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The most challenging aspects to software development are always the people issues. Picking the right data structures, finding the right testing approaches are simple compared to building an effective software team. Most organisations fail to support developer promoted into technical leadership roles so where do you go to uncover the secret skills behind this important role. Come along to this session to discover practical tips for leading technical teams.
The Geek’s Guide to Leading Teams Patrick Kua @patkua
Why do we need a Tech Lead?
Why do we need a Tech Lead?
@julianboot @thejayfields: I had ten guys on my last project, all of them had opinions and all of them were expressed in the code base #speakerconf Source: http://twitter.com/julianboot/status/232830267822309376
A simple test for an effective Tech Lead...
Does the codebase look like it was written by a single person? Yes No
What do effective Tech Leads focus on?
People Tech Business You
The “Tech” in Tech Lead
Do effective Technical Leaders need to code? Definitely! At least 30% of the time with the team TECH
“...respect is the currency of the realm” http://bit.ly/15Rm4z
““The amount of respect an IT pro pays someone is a measure of how tolerable that person is when it comes to getting things done...”” http://bit.ly/15Rm4z
Brackets OR not Curly brace end of line OR next line Tabs OR Spaces 2 Spaces OR 4 Spaces CamelCase OR Underscore
Team Culture How long does the build stay broken? Do people avoid conflict? Do people offer new ideas? Do people flag when they need help? Do people feel okay to admit being wrong?
Vision Can everyone draw the same architecture diagram? Yes No
Riding Paradox Consistency vs Improvement Delivering vs Learning Technical vs Business “Paradox” by Michael Berg
Woo Intellection Strategic Analytical Achiever Activator Input
Collective Accuracy Average Accuracy + Diversity* = * Requires ability to integrate
HIGH Challenge LOW Skill/Ability HIGH LOW
HIGH Anxiety Challenge LOW Skill/Ability HIGH LOW
HIGH Challenge Boredom LOW Skill/Ability HIGH LOW
HIGH Flow Anxiety Challenge Boredom LOW Skill/Ability HIGH LOW
Brown Bag sessions Team code reviews Pair Programming Learning Activities Spike Showcases Video/Book Club Technical Retrospectives
Beware the bad apple “Bad Is Stronger Than Good” (2001) Baumeister et al
Translating between realms Technical Business
Business Opportunities
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Email Time Email Time 9am Email Time Email Time 1:1s Planning Time Next week planning 6pm Planning Time
People The Tech of a Tech Lead Bridging the Business You
Questions? Patrick Kua @patkua