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MICE COLLABORATION Columbia University June 2003 Action List (online). Funding and some organization Integration issues Detector issues Beam line RF backgrounds RF power source RF cavities. Funding of experiment: *** cost saving hunt*** Items
MICE COLLABORATION Columbia University June 2003 Action List (online) • Funding and some organization • Integration issues • Detector issues • Beam line • RF backgrounds • RF power source • RF cavities
Funding of experiment: • *** cost saving hunt*** • Items • 0. PSI solenoid. crossed out. what is the garantie on this? (e.g. Does Switzerland need to add a few 100K for possible ‘after-sale’ problems?) agreement between PSI & RAL on radiation disposal • A. fridge at RAL: savings from • running the PSI solenoid with two phase helium instead of supercrit. • Action: [Mike Green & Bradshaw interact and] -> walter.gloor@psi.ch • reducing VPLC channel count by 7 or … How much does this represent? • Action: Iouri or Bradshaw to estimate difference & refine cast. • B. Issue of common funds: need to reach a reasonable proposal to the • collaboration. Action: Alain, Dan, Ken L. (SG item) • C. power sources: it is urgent to have a good plan and to estimate how much funding (beyond already requested) is needed. Encouraging results from RAL reformed TH116 tubes. more discussion to take place. • Action: TF Helmut, Paul, Roy, CERN guys (Vretenar or Pirkl)
--> Integration issues 1. good progress from the AFCSWG proposed a scheme with absorber removable from the end. Notes: original scheme of Study II. flexibility for later absorber choices construct coil in one unit at one place. No objections were raised. Action: Endorse remaining choices concern mainly absorber itself. internal safety review ~end of 2003. ==> action P. Drumm and A.B. to nominate the internal review committee after discussions in Mice SG and interested parties. 2. It was requested that more integration tasks are soon necessary -- 2.1 RF cavity + coupling coil assembly -- 2.2 focus pair + detector solenoid and detectors. (shield -- HV protection etc..) 2.3 real estate of detectors in the solenoid ends. When will it be appropriate to start on this? Probably wise to have a first go at it while AFCSWG works. Action: SG
Detectors 1.downstream PID. Grichine observed inadequacy of present layount for muons of 200 MeV/c and below. Action: study problem for well defined momenta from 120 MeV/c to 260 MeV/c Grichine, Tortora needed: angular + space distribution of muons from MICE Action: Yagmur and software group to generate samples of muons at different momenta (large emittance but monochromatic) More work needed on Cherenkov to adapt it to new momentum conditions, and possibly reduce size. Interest expressed by D. Winn (Fairfield/Iowa) to participate here. Action: Gregoire/Summers and Cherenkov group
2. tracker choice A. sci-fi. Proceeding to build a full station with part of readout. (very nice) Multiplexing needs to be done at level of detector itself. Question of upgradability? Problem raised of effect of photons bouncing on structures or extracting electrons from them and generating noise signals. (needs to be evaluated by MC) Fairly complete on software side (missing: Mux+noise+x-rays) B TPG. Going ahead with full size readout detector and HARP test. A small chamber worked already (signals from 55Fe!). Mini TPG being built. RF pickup and effect of x-rays is a concern to be addressed by the group. Will have a go at a commando operation at lab G. Other methods may be of interest (RF antenna, tagged sources.) NB software is behind wrt x-ray simulations, pattern recognition. A+B test at Cornell? C. choice criteria. complete list was drafted by Summers and Gregoire (thanks!) groups -- and others! -- should go through it list and agree before (1 july?). Upgradability and manpower needed for operation and maintenance should be considered Action: get ready for October 31st.
3. TOF: no more than one particle (of any type!) every 20 ns / counter. safety margin of at least a factor sqrt(10-3) needed 1 hit / 600 ns about. some tracking will be need in the beam line…. It was stressed that for momenta up to 240 MeV/c 10m of flight is an overkill. (was calculated at 300 MeV/c.) would 6m be enough? beam size at TOF ? beam line As it is the beam line is very simple and lacks optical components wrt standard ones. (cf PSI, RIKEN) need more calculations to assert need for hardware and possible solutions around it. Action Drumm, Palmer, Roberts At the same time hunt for hardware to be borrowed around the world (several appropriate quads or two coils) would not hurt. Action: reward for finding appropriate hardware!
RF background MICE would like to understand how much reduction on x-ray/electron emission can reasonably be hoped with e.g. coatings. Request to MUCOOL (Norem et al) to integrate such plans in work programme at Fermilab. use G4MICE to evaluate heat load from x-rays in the absorbers and coils. RF cavities. 1st prototype of MICE cavity is in the process of being built. (big progress!) Issue of availability/feasibility of the right magnetic field map for tests in magnetic fields Action: Zisman