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Online Services

Online Services. By Lauren Hull. Online services are services provided by the internet, there are many types of online services they are: E ntertainment, C ommunication, R eal-time information, C ommerce, G overnment, D ownload S ervices, Education,

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Online Services

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  1. Online Services By Lauren Hull

  2. Online services are services provided by the internet, there are many types of online services they are: • Entertainment, • Communication, • Real-time information, • Commerce, • Government, • Download Services, • Education, • Virtual Learning Environment, • Business, What are online services

  3. Real time services is a live services that tell you up to date time of bus, flight and train where ever you are. Here are some examples : travel timetable, news services, traffic report, flight status and the weather. The benefits of real time services are that you can see them any time where ever you are. It is also good as if your family want to know where you are on the plane they can track you. There are downsides to the real time information if they are not updated when you go on them straight away then the are providing the wrong information to you. Real Time Information

  4. Commerce services are online shopping, auction and internet banking. These are very helpful thing as you don’t have to leave your home to order or check you bank details. Here are some example of thing that come you the commerce section for example Ebay, Amazon, Jack Wills, NatWest and Google. Commerce

  5. Government are online services to due with benefit and car tax and many other thing. You can even vote online instead of going out and voting. Also you can renew your passport. Government

  6. Download services are when you download something of the internet and it get but on you computer or phone. For example there is iTunes and Google play they are the same thing but just for different companies. They are mobile services for you to download music, games and videos. Download Services

  7. Education website allow people to learn online and at home any time if they don’t understand what they have been learning. An example of online education would be MyMaths as it provide a service for teachers to set a task for children, for homework instead of sheets. Education

  8. Virtual learning environment allows you to do work any where outside the classroom. For example there is our school Moodle it provides a way of getting your work if you are S.P.O.T learning at home. Virtual Learning Environment

  9. Business online services are services that business use to carry out daily operations. For example Skype is one as it lets business men and women have video conferences if they need to talk to someone you don’t have to drive any where so this is making it eco-friendly as there carbon footprint is going down but sometimes people need to talk face to face. Business

  10. An entertainment for online would be things like Netflix and Love Film as they provide entertainment for you to watch things online any where you want. Netflix provides you with DVDs you can watch as many times as you want but the downside to this is that you have to pay monthly also you have to wait for new films to come out. Entertainment

  11. Online communication allows you to talk to people over the internet via email, blogs. For example you can communicate on Facebook, twitter on these site friends socialize with each other and also let people know there life story. Communication

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