Maoagiog Editor Survey No.133/134, Brand Square, Riya Chatterjee Office No. 512, Kunjir Chowk, Pimple Assistiog Editor Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411027 Gopal Ingole Phzoe - India: +91 7410079881/ Sr. Vice Presideot 82/83/ 84/ 85 Email - Megha Mishra info@theknowledgereview.com Marketiog Maoager Subscritizo - theknowledgereview.com Ashwini Pahurkar BDL We are also Available oo Priyanka Chaudhuri Sr. BDE Sachin Bajad Art & Desigo Head aod Visualiser Rahul Shinde Co-desigoer Ankita Pandharpure Techoical Specialists Prachi, Rajeshwari Digital Marketiog Maoager Renuka Kulkarni SME-SMO Executive Yash Bhatt Circulatioo Maoager Tanaji Fartade theknowledgereview theknowledgerv Copyright © 2023 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. The Knowledge Review is powered by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd.

  7. India's Best EDUC TIONAL in 2023 Schools Web Address Description Name of the Institute Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, is one of the oldest boys Bishop Cottoo boarding schools in Asia and was the first ‘Public School’ bishopcottonshimla.com in India. Since its inception, the school has gone from School, Shimla strength to strength. Academic education at Cygnus World School involves practical experiences, team work, leadership and building Cygous World cygnusworldschool.com of technical skills by availing top-notch facilities. With School, Vadodara excellent academics taught by the best faculty, the school encourage students to go beyond books. Harsha International Public School helps build the Harsha Ioteroatiooal foundation for the child’s future by unlocking their true hips.ac.in potential. Through innovation in education, the school has Public School built an exclusive learning community for its students. Meru International School believes in every child and Meru nurtures them to transcend and succeed in life. The meruinternationalschool.com school achieves this by imparting strong value systems Ioteroatiooal School and lifelong learning to its students. Pinewoods International School and Junior College Pioewoods offers a clean, happy and safe atmosphere together with the benefits of modern facilities and educational Ioteroatiooal School pinewoodsinternational.com technology within a traditional Indian cultural and aod Juoior College moral framework. St. John's High School is an all-boys, english medium, unaided Catholic Minority Institution, and the institute, like St. Joho's High stjohnschandigarh.com any other social structure, has its own rules and School, Chaodigarh regulations, which promote cohesiveness amongst its members and is value-based. The philosophy of Tagore International School is based on Tagore Ioteroatiooal tagoreint.com three goals: academic excellence, the spirit of innovation School, Vasaot Vihar and the zeal to impart value-based education. Enriched with spirit, legacy and character, the history of The Cathedral The Cathedral & John Connon School has been one of cathedral-school.com excellence and innovation. The school has completed 162 & Joho Cooooo School years of excellence in education in the country. With a vision to imbibe competent qualities in the younger generation, Unique Public School was upsooty.com Uoique Public School incepted in 2016 and today it has created a strong foothold of quality education. For over 160 years, Woodstock has touched the lives of young people from all corners of the globe and from all woodstockschool.in Woodstock School walks of life who have come to this place to live and learn together.

  8. Cygnus World School, Vadodara A Global Ecosystem for Holistic Development Cygnus World School, or CWS as it is popularly known, is a progressive brain in a secure and aesthe?cally designed body with a mul?-faceted heart and a unique soul.

  9. C O V E R S T O R Y

  10. India's Best Educa?onal Schools in 2023 "The highest education is that which aesthetically designed body with a does not merely give us information multi-faceted heart and a unique soul. but makes our life in harmony with all That is the complete definition of existence," Rabindranath Tagore said Cygnus World School. It includes Cygnus World School is this when he referred to Shanti academics, sports, art, music, nature about the place and the Niketan. and value education in its lesson plans. This is not just books and walls but a people who have a similar confluence of direction and way of life. ‘soul’. And this has knowledge, harmony, and A wisdom is Cygnus World Spearheading this revolution in the become possible School, Vadodara. As a pioneer and global education space is its because the head, hand leader in the educational spectrum, the Founder—Ms. Madhavi Agrawal. institution meets the eye as a Her eye for detail and perfectionist and heart func?on in magnificent green campus housing five approach is obvious as one notices harmony. There are not artistically constructed school every piece of furniture, the fittings buildings with ample outdoor spaces and the embellishments along the just lessons from books for children to play, move around and Cygnus ecosystem that is blossoming that are taught here; life explore, along with overwhelming the life of every student. greenery standing out in the concrete is lived here through the neighbourhood. It is definitely not We, The Knowledge Review, crossed symbio?c associa?ons Rome that was built in a day. It stands paths with Madhavi Agrawal and the as proof of the extensive research and School Principal—Ms. Kanchan Joshi, formed among the detail that has gone into the making of over a welcoming cup of coffee in the people of all ages that this dream school. office of the Founder Director of Cygnus World School in Harni, form the Cygnus family Cygnus World School stands apart as Vadodara, Gujarat. and with the community an institution that purely aims for qualitative, holistic, child-centred How it all started? around it. education which is a lifelong Cygnus World School(CWS) was th experience. Cygnus World School, or established on 8 June 2011 with 53 CWS as it is popularly known, is a children, ten teachers, and five acres. With a humble beginning, the progressive brain in a secure and administrative staff, spread across 7.3 school has always represented its educational excellence and wants to shape students for the challenges of the future while teaming up with teachers, students, and parents for inclusive growth. It is the faith of this team and the parents that took the school from its inception to where and as what it stands today. The World Inside Cygnus The Cygnus ecosystem nurtured by the School Founder—Ms. Madhavi, is about the place and the people who have a ‘soul’. And this has become possible because the head, hand and heart function in harmony. There are not just lessons from books that are

  11. taught here; life is lived here through the symbiotic associations formed among the people of all ages that form the Cygnus family and with the community around it. "Yes! Education is not simply from the printed and the spoken. It is from the philosophy that guides those that guide a student. Anything and everything that can nurture a student’s potential, develop the student and enable the student to rise and blossom is what education is all about. And that is the essence of Cygnus World School!" says Ms. Madhavi Agrawal. This success of CWS is a result of the vision of the Founder and Ms. Madhavi Chairperson—Mr. H. V. Kanoria. He Agrawal is an eminent industrialist who truly Founder, Cygnus believes in giving back to society. He World School stands for his faith in education being the way to herald economic, social, and lane to share her glorious academic and She shares that the Hallmark of cultural change. This makes him an sports career, the passion for holistic Cygnus has always been to be ideal member of the Board of Trustees education is obvious. An alumnus of extremely well planned. "Post of Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan and New Delhi’s prestigious Modern pandemic, the new Hallmark of Cygnus Chairman of the Social Committee of School, Shri Ram College of will be the 'Adaptability to Changing Gungabux Kanoria Bhavan School, Commerce, ICFAI and Harvard, Ms. Circumstances'," says Ms. Agrawal. In Kolkata. With the guidance and Agrawal has also represented New response to the virtual learning blessings of such an experienced Delhi in hockey and has been into process, the school fortified its strong visionary, his team has traveled across athletics, basketball, tennis and horse training programme even further by the globe to research, observe and riding. A good orator and a theatre offering online training programs. 90 adapt best practices in every ingredient enthusiast, Ms. Agrawal’s school and per cent of their teachers are now that goes into the making of an college career saw her in many Microsoft Innovative Educators (MIE) educational institute for over a period challenging and leadership roles. This and over a span of 3 months, 4 of them of a few years. was where she began appreciating the became Microsoft Innovative Educator importance of a 360-degree education Experts (MIEE). With such guiding light, Ms. Madhavi and perhaps subconsciously nurturing a has made the school become the most dream to establish an institute to that Words from the Principal favored and top leader across the effect. Principal—Ms. Kanchan Joshi education community worldwide. Lets reflects upon how the school has grown know her story and how she diligently At Cygnus, she has exemplified her over the last few years with the shaped the school ecosystem and is leadership skills and has introduced an complete support of the school successfully giving back to society. ecosystem that is not only self- management, a trained set of dedicated gratifying but is also responsible for teachers and parents who place their A Standout Educational providing an astounding academic faith in the school. She explains how Leader—Ms. Madhavi Agrawal experience. they aspire to nurture the torch-bearers As Ms. Agrawal goes down memory

  12. of tomorrow, who will be well-formed and how the school functions. The children to play an international and well-informed rather than just team ignites curiousity and encourages standard game. well-filled. She says, "At Cygnus,we the ability of the children to explore, prepare future leaders who take pride question and accept the world around The center of attraction for students in being Indian and are global in their them. They work with a progressive, and visitors is the 'The Bistro'. The approach and understanding." innovative, constantly-updated Bistro accommodates 540 children curriculum and integrate the best from at every meal. It has a smooth The Cygnus Way of Education current international teaching practices. functioning of the service and It is quite interesting to see how the What goes into the making of the cleaning teams as well as the school campus, the trained educators, happy and knowledgeable faces maintenance of quality and the technology and the ideology, all smiling across the campus of Cygnus discipline. 35 happy personnel find a harmonious home, every day in World School is thoroughly researched serve these children, supervised by activities that are crafted to address an efficient manager. The food multiple intelligences in each child. served is delicious, with varieties ranging from paneer to soya and Ÿ Sports and Health- A Way of halwa to balushahi. The students Living are completely justified in the bond The school houses a well-planned they feel even for their Bistro. sports programme in action on its multiple sports areas, football, And no! It is not just all play and no work here. Team Cygnus has badminton, and basketball courts. th th The 7 and 8 -grade students effectively found a centre ground shared how they have regular that balances between free dedicated coaches who undertake learning and adequate assessment. regular morning and evening It follows a continuous, practice sessions along with their comprehensive, and constructive routine 'Group Games'. assessment system. The attention to detail of Ms. Ÿ School Council - Way to Madhavi is visible in the specially Impactful Leadership designed basketball court that An expansive 45-member allows effective water drainage and secondary school council that provides the ideal ground for the includes students from grade 7 to

  13. grade 11 taking charge of events for its primary school, which is learning. It is evident even in the like Teacher's Day, Annual responsible for its events. Co-scholastics building. One could Concerts and so on and so forth. The members are selected after a see the efforts of the students and They learn to be a part of various valid process of nomination, fair art teachers in the colorful displays, teams like the editorial, sports, campaigning, and elections. sculpture teacher’s lessons taking cultural, etc. and are prepared for Civics is lived in the lives of the form of art and sculpture larger leadership roles in the school these children right from exhibits, and a group of theatre and their future lives. grade 1. enthusiasts rehearsing a street play to be performed for an inter-school The school has successfully been Ÿ Co-scholastic – Way to competition as notes of melodious able to instill responsibility and Entrepreneurial Leadership instruments and voices wafted confidence in its students by At Cygnus, the students play a across the corridors. enabling a separate council crucial role in guiding their own Cygnus is one of the only ‘Green Schools’ in now from 2020-23 for bringing interna?onal the country and is the proud recipient of dimension into the school curriculum. The LEEDS USA Gold award for Green construc?on the Pla?num award from IGBC A short film ?tled ‘Nine’ about organ India for green prac?ces at the school. The dona?on which was scripted, shot, edited school has been conferred with the Na?onal and directed by our students Siddhant Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2018 by the Agrawal, Siddh Jain and Avi Patel won the MHRD-India for exemplary work in water, Silver Beaver Award at the 8th Na?onal sanita?on and hygiene. Science Film Fes?val, at Guwaha? (Assam). Also for the film 'No Tomorrow', produced Cygnus is the proud recipient of the by Cygnus World School, Siddh Jain, the Brainfeed School Excellence Award (2019- Director of the received the Junior Beaver 20) for having Award at the 10th Na?onal Science Film Fes?val of India 2020. *BEST INFRASTRUCTURE, Ÿ Bri?sh Council Interna?onal Dimensions *BEST SPORTS EDUCATION, Award - 2020-2023 and 2016-19-for *LIFE SKILLS EDUCATION & inculca?ng worldwide accolades and *BEST TECH-SMART SCHOOL. integra?ng global ac?vi?es into the curriculum with an aim to go beyond the It has been conferred with the “Leading classroom. Schools of the World” award. Ÿ Bri?sh Council ISA Award - 2017 – 2020- For providing an interna?onal standard Recently in 2020-21 ‘Cygnus World School’ of educa?on within the country of India. is Ranked No.1 in Vadodara under the Ÿ LEEDS USA Gold Award- 2014: For green category – CBSE City-Wise in a survey construc?on and eco-friendly conducted by Educa?onToday.co. infrastructure of the school. Ÿ IGBC India Pla?num Award- 2021-2024: For availing of green and sustainable Cygnus is the recipient of the Bri?sh Council prac?ces within the school. ISA award twice in a row for 2017-20 and

  14. The school enables students to Tinker CAD, IoT and digital across the country in Vadodara and work in groups regularly. The learning are part and parcel of the befriended them, spent time with spacious corridors of its beautifully lives of the Cygnites. Using these them and helped them get computer designed building have a lot of to create 2D and 3D models in their savvy through teaching of basic charts covering their boards outside academic subjects is the ideal computer skills like the MS Office the classrooms, and students draw integrated foot forward. It also Applications. They also had a lot of and color over these blank includes collaborative learning, use interactive sessions with the trust canvasses of soft boards based on of experience and questioning. members and trustees. They came thematic charts, write-ups and Through the AI lab used by grades up with a project called DNA- images. The school organizes some 8 and 9, Semantics, an AI driven Definitions Not Applicable. This friendly competitions like The online game is used along with kind of involvement with the Entrepreneur Week where students Autodraw and Inkelwriter and MIT community around is commendable had created business ideas and App Inventor for app development. project indeed! designs, made products and sold these items in the school to raise a With such core hands-on learning, commendable amount of Rs. the analytical skills are honed to the 66,000/-. The students shared how maximum. The young children are this entire experience included found to present their work and A Af ff fi il li ia at te ed d O Or rg ga an ni iz za at ti io on ns s learning about market research, explaining it confidently refecting having their own Shark Tank on the exemplary student led Cialfo experience, applying the technical learning once again. These labs are For career counselling and and digital skills they had learned, not just free grounds but also offer and actual experience working in the AI academic parcels of psychometric and teams for planning, execution, knowledge as laid down by CBSE DMIT tes?ng for high- marketing and sales. for class 8 and 9. school students. Interna?onal Ÿ STEAM LABS – A Way to Ÿ Social Welfare Programs—A Way Collabora?ons Experential Learning of Giving Back to Society Bickley Park School, United The school is equipped with Creya The school students are also and AILabs—an innovative involved in educating selected Kingdom STEAM program lab for students, underprivileged children of the city Belgrano School, Argen?na from Grade 4-9. It is an as a part of the welfare programmes Mills Berry School, Nepal experiential learning system that initiated by the Baroda Citizens School House with Khan provides students with a set of Council (BCC). The students had Academy literacies and competencies for also visited 'The Lakshya Trust' a st success in the 21 -century. Tynker, shelter home for transgenders from

  15. Ÿ Green Way of Living and pursuit of knowledge and a complete sample board paper discussions, Learning understanding for effective learning. laboratory activities and also The school, with its nature-centric preparatory leaves. In the list of other ideology, has made a positive At Cygnus, the team understands the activities, the students also participate difference in the air quality in core competencies of every child and in quite a few MUNs that are held school despite the reasonably large gradually familiarises them with across the country and their students concrete belt around the school! multidisciplinary subjects like Maths, outshine most others. One tough The school has a well-maintained Science, Social sciences, and balance made easy for them all!The RO system, biogas plant, solar Linguistics (English and Hindi). students of this section have a lot of panels and rainwater harvesting Theory and practice go hand in hand help at hand. They have two in-house system. This gives the students here, and a healthy ‘learn and apply’ counsellors, in addition to a special much learning outside their cycle is created. This is evident in the educator for the entire school, who classroom walls, right within their way the children move up to the help them understand their own selves, school campus. The school Primary school and as shared by the grow emotionally and socially." participates in many awareness Head of Primary School, Ms. Sakina drives about banning plastic, Giniwala. "We use in-house presentations, increasing the green cover and NIMHANS Life Skills Modules and saving the environment. The 3Rs We also happen to spot a well equipped informatory videos and documentaries are practised through art, craft, and and manned infirmary closeby. When as a method of teaching, followed by a all their activities. Their cultural asked about medical facilities in quick feedback and summary of the performances and assemblies often school, Ms. Sakina explains, "We have sessions. The 'Awakened Citizenship have presentations based on such a full-time in-house doctor to attend to Programme' has also been themes. Not only that, every year, the children. This is quite in contrast to implemented for the students through the Cygnus family is gifted with a the frail and flimsy first aid provided in the Ramkrishna Mission, Vadodara jute bag to encourage the 3Rs in the name of full- time medical along with meditation sessions through practice and at all times. The school attention." the Heartfulness organization. The does practice what it preaches and primary graders have sessions on the students live what they learn! Balancing between Academics and 'good touch-bad touch' and the middle Co-scholastics schoolers have open forums on The Marvels of Cygnus Preschool As the student proceed into secondary 'puberty and adolescence'. There are Sharing insights on how the school school, they are gradually moved into sessions to help them understand and ensures happy learning experience, The the CBSE based curriculum, curricular question the world around them, know Head of Preschool, Ms. Aparna competitions, textual learning, about the future that awaits them and Maheshwari explains how her team additional modules created by subject make intelligent and informed choices ensures that a happy learning haven teachers and supplemented learning in life. This includes their subjects with an optimal growing environment through various digital portals. This right from the third language to their is created within their pre-primary helps the students have an easy an optional subject choice and eventually school, Cheviot Kids. The well- interesting transition from primary to career choices. There are programmes arranged, colourful, and safe secondary school. like American Field Service (AFS), classrooms reflect the efforts of the Ciaflo, Global University Fair and teachers and the thoughtful inputs by In an engaging discussion, the college visits to give ample of the team. There are plenty of Secondary Co-ordinator—Ms. opportunities to the students to interact opportunities for hands-on learning, Madhavi Mangat, and the Senior with each other, their juniors, their incorporation of technology with the Secondary Co-ordinator—Ms. S. teachers, experts from the various use of smart flat panelled screens Jyothi explain about the academic- professions in the real world, bringing the world to the fingertips of extracurricualr balance maintained by experience various work arenas and the teachers and an array of books and Cygnus World School. They said, get a real slice of life.Leadership roles manipulatives and teaching-learning "Interspersed with all events are tie- and roles which ask them to take aids. In these premises, one stands ups with offshore coaching centres, ownership and responsibility are witness to a strong foundation for the remedial classes, coaching sessions, encouraged," concluded Ms. Madhavi Mangat and Ms. S. Jyoti.

  16. Innovating Classroom How Schools Can Revolution?e in India Learning 16 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  17. a shift towards a more holistic and student- centric approach to education. This involves rethinking traditional teaching methodologies and embracing new ducation has always been crucial to technologies and innovative approaches to any society, and India is no learning. E E exception. With a population of over 1.3 billion, India has one of the largest Several initiatives and organizations are education systems in the world. The country already working towards this goal. From has made significant strides in improving edtech startups to non-profit organizations, access to education in recent years, there is a growing movement towards implementing policies such as the Right to transforming education in India. The Education Act and the National Education adoption of digital tools, online learning, Policy. and personalized learning platforms has opened up new opportunities for students, However, despite these efforts, the education educators, and parents. system in India faces several challenges. To address these challenges, the education Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has system in India must undergo a further highlighted the need for a transformation in education. transformation. This transformation requires 17 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  18. With the forced shift towards online personalized learning is not just about Rather, it should be used in a way that learning, schools have had to embrace technology; it requires teachers to be enhances, rather than replaces, new approaches to education. This has skilled at assessing student needs, effective teaching practices. created opportunities for greater providing differentiated instruction, flexibility and inclusivity in the and fostering student agency. Collaborative Learning education system. Collaborative learning is another Project-based Learning effective way to innovate the In this context, it is essential to Another effective way to revolutionize classroom. By working in groups, recognize the efforts of those who are learning in India is through project- students can develop important skills working towards transforming based learning (PBL). PBL involves such as communication, teamwork, and education in India. By embracing new engaging students in complex, real- leadership while engaging in deeper methodologies and technologies, we world challenges that require critical learning through discussion and can create a more inclusive, equitable, thinking, collaboration, and problem- debate. and dynamic education system that solving skills. Instead of memorizing prepares students for the challenges information for a test, students work on Collaborative learning can take many and opportunities of the future. long-term, interdisciplinary projects forms, such as group projects, peer that enable them to apply what they've teaching, or cooperative learning As the world continues to change at an learned in a meaningful way. activities. However, it's important to unprecedented pace, the education note that effective collaboration system in India must evolve to meet PBL can be a particularly effective requires careful planning and the needs of the 21st century. The approach in India, where there is a facilitation by the teacher. Students traditional one-size-fits-all teaching need for more hands-on, practical need to be taught how to work and learning model no longer suffices, learning experiences. By allowing effectively in groups and provided with and educators recognize the need to students to work on projects that are clear expectations and guidelines for relevant to their lives and communities, innovate the classroom. collaboration. PBL can make learning more Personalized Learning meaningful and engaging. Teacher Professional Development One of the most significant ways in Finally, in order to truly revolutionize which schools can innovate the Technology Integration learning in India, it's important to classroom is by adopting a The use of technology in the classroom invest in teacher professional personalized learning approach. has the potential to transform the development. Teachers need to be Instead of relying on a rigid, learning experience for students and equipped with the skills and standardized curriculum, personalized teachers alike. By integrating knowledge to implement innovative learning recognizes that each student technology into the curriculum, teaching practices effectively and has unique strengths, weaknesses, and educators can provide students with reflect on and improve their practice learning styles. By tailoring instruction new and exciting ways to learn, as well continuously. to meet the individual needs of each as streamline administrative tasks and student, educators can create a more enhance communication with students Professional development can take engaging and effective learning and parents. many forms, such as workshops, experience. conferences, and online courses. Technology integration can take many However, it's important to ensure that There are many ways to implement forms, such as using digital simulations professional development is ongoing personalized learning, such as through to teach complex scientific concepts or and sustained rather than a one-time adaptive software programs that adjust providing students with online tools event. In addition, professional content and pacing based on student and resources to support their learning. development should be differentiated performance or by providing students However, it's important to note that to meet the needs of individual with more opportunities for self- technology should not be viewed as a teachers and align with the school's directed learning. However, panacea for all educational challenges. overall vision for teaching and learning. 18 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  19. St. John's High School Exploring and Embedding Overall Social and Academic Development of Students very popular city in India has a February 1, 1960, with its first batch the school is responsible for educating few schools that have a special consisting of 41 students. over 2000 students at a time, which is a E E place in the hearts of both huge achievement considering its first students and parents for the Today, St. John's High School provides batch had only 41 students in the year effectiveness it provides in the overall more than just formal education from 1961. development of the youngsters. Those Kinder Garten to Class 12. Before schools are often not new but have switching to CBSE in 1993, the school The Perfect Infrastructure been established a long time ago. Since was affiliated with the Council for the The best part about St. John's High their inception, such schools have been Indian School Certificate Examination. School's infrastructure is that it is 100 making constant progress in their The first batch to appear for the ISC per cent solar-energised. The school is academic eco-system and other examinations was in December 1963. spread over an area of 30 acres with facilities that they provide. the perfect infrastructure for the overall Mrs. Kavita Chatterjee Das took growth of its students. The campus One such school located in charge of the school as Principal in houses three major academic buildings, Chandigarh; the capital city of Punjab April 2007. Under her able guidance, namely - the Junior Wing for Primary is St. John's High School. It was the school has improved its ranking students, the Middle Wind for Upper established in 1959 by the Capital and made a place for itself among the Primary students and the Senior Wing Project, and the Christian Brothers top schools in India. Under her for High School students. were invited to take charge of the supervision, CCE was introduced, and school. The school opened on later the school went on to become a For students to get an actual laboratory Senior Secondary School. As of today, experience, the schools also built various labs for Chemistry, Biology, 20 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  20. Iodia's Best Educatiooal Schools io 2023 Physics, Computer, Mathematics. A The school is on a mission with a St. John's High School believes in Special lab for Multi-Skill Foundation vision task to bring out the best in providing education to every student. Course and a Geology Museum is also every individual, along with helping That is why for the last 25 years, the present to help students explore them in recognising their dignity. The school has been actively incorporating different vocational fields. This school aims to form a community of Indradhanush Children—children provides the young, growing minds students, teachers, parents, under the Economically Disadvantaged with a perfect space to grow and be management, and other staff, living by Group (EDG)—as equal shareholders practically ready for the future, even the precepts and teachings of Jesus in the school, which allows them to before pursuing higher education. Christ. enjoy all the rights and privileges as a member of St. John's family. Apart from the classrooms and labs, St. Prioritising RTE- Right to John's High School has also provided Education The schools have also started a Foster its students with excellent sports St. John's is relentlessly working Parent Programme, a unique initiative facilities on its campus such as an towards the holistic development of that helps establish a good rapport International Standard Skating rink, children. It has created an environment between teachers and students. Under Pistol Range, Science Park, Open on its campus that stimulates and this program, every teacher adopts Gymnasium, Indoor Gymnasium, encourages students to develop three EDG students as their children in Adventure Park, two Basketball important life skills like critical school and looks after their overall Courts, two Cricket Fields, three thinking. The school has planned its performance. Football Fields, Squash Courts, a education policies based on the Hockey Field, two Lawn Tennis National Education Policy introduced An Ingenious Leader Courts, a Volleyball court and a Kho- in 2020. However, the school had "I see children as a blank canvas; Kho area for the overall growth of its already embedded a majority of the unique beings, ready to explore the student. policies in its eco-system, like different facets of the world. I, as a Sustainable Development Goals, even teacher, have merely mediated in the Value-based Vision and Mission before the introduction of the NEP. learning process of my children as a The school has embedded four core facilitator, and helped them to explore values as its foundation, and those The school is generating a lot of the unbound potential hidden in each values act as a stepping stone for the educational material for children to one of them so that they are able to school’s vision and mission. Also enhance their Critical and Creative known as the four cornerstones of St. Thinking and reasoning based skills in John's, the school's core values are the languages, Sciences and Spirituality, Inclusion, Justice and Mathematics. Advocacy, and Compassion. St. Joho High School has gaioed a prestigious status oot ooly because of its educatioo facilities but also because of its extra- curricular aod co-curricular activities.

  21. St. Joho's is releotlessly workiog towards the holistic developmeot of childreo. Mrs. Kavita Chatterjee Das Principal, St. John's High School paint the canvas of their lives associated with one organisation that Once a Johnian, Always a Johnian thoughtfully and ultimately reach a helps in the growth of the community. St. John's High School prepares its level of self-actualization," says Mrs. E.g. Class 1 will be associated with an students for a bright future, and the Kavita Chatterjee Das. animal adoption program, whereas students’ relation with the school stays Class 10 will collaborate with GRIID intact even after they pass out from the Being the Principal of the school, she (Government Rehabilitation Institute school. The school prepares its pupils is responsible for taking St. John's for the Intelectually Disabled) and for the future by adding industry High School to new heights. Shedding Class 12 with the Transgender experience to its curriculum. Special some light on her teaching style, she guest lectures, field trips, mentoring community, to make society a better says, "The purpose of my existence is programs, internships, and vocational place. rooted in my spiritual journey of training are arranged for the students teaching and learning. I believe a so that they can get real-time Apart from that, despite being an teacher is a facilitator who nurtures experience to help them get an edge all-boys school, St. John's High School the talents and inherent skills of the over the competition in the future. was one of the first schools to support children by providing them with the the cause of girl children. In fact, the right kind of environment. I draw from theme when celebrating the school’s For the last 25 years (well before the the educational philosophy of golden jubilee was ‘Empower the Girl RTE was even conceived), the school Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Child’. has been actively incorporating EDG Tagore." Children, as they are very much a part The school arranges activities of the school and are given every right Sowing the Seed of Values in throughout the year like club activities, and privilege they deserve as members Budding Minds Just Fair – a free fair organised for of the St. John's family. St. John's High School organises special guests and students from activities like Unique May Day NGOs, A Fistful of Rice – donating Frontline Warriors in Educational Celebrations, Class Canteens, and food for the needy, Sports Academies, Sector During COVID-19 Pandemic community involvement activities. an Annual Athletic Meet, SJOBA One of the most devastating effects of Every class from KG to 12th is Debates, etc. COVID-19 was on the education space 22 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  22. across the world. The closing of The school initiated a program with have ever seen! We leapfrogged from schools and colleges worldwide teachers and students to spread reluctant traditionalists dragging our restricted the development and growth happiness by reaching out and taking feet, straight into a set of of young minds. However, St. John's care of the senior citizens and others. professionally competent, digital avant High school courageously took up this gardes," added Mrs. Kavita Chatterjee opportunity to grow and become A Multi-skill Foundation Course was Das. frontline warriors in the education launched for children on online and space. It ensured that even the EWS offline platforms, which focused on Being a teacher and principal, she children were able to join the Online developing essential life skills like emphasised learning by saying, "We classes thanks to its alumni who gifted learning, carpentry, cooking, etc. On learnt that the human spirit is the school with enough mobiles to the eve of Christmas, the students indomitable and that we are better ensure that every child could attend donate food grains to the needy under than we think we are. We learnt that class online. the traditional Johnians program, A Fist 'impossible' is just a word. And, most of Full of Rice. all, we learnt that compassion, Launching various programs like kindness, and sacrifice are written into उ?ान, जाग?कता, आशीवा?द, आनंद, Continuing the Miracle Saga our very DNA." सं?ह, that focused on spreading "2021 has been a year of never-ending awareness through various mediums, miracles," said the principal, scanning With these words, she focuses on providing rations to the needy and the year and looking forward to the continuing the miracle saga that started helping people who had lost their jobs future of the school. "An extraordinary in 2021. during the pandemic with placements. year with the steepest learning curve I Nztable Achievemeots • 1st prize io SWACHH SCHOOL uoder SWACHH SURVEKSHAN 2022. • Raoked amoog the top 10 overall oatiooal schools by KVSIofo. • Solar School Award by the UT admioistratioo’s Techoology Promotioo Society (2021). • TOP 3 Best CBSE schools io Chaodigarh by the ThreeBestRated orgaoisatioo (2021). • Recogoized aod awarded as ao Earth Day school, ONE of the six io the couotry by earthday.org (2020-21). • Raoked oo. 1 io Iodia by the Educatioo World School Raokiogs io 2020. • Award of Appreciatioo from the Chaodigarh Commissioo for Protectioo of Child Rights for the KINDNESS TREE for beiog a child-frieodly ioitiative. • St. Joho's was declared the top school io Iodia io the Boys Day school category by the Educatioo World Raokiogs 2020. • Raoked 2od io the couotry uoder the Boys Day School category by the EW Iodia School Raokiogs for three coosecutive years (2017-18, 2018-19, aod 2019-20). • St. Joho's bagged the TOP School award (2od io Iodia, 1st io Puojab aod Chaodigarh) preseoted by the Educatioo World Iodia School Raokiogs, 2019-20. • St. Joho's was awarded a Platioum ratiog uoder the School Health Accreditatioo Project of the Educatioo Departmeot, Deptt. of Commuoity Medicioe aod School of Public Health, PGIMER Chaodigarh. 23 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

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  25. Tagore International School Creating Free Minds for a Progressive Country ree minds determine and define Where the mind is without fear and the The school grew by leaps and bounds the progression of society. The head is held high under the supervision of Ms. liberty that comes with it Where knowledge is free Madhulika Sen, the longest-serving F F represents the development curve of a Where the world has not been broken member of the school. Ms. Sen has community, culture, society, nation and up into fragments been an indelible part of the school, humanity. One such mind that defined By narrow domestic walls initially as a teacher and then a the arc of liberty with progression was Where words come out from the depth visionary leader. Grooming young the great intellect, literate and Indian of truth minds since 1978, she has helped them freedom fighter, Rabindranath Tagore. Where tireless striving stretches its complete their learner's arc at the arms towards perfection school, and find their passion and The first Indian to win the prestigious Where the clear stream of reason has purpose in life. After serving for 20 Nobel Prize for Literature, he led a life not lost its way years as the Principal, she now based on principles of a seeking mind, Into the dreary desert sand of dead supervises the school’s progress as the and has inspired generations. One of habit Senior Education Advisor. his poems that expresses this Where the mind is led forward by thee sentiments reads: Into ever-widening thought and action In our search to find the best schools in Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, the country, we crossed paths with the let my country awake. Tagore International School and Ms. Madhulika Sen. In an interactive Inspired by his philosophy and the conversation about creating a nation dream of a country run by free minds, with free minds through quality Dr. Hari Sen laid the foundation of education based on the ideals of Tagore Education Society in 1964 in Rabindranath Tagore, she explained to Believing in a the capital of the country, New Delhi. us the pedagogies and the ethos of the This society operates the Tagore school. secular India, the International School from two students are campuses. Both the schools progressed So, let's dive deep into the inspiring from being top grade South Delhi story of Tagore International School groomed to Schools to part of the best schools in and learn about its philosophy, vision adopt the country. The campus in Vasant and learning pedagogies. Vihar was started in 1972 and has democratic completed 50 years of its existence. The Brainchild of a Free Mind in a means of solving Free Country! Directed by the vision of Rabindranath Tagore International School is the problems and Tagore, the school has dedicated itself brainchild of Dr. Hari Sen, a free- resolving issues. to providing affordable yet modern and willed woman with a vision way ahead high-quality education. of her time. Being a high-intellect and 26 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  26. Iodia's Best Educatiooal Schools io 2023 motivated student, she completed her Ms. Madhulika Sen: The takes decisions only after healthy BA in English from Bombay Torchbearer of True Education debates based on logic and by University in 1942 at the age of 19 and Starting her incredible journey as an involving both, students and staff. It is then earned an MA in Sanskrit from educator with TIS as a Social Science because of her that students fearlessly Benaras Hindu University in 1947. She teacher for middle school, Ms. propose new projects and confidently was then offered a scholarship to the Madhulika Sen soon shifted to see them through." USA for an MA-PhD program in teaching Economics to Commerce and Education from the University of Humanities students after completing "A true leader, she unwaveringly California, Berkeley. her Masters degree in Economics. credits her team with any success, but for any setback, she takes it on herself Her strong academic background and She served the school as Vice Principal as leader of the team," the school her dedication towards learning got the of TIS from 1986 to 1995 before taking management further adds. attention of many companies, institutes up the position of Principal in 1996. and organisations worldwide, including Being the longest-serving member of Creating Worthy Citizens of the the newly formed United Nations. the school, she is an integral part of the Country Disregarding all these opportunities school, and a pivotal point of its The Tagore International School has and following in the footsteps of her philosophy. During her tenure, she always had a futuristic-education inspiration and her love for her focused equally on value-based approach for its students. The school country, she returned to India and laid education like inclusivity, affordability, focuses on grooming the students to the foundation of one of the best democracy and learning for the future. become worthy citizens of the country schools in the country. She dedicated and the world. Expressing how the her life to mentoring young minds and Ms. Madhulika Sen currently leads the school builds and enhances the skill of creating a country with fearless minds organisation as the Senior Education the students, Ms. Madhulika Sen says, where thoughts and actions break the Advisor, and taking about her futuristic "We constantly gauge what skills they shackles of mediocrity, and it moves education vision and leadership skills, will need in the future, and then chalk forward on the path of progression and the school management says, "A strong out projects/assignments, motivators humanity. believer in the democratic method, she and resource people to help them 27 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  27. practise those skills while in school. All Further asserting her views on the students on the two sides learn Kathak, our programs are hands-on. From learning pedagogies at the school, Ms. Taichi, Yoga, Calligraphy and Art from Social outreach programs for the Madhulika Sen says, "The world we native teachers. All this helps our younger ones where they meet with and live in today has shrunk, and it is easy students be absolutely at home once interact with senior citizens to develop to reach out to people in other they graduate and explore different a sense of empathy and responsibility, countries in a jiffy. TIS has been doing countries for further study or to the Middle-schoolers initiating and this since 2000, though. Our employment." operating societies to help the international programs have seen us underprivileged, to the senior students build partnerships with schools in "A signature event of TIS, LEAD On, is running unique business plans to many countries, from China, Japan, an annual one-day summit for Heads generate money that goes to charity." Singapore and Pakistan in Asia to the of Student Councils of schools across UK, Germany and France in Europe, Delhi NCR. This sees leadership-skill Along with this, the school also to Australia, New Zealand and the building activities along with ensures the literacy skills of the young African continent. Our students and addresses and QA sessions with two minds while training them on soft teachers have visited these schools, very eminent Keynote Speakers. The skills, for they have adopted the 4C's and we have had return visits too. The entire event, from logistics to invites, practical model based on Creativity, learning gained thus is immense. The from budgeting to food, is done by the Collaboration, Critical Thinking and highlight, however, is the virtual student body. This is hands-on learning Communication. learning program we have had with a of organisational skills," she further school in China since 2008, where adds, explaining the continuous learning arc of the school. Curating a Holistic Development The school recognises the importance Ms. Madhulika Sen of non-academic activities for the Senior Educa?on Advisor, holistic grooming of students and has Tagore Interna?onal ensured that every student participates School, Vasant Vihar and becomes a part of it. Describing how the school has integrated that into its curriculum, Ms. Madhulika Sen says, "There are nearly 25 options offered to the students, from Public Speaking to Technology to learning foreign languages, and taking care of our Natural Heritage. Art is integrated with other subjects. Students from grade 1 start learning about national and internationally renowned artists and their styles, aiming to make them appreciate art and art forms." "The clubs offered by the school are complementary to academic education. They develop specific skills that are crucial for one's career. They aim to make students more qualified and confident to adapt to the real world. Club activities for classes VI-VIII are held on a weekly basis during school hours. The club meetings for senior

  28. school students also happen on a Pioneer and a Leader of Equality Education for Sustainable regular basis, and students are and Dignity Development category mentored for interschool, national, and Following the philosophy left behind Ÿ No. 1 School for Holistic Education international level events," she further by Guru Rabindranath Tagore, TIS is a across the country adds. leader in recognising equality and Ÿ No. 8 in the country and No.2 in dignity of each individual. With that Delhi for being SDGs Committed A Student Centric School for Free view, over the years, the school has School by Education World Minds initiated a number of programs to bring The school, based on the philosophy of effective change in society. And the 'Enabling the Mind to find the curation of free minds, has launched school considers that its greatest Ultimate Truth!' and initiated many programs for achievement, as it has not only aimed Being a school that is based on the completing the learner's arc of its to bring change through campaigns philosophy and ideas of the great students. For this, the school has within the nation but has also Rabindranath Tagore, the school launched various programs like: expressed its views on a global grooms the students in that direction. Ÿ Career Aptitude Program for platform like the United Nations. Envisioning the future and the school opportunities after school. moving forward, Ms. Madhulika Sen Ÿ Internship Program for skill A few of those many campaigns that says, "We recognise that schools grow building. the school has initiated are: in an environment of continuous Ÿ Peer Mentoring Program for Ÿ Breaking Barriers – A Human learning. This is all about having instilling humanitarian values. Rights Campaign especially dynamic leaders and systems in place, Ÿ An Inclusive Environment for designed for the LGBTQIA+ ensuring that the curricula do not providing equal education to community. focus on preparing students for the everyone. Ÿ Flawless Flaws – A campaign to 'now', but for citizens of the 'future'. We Ÿ Safety Club to equip students to support acid attack survivors. at TIS aim to engage the students in handle difficult situations. Ÿ SOCH – The Society of Caretakers their own learning by having a stake in Ÿ Counselling for support, care and of Heritage – an initiative to create deciding what, how much and how they growth. awareness about this incredible learn. Increased involvement of parents country's heritage. and the community, both social and the The Trendsetter of Modern Learning Ÿ Project Saksham – empowering industry, is also on the radar. A system While being one with the entire world and advocating the vision of to group students ability-wise, rather in following the model of personalised Rabindranath Tagore of equality than according to age, and grading learning, Tagore International School and dignity of each individual, according to practical and logical has built an environment at the campus irrespective of physical or potential versus based on simple that transmits learning through its intellectual differences. regurgitation of facts, and reducing every corner. The whole building is Ÿ Project Sehpaathi – a project textbooks to take learning out of the used as a Leaning Aid (BALA)where aimed at facilitating quality classroom into the practical world are the students learn about everything education to students from every also being worked on." from mensuration to the SDG’s outside section of society. the four walls of the classroom too. "The spectrum of collaboration with The school has been recognised in international counterparts will be Further outlining the modern practices several instances for its incredible widened, with resources and learning followed at the school, Ms. Madhulika contribution to society. A few of the being shared to pull down barriers to Sen says, "All the classrooms are many awards that the school has knowledge. Core values are woven into equipped with the latest AV technology, received over the years are: the TIS fabric. With every generation which is available for the students to Ÿ No. 1 School for Social of learners, we send out individuals use too. There are specialised labs for Engagement in New Delhi by who are fully equipped to navigate the the Physical, Chemical and Biological Education Today world socially, emotionally, practically Sciences, Home Science, Social Ÿ One of the top 21 schools in the and smartly. They will be able to adapt Sciences and Languages, which are country for Mental Health and to any situation easily. They will also used for extended, practical learning." well-being be empowered to support their peers Ÿ Zero Waste School Award under and take risks," she concludes. 29 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  29. the Advantages of a Holistic Education for Students n today's fast-paced world, the education system is under immense pressure to E I produce students who are academically successful and well-rounded. The traditional education approach that prioritizes academic excellence above all else is no longer sufficient. As a result, there has been a growing emphasis on whole-child development in schools, with a shift towards a more holistic education approach. Whole-child development is an approach that focuses on nurturing students' intellectual, emotional, social, and physical development. By prioritizing the whole child's needs, educators can create an environment that fosters students' well-being, self-esteem, and lifelong learning. This approach recognizes that academic success is just one aspect of a student's overall development and that a well- rounded education is essential for students to thrive. 30 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  30. Prioritizing Whole-child Development 31 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  31. Why Holistic Education? in school and in life, and schools that includes providing opportunities for Research has shown that a holistic focus on these skills can help students social and emotional learning, creating education approach has numerous build resilience, self-awareness, a culture of respect and kindness, and benefits for students. It improves empathy, and other important skills. addressing issues such as bullying and academic performance, as students Schools can set students up for success discrimination. Schools must also who feel supported, engaged, and in all areas of their lives by providing identify and address the barriers to motivated are more likely to succeed. them with social and emotional learning that students may face, such It also enhances students' social and learning opportunities. as poverty, trauma, and family issues. emotional skills, such as self- By providing support and resources to awareness, empathy, and Whole-child education can also address these issues, schools can help communication, which are critical for improve behaviour and discipline. students overcome obstacles and success in the workforce and personal Schools can reduce disruptive succeed academically. relationships. behaviour and improve overall student behaviour by creating a positive Providing opportunities for Moreover, whole-child development learning environment, addressing the extracurricular activities is also can improve students' physical health root causes of misbehaviour, and important. These activities allow and well-being, as it emphasizes the providing support and guidance. This students to explore their interests and importance of physical activity and can lead to a more positive and passions and can help them develop healthy lifestyle choices. This is supportive learning environment for important social and emotional skills. particularly relevant in the context of everyone involved. Extracurricular activities can include the COVID-19 pandemic, which has sports, clubs, and community service, highlighted the need for greater focus A focus on health and wellness is among other things. By providing a on mental health and well-being in another key aspect of whole-child range of activities, schools can help schools. education. By providing healthy food students develop into well-rounded options, opportunities for physical individuals who are prepared for By embracing a holistic education activity, and mental health support, success in all areas of their lives. approach, schools can create an schools can help students maintain environment that supports students' good health and well-being. This can In conclusion, whole-child education is well-being, fosters their creativity and help students establish healthy habits a valuable approach that can benefit critical thinking skills, and prepares that can last a lifetime, setting them up students, teachers, and the community them for success in all aspects of their for success both in and out of school. as a whole. By prioritizing students' lives. social, emotional, and physical needs, Finally, whole-child education can schools can improve academic Roundabout Development improve community engagement. By outcomes, promote social and One of the most significant benefits of providing opportunities for community emotional development, improve whole-child education is improved service, leadership, and civic behaviour and discipline, promote academic achievement. By prioritizing engagement, schools can help students health and wellness, and improve students' social, emotional, and develop a sense of responsibility and a community engagement. Implementing physical needs, schools can improve desire to positively impact their a whole-child education approach academic outcomes such as higher test communities. This can benefit the requires a commitment to creating a scores and graduation rates. Students broader community and help students positive learning environment, who feel safe, supported, engaged, and develop into responsible, engaged addressing barriers to learning, and challenged are more likely to succeed citizens. providing opportunities for academically, which can set them up extracurricular activities. By for future success. How to Implement Whole-child prioritizing the whole child, schools Approach? can help students develop into well- Another benefit of whole-child To implement a whole-child education rounded individuals. education is improved social and approach, schools must create a emotional development. Social and positive learning environment that is emotional skills are crucial for success safe and supportive for students. This 32 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  32. THE CATHEDRAL & John Connon School Shaping the Young Minds ducation is seen as the Walk Through the Path education to young minds allowing essential part of an individual, The Cathedral & John Connon School, them to gain knowledge about how to E which prepares one for the rest also known as The Cathedral School, learn, understand adaptability to the of their life, playing a significant role was opened within the walls of ever-changing world, become global in formulating one's opinion, Bombay in 1860 by Bishop Harding citizens with local vision, develop a personality, and beliefs. As argued by and the Cathedral Chaplain. Over a sense of international mindedness and psychologists, the formulation of period, the school underwent many cherish the individuality of man and personality takes place in early changes as a few smaller institutions the commonality of humanity. childhood by the age of six. Therefore, and buildings were merged to form it becomes necessary to shape these The Cathedral & John School that The Cathedral & John Connon School factors before the said age. stands today. believe in monitoring every aspect keeping the long glory of Cathedral Today, most students are admitted to It was during 1965 that the school School's character and tradition intact. schools by the age of three, where they faced financial and organisational It believes in acceptance and spend more than 5 hours a day. This issues. Rev. Ridding came up with the secularism and makes special efforts exposure shapes a child as an idea of co-education to solve these for its students, as it says, "We are an individual who does not learn only issues. Many opposed it. The ruling Indian school where foreigners are at from academic education but also from was passed by the side of the school home, a Christian school which the institution's environment, leading to the merger of boys' and girls' children of any faith can call their interaction with peers and teachers, and schools. own." imitation of surrounding people. In such a scenario, the selection of the Today the old boy's school is the Talking about the school's objectives, school or institution is crucial. Senior School with Classes 8 to 12 of the former principal (1953-65) Bernard the National & International Gunnery says, "Indeed the School's Some institutions have excelled at Curriculum; the old girl's school is the objective is all round character providing their students with the Middle School with classes 5 to 7; the formation and the development of proper guidance and surrounding for John Connon School is now the Junior proper attitudes. Consciously and growth. One of such institutions is The School with pupils in Classes 2, 3 and unconsciously, pupils absorb a great Cathedral & John Connon School of 4, and the Malabar Hill School has deal apart from subjects they study, Mumbai. Standing since 1860, it Lower 1, and Upper 1. and in the great examinations of life, continues to excel in its performance these extra assimilations speak a under Dr. Sonal Parmar, the school's Values: Leading the Journey school's worth." Principal. The school aims to provide an 34 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  33. Iodia's Best Educatiooal Schools io 2023 The institution believes education and been an independent consultant in serves to bridge gaps in a shrinking translation, editing, and writing with a world while taking pride in making its special focus on culture. students able to differentiate between Consciously and the right and the wrong and personal Dr. Parmar brings a unique perspective beliefs. It endeavours as individuals to the field of school education with unconsciously pupils and a community, with everyone caring her holistic approach that integrates absorb a great deal apart for people and the physical individual enhancement of every child, from subjects they study, environment. As a school, it strives to balanced with character-building and a temper its daily thoughts and actions collaborative spirit. and in the great with core values of honesty, examinations of Life, it is compassion, inclusion, tolerance, Educational Futuristic Approach altruism, and service. The school has been in alignment with these extra assimilations the key aims of the NEP, and most of which speak a school's Featured Person the learning outcomes are application Dr. Sonal Parmar assumed the based, with particular emphasis on worth. institution's principal position in March critical thinking and creativity. The 2022. As an English Literature teacher, school also follows the guidelines for Bernard Gunnery she has taught in schools and colleges its international programs, updating its Principal (1953-65) 35 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  34. Dr. Sonal Parmar Principal, The Cathedral & John Connon School policies from time to time to keep up conducting seminars on various issues, with the needs and requirements of hosting international Model United students and institutions. Nations, and engaging critically in It is where we contemporary and pressing global Carving the Sculptor issues. teach our students The school focuses on practical how to understand knowledge, thus involving the The school clubs promote theatre, and empower interactive process. Making the most of dance, robotics, photography, and other themselves with that the project-based learning, flipped areas of interest that students might which lies outside classrooms, socratic seminars, peer need to hone their skills. This is in reviews, regular feedback, and them— technology, addition to a vibrant house system with reflection are some of the methods and its wide range of cultural and sports information, strategies employed for students to activities, primarily led by the seniors communication, direct their learning. Along with this, of the school, which inculcate a sense interaction, etc.—as assessment is done to recognise of responsibility, leadership, and team well as with what lies individual strengths and weaknesses. building. within them – strength, Apart from the academic guidance, the Apart from this, special attention is resilience, integrity, school also pays attention to the paid to students and relationship and character. holistic development of its students by development between teachers and involving them in service activities. students through LRC allowing Dr. Parmar The children engage in service projects students to perform to their optimum in Principal from food drives to fundraising, every field. 36 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  35. In Addition to Fun making, responsible use of social The classrooms are equipped with a As the school believes in students' skill media, and much more. smartboard, computer, and projector development, it provides them with all with a backed network by a server that the necessities required. It provides Personalisation in Organization hosts all the rich content repositories classes for music, drama, dance, yoga, The school is amongst the very first built by the in-house teachers. The pottery, cooking, planting and schools to incorporate Gsuite. With school's current association with an gardening, art and craft, and much every student having their school e- NGO, Desh Apnayen, has bought more. Students are engaged in various mail id, Google Classroom is used to civics lessons alive for students, and indoor and outdoor sports and martial share resources, collaborate, and the children are made aware of their arts along with additional classes for enhance the communication between rights and duties as citizens of India. languages if interested. students and teachers. In addition, the school holds FitKid classes for children to enhance their fine motor skills, sandpit and waterplay areas for fun and simple lessons, and interesting teaching through puppet shows. Various competitions and quizzes are organised to develop students' competitive spirit. Setting Up for Future The Cathedral & John Connon School look forward to developing life skills in its students right from the primary section. Through various activities, students are encouraged to enhance their social, self-help, organisational, and sense of responsibility. Students have a circle time session for an hour every week where they are encouraged to share their experiences, thoughts, and problems and find solutions as a group. This enables them to learn and appreciate each other, along with being aware of the various comforts they are blessed with. The children are oriented to behaviour expectations and a list of rules elicited from them at the beginning of the year. Playdates with NGOs, preparing skits, and arranging talks on necessary topics are held by the school, creating a sense of awareness among children. The counsellor meets each class weekly, where students are introduced to topics related to communication skills, stress management, decision 37 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  36. We are an Indian school where foreigners are at home, a Christian school which children of any faith can call their own. Bernard Gunnery Principal (1953-65) Envisioning the Future The Cathedral & John Connon School look forward to exploring new ways to co-opt technology into its process. Along with this, it majorly desires to focus on mental health as a post- Mindspark (by Education Initiatives) is assessment, reporting, and pandemic effect on students concerns used for Junior School, allowing communication with parents and the institution. students to move at their own pace in students. their math learning. The children also The school recognises and encourages learn to play the piano using software Winning the World an active engagement in sports, music, that will enable them to progress at As one of the most prestigious and dramatics, and art, wanting to strike a their own pace. remarkable institutions, The Cathedral sustainable balance between & John Connon School has bagged pedagogical robustness and creative The students learn IoT at the many awards. The long list of these excellence. Innovation Hub and are taught the awards includes: basics of electronics, science, design, Their overarching vision for the future technology, and much more through Ÿ Top Prestigious School Jury Awards is to maintain the Cathedral School's practical activities. The school has 2021 (Jury`s Choice Award) by reputation as an institution that sets the collaborated with the Clap Talk Education Today standards of excellence both in and out organisation that facilitates global Ÿ Top Prestigious School Jury Awards of the classroom and to create spaces travellers passing through Mumbai to 2021 (Jury`s Choice Award) by where creativity, bonding, come to school and talk to them about Education Today independence of thought, intellectual their country of origin, the social and Ÿ Education World 2021-22 India curiosity, and academic rigour are political situation of the country, and School Rankings fostered and encouraged. any other detail that the children wish Ÿ EducationWorld School of to know about. Eminence 2021-22 The school sees itself as a 162-year legacy that coheres seamlessly with the st School learning platforms like These and many other awards the innovations of the 21 century and Managebac and Entab are used for school has received over the years where tradition meets modernity efficient curriculum planning, prove it has kept its 162 years legacy. without disruption or fracture. 38 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  37. Giving Wings Gen-Y with UNI UE Quality Education and Holistic Development p u b l i c s c h o o l ducation! The word itself gives us the liberty to imagine E E something beautiful and essential for the community's growth. Being such a noble profession of shaping the beautiful lives of people, teachers are responsible for imbibing the qualities that will help the younger generation lead a fulfilling life. The world is structured in a very organised way. From the finances, lifestyle to profession and creativity, education sets the bedrock for everything for the youth. As Dr. Ivan Fitzwater, a prominent educator in his poem narrates, trust, humour, and tolerance. These to residents of Ooty. Being an "…Several future presidents are values add meaning to life and bring autonomous institution run under the learning from me today- the required discipline that paves the aegis of trust MOISO (Member of So are the great writers of the next way for the holistic development of the International School Ooty), the school decades, younger generation. holds eminent academicians in its And so are the so-called ordinary governing body that enriches the people With a vision to imbibe these qualities learning experience at the school. Who make the decisions in a in the younger generation, Unique democracy..." Public School was incepted in 2016, The school has established global the hardwork of the Managemnet, quality education standards rooted in It tells us the importance of education Principal, Staff and the Students took traditional values and culture, with a and teacher in one's life. the school to new heights and created a perspective of holistic development. strong foothold of quality education in Well qualified and dedicated teachers Unlike the specialised education that the Queen of Hills Ooty, The Nilgiris. were the root for the success of caters specific niche of the learning Unique. Their commitment and love curve in a student's life, the early Eminent Academicians Dream of for each and every students were formal education is responsible for Creating a Unique School remarkable. Special programs to bridge developing important values like Unique Public School is a residential the fast learners and slow bloomers punctuality, honesty, creativity, and co-educational school with a was a successful one which is a need of kindness, independence, empathy, tradition of providing quality education the hour. Unique Public School also 40 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  38. Iodia's Best Educatiooal Schools io 2023 Her sheer confidence in Demonstration and Distributive Leadership has helped students and teachers develop interesting personalities. As a new management committee, she had an additional responsibility to create brand awareness about the school and enhance the declining education quality. Special emphasis was given in the quality of Education and in Extra Curricular Activities to help children develop an Holistic approach to face the Global Challenges. Further, with the use of Technologies and new methodologies she maintained the consistency which took the school to new heights of laurels in Ooty. Due to her dedication, persistence, and effective leadership, the school was upgraded to Higher Secondary School in 2018. Mrs. Gayathri Raman has also has a unique campus with a beautiful aims at a multifaceted development of introduced the idea of carnivals, which ambience, set amidst the beauty of the child's physical, emotional, mental, was a great success to pull admissions. nature that adds to the enhancement of and spiritual personality by nurturing Along with that, she has started various education facilities at the school. The their unexplored potential and initiatives to discipline the students. school has a beautiful Football Pitch, encouraging liberty to be creative, Cricket Nets for practicing, Basketball expressive, and free. Court, Indoor Table Tennis Court, Science Laboratories, Maths Lab, Smart Wings that took UPS to New Heights Classrooms, and a homely residential The person that is to be credited for block for the residential students. taking the school to new heights is the Principal of Unique Public School, Visionary Mission of Going Beyond Mrs. Gayathri Raman. She has a rich Our eodeavour is to Formal Education experience of 23 years as an eminent Mission: The school is on a mission to educator. Accumulating an incredible impart educatioo that impart an education not restricted to team with the backing of the formal schooling only. The school aims Management committee Dr. K. R. goes beyood the to empower an individual to be Rangaraj, Mr. R. Ravi Rao and Mr. achievers through experience. The J. Nandeeshwaran, Mrs. Gayathri, formal schooliog aod school inspires, educates, challenges, with her innovative and creative ideas, and supports the students to reach their has given wings to the school. empowers iodividuals highest learning and personal Understanding and catering to the development level. special needs of the school, it was her to be achievers io dedication that boosted admissions in their choseo fields Vision: To materialise the dreams of the school. Under the guidance of the blossoming minds of the young eminent academicians and her through experieoce. generation with innate zeal for learning Leadership, the school has increased and explore the joy of learning in a immensely in its strength which went holistic environment. Unique Public up from 90 in 2016 to 640 students in School has envisaged a system that 2022. 41 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  39. UPS seeks to develop self-esteem aod pleasure io learoiog through a stimulatiog, supportive aod happy eoviroomeot that provides all members with opportuoities to achieve their poteotial io the iotellectual, physical, moral aod social domaios. Mrs. Gayathri Ramao Moreover, she also recognises the need Principal, Unique to understand safety for the younger Public School generation; that is why she has introduced lessons to ensure safety at the school, especially for girl children. Moreover, she has won awards which at the school, Mrs. Gayathri says, "We two clubs according to their interests include the Best Teacher Award, Best celebrate all the days without fail with and participate in the events. As our Principal Award, Best National Builder a concept, and this has not stopped for school is placed in a beautiful place, Award in 2019, National Leadership nearly 6 years. As a part of our extra- children can easily meagre with the Award from School Stars in 2020, and curricular activities, we have Karate, nature and happily participate in all Best Principal Award in 2021 and Yoga, Singing, Instrumental and the events. We give special emphasis 2022. Under her guidance, the school Dance. These Extra-curricular on sports; we have a beautiful football has received National award for activities are given to all free of cost ground which is the talk of the town. promoting Co-Curricular activities in within the fees. All the students Our Cricket nets attract our students. 2020, Best School Award for 100 per participate in all the activities from We do have a table tennis court and cent results in Board Examination for Grade 1 to Grade 5, and then in Grade basketball court. We do have good Consecutive 6 years, Best School of 6, they take the privilege of showing district level players. All students in the Year Award in 2022 from Asian their interest in what they are our school know to play chess and Education Awards. passionate about. Then they are given solve cubes. We don't restrict children special training according to their from playing; the chess boards are Exploring the Joy of Learning interest." available all time during the break and Unique Public School is really unique lunch. This has attracted the students because it adds that fun element to the "As a part of the Co-Curricular where they don't spend time in other learning process that makes it joyous. activities, we have various clubs like activities," she adds. It also gives the students liberty to Go Green Club, Mothers Club, Adore explore learning through various Club, Literary Club, Interact Club, Unique Public School's Unique curricular and extra-curricular Sports Club, Abdul Kalam Club, and Values and Learning Objective activities. Emphasising of the learning Ramanujam Club. Students can choose Unique Public School is a community endeavour that encourages engagement 42 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

  40. for effective teaching and learning; Public School effectively adapted to special counselling sessions for all the they see to develop self-esteem and modern technology to keep the process children where they were briefed about derive pleasure in learning through a ongoing. Moreover, the head of the the safety measures to be followed stimulating, supportive and happy institute's experience with an online while using social media. They were environment. The school being set in company made the process given numbers where they could calm and scenic nature, the school sophisticated and sorted for the school. complain if they face any issues while values grooming students in a happy being online. This made them feel that environment, which will help all the Explaining how the process digital they had someone to safeguard them. school members reach their potential in transition process evolved at the Soon the children adapted to our intellect, physique, morality, and social school, Mrs. Gayathri explains, "We system, and handling them online was domains. initially started with the WhatsApp easy, and we did not face any big classes and then slowly went on with issues as such. Now when the offline Highlighting some of the major values Zoom, Google Meet, Google classes have been started, we could see of the school, Mrs. Gayathri explains, Classroom, and Microsoft Teams, but a big change in both the students and "UPS recognises the importance of in all these aspects, we were very the teachers where they have bounced communication. We encourage and particular about the safety measures back very strong technically," Mrs. support effective communication for our students both physically and Gayathri adds. between all members of the school mentally. Our sessions were worked community. We use positive behaviour such that there were only 2 to 3 Unique Plans Awaiting for the management, model good behaviour, sessions and a break between the Future use a reward system, use sanctions sessions. The students were taught eye Envisioning the future of the school, sparingly, support each other and are exercises which they had to do after Mrs. Gayathri shares, "We personally kind and polite." each session. We made the parents to believe that from now for five years, participate in all the activities online Unique will have its special place Moreover, the school's main learning so that they took the responsibility of among the students and the parents. objective is to give liberty to students monitoring the child." Unique will be Unique in shaping the to explore the joy of learning. students and transforming them into Explaining some of the highlights of "Once the session is over every day, we the right citizen with values who will, the learning objective Mrs. Gayathri informed the parents about taking the in turn, contribute to society. Rather says, "The learning outcome is always phone, and we freeze the group so that than just making them get their Child Centred on learning. We there is no need for the child to have certificate, we will place ourselves as a personally believe that learning should the mobile. In the evening, the teachers school imparting the skill-based be fun and not a burden. We prioritise would come for one hour to help with learning according to the interest of strengthening the children in the basics the reviews and homework. We had each and every child." of all the subjects, communication skills, interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, and soft skills. We feel that developing a child into a good citizen is the first thing that should be given priority. They should be ready to face all the challenges that this world gives them." Adapting to Modern Technology Modern technology was flourishing in the education sector for a while when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the education sector hard. Though the need of educating the younger generation was held on high priority, the Unique 43 | Jaouary 2023 | www.thekoowledgereview.com

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