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History. PRIMES: Outcome of JOULE research projectsFocus of model design: market mechanismsmodularity for demand and supplydetailed technology representationStructural formulation consistent withengineering evidence andeconomic optimisation behaviour of each economic agent acting in the energ
1. PRIMES modelDesign and Features European Bridges of Knowledge Program
Energy Policy of the EU and implications for Turkey
Ankara 20/06/2003
Dr. L. Mantzos
contact: Kapros@central.ntua.gr
2. History PRIMES: Outcome of JOULE research projects
Focus of model design:
market mechanisms
modularity for demand and supply
detailed technology representation
Structural formulation consistent with
engineering evidence and
economic optimisation behaviour of each economic agent acting in the energy market
Older models
EFOM, MARKAL (global optimisation) lacked market mechanisms and individual behaviour
MIDAS (econometric) lacked engineering evidence in the demand side
PRIMES in the stream of models developed in the US:
but also the simpler models GEMS, GEMINI, ENPEP
Characterised as
Partial Equilibrium, or generalised equilibrium model for the energy system
3. History Development started in 1994
several versions of the sub-models
integration proved complex (algorithm, economic equilibrium paradigm, consistency between sub-models)
PRIMES ver. 1, operational early 1997
extensively used (March-October 1997)
evaluation of policies and measures of the EU for the Kyoto conference for climate change
based on that experience:
Development of PRIMES ver. 2
completely new design of the sub-models and interfaces
further integration between centralised and independent power and steam production
major change in the model mathematical formulation:
Non-linear mixed complementarity formulation
Solution in GAMS/PATH
Advantages: Completeness, Consistency of interactions, introduction of non-linearities
4. PRIMES model overview (1) An Energy-System Model covering market-driven behaviour of energy/economic agents
Solving for the whole energy system
Modular structure
Economic decision of agents / Price-driven clearing of energy markets
Explicit technologies in both demand and supply
Environment integrated: when emission constraints apply to the whole energy system the model suggests least cost allocation of effort to agents
Dynamic model; includes vintages of equipment
Long term 2030
Covers all EU15 member states, 13 EU candidate countries, Norway and Switzerland, individually
5. PRIMES model overview (2) Produces long term (up to 2030) projections of:
production, imports, conversion, consumption and prices of energy
investments, technology choice and cost of policies
given exogenous assumptions for:
macroeconomic and financial factors
world energy markets
resources, technologies and costs
behavioral and technology choice characteristics of the different energy agents
Linked to:
POLES model (IEPE - world)
GEM-E3 model (NTUA - economic growth)
PRIMES-Refinery model (IFP - refineries)
6. PRIMES model overview (3) PRIMES integrates two levels:
sub-models: each represents the demand and/or supply economic behaviour of an agent acting in the energy market
market integration level: exchange of price and quantity signals. Determines prices/quantities of equilibrium that balance all energy markets simultaneously
Economic behaviour considers the influence of policies and regulation including the environment
Some of the markets clear at national level, others may clear at the EU-wide level
Dynamic simulation, time forward, myopic anticipation assumption
7. PRIMES model overview (4) Demand=f(price)
Price=Inverse function (Supply) Detailed engineering-oriented demand sub-models mimic the economic behaviour of the consumer
Complex engineering model optimising energy supply sub-system
Expresses financial and pricing attitudes of suppliers reflecting market competition regimes
8. PRIMES model overview (5) Technology dynamics
penetration of new technologies
competition between generations
inertia from past structures and
rhythm of capital turnover
Explicit technologies in demand and supply
Chronological load to synchronise electricity, steam, renewables, pipeline fuels (gas)
in both demand and supply
Economies of scale
Learning by doing
Consumer acceptance
9. Short description of PRIMES model (3)
10. PRIMES Integration Non-linear mixed complementarity approach
Original formulation of sub-models: NLP
Transformation into MCP:
Objective function replaced by KKT first order conditions
Constraints as before
MCP problem is a system of non-linear inequalities
Integrated model: Single system of inequalities
Sub-models in MCP
Demand/supply equality constraints
Prices, linked to market regime and marginal costs
Global environmental constraints
11. PRIMES Integration Consistency demonstrated in the theoretical literature
Model solution leading to the maximisation of consumer and producer surplus
Powerful algorithm (GAMS/PATH) facilitates solution even in the presence on non-linearities, and very large models
No Gauss-Seidel or Jacobi as in IFFS and NEMS
No flip-flops
Abandon of linear programming and related limitations
Possibility to introduce non-linear cost curves, technology dynamics, pressures on use of capacities
12. Reporting of PRIMES model Model report files include in full detail:
Demographic assumptions
Macroeconomic and sectoral assumptions
International fuel prices assumptions
Transport activity results by mode (both for passenger and freight transport)
Energy production and net imports
Energy conversion in power plants, CHP plants, district heating plants, refineries, etc
Energy consumption by sector and fuel
Fuel prices by sector and fuel
CO2 emissions by sector and fuel
13. Policy issues covered
PRIMES supports policy analysis in the following fields:
standard energy policy issues: security of supply, strategy, costs etc
environmental issues
pricing policy, taxation, standards on technologies
new technologies and renewable sources
energy efficiency in the demand-side
fuel efficiency and modal split in transport
alternative fuels
conversion decentralisation, electricity market liberalisation
14. The demand side in PRIMES (1) Industry: 9 sectors according to EUROSTAT Energy Balances definitions; further decomposed to sub-sectors, for each one different energy uses defined
Households: decomposition along typical patterns of household energy/technology behaviour
Tertiary: decomposition along types of services (market services, non-market services, trade), agriculture
Transport: decomposition along passenger and freight transport
Passenger transport: private cars, motorcycles, public road transport, rail, aviation, inland navigation
Freight transport: trucks, rail, inland navigation
Fuels detail at the level of EUROSTAT Energy Balances
Alternative technologies defined at the level of energy uses
15. The demand side in PRIMES (2) Structure of the demand side model
16. The demand side in PRIMES (3) Minimise total energy and environmental costs subject to:
Total useful energy needs
Energy use capacities
Technology availability
Emissions constraints
Changes in the fuel mix
Capacity replacement
Technological choice
Pollution permits and other
Three types of mechanisms are considered simultaneously:
Economic optimality
Dynamics; I.e. constraints from existing capacity
Gradual market penetration and acceptance
Different formulation by sector so as to reflect inherent characteristics
17. The demand side in PRIMES (4)
18. Power and steam generation in PRIMES (1) Electricity and steam generation in PRIMES:
Three different types of generators considered: utilities, industrial autoproducers, other generators
Different characteristics and decisions
Economies of scale, market privileges
Installed capacity categorised in 45 different plant types
Capacity expansion: 88 different plant types for new plants (technical and economic characteristics evolve over time); possibility for re-powering of existing plants
Chronological load curves; synchronisation of four loads: demand of electricity/steam, intermittent, fuel pricing
Simultaneous decision on electricity/steam production:
Strategic capacity expansion problem
Operational plant selection and utilisation problem
Cost evaluation and pricing policy
19. Power and steam generation in PRIMES (2)Design Principles ENTITIES
existing plants, candidate plants (not discrete)
network nodes and links
exchange contracts
fuel contracts and prices
intermittent sources
LOAD (chronological)
synchronization of four loads: electricity, steam, intermittent, fuel pricing Generic Code
The model code accommodates for different structural features
possibility for myopic anticipation or perfect foresight
possibility for single country or multiple countries runs
Non linearity
technical-economic features, economies of scale, learning by doing
20. Power and steam generation in PRIMES (3)The plants A plant is an element of the Cartesian product of the following elements:
Multiple fuel or single fuel capability
CHP technique, electricity only or steam only
Size of Plant
Technical-economic characteristics, potential etc. differ according to five dimensions
Restrictions on possible choices of companies
e.g. industrial generator only small size plants
Technology types
8 conventional thermal according to thermodynamic cycle
6 GTCC technologies
6 clean coal
3 peak devices, 3 fuel cells, 3 nuclear, 2 boilers
10 renewables
CHP: 9 types
Fuel type: 13 of which 3 multiple fuel
Industrial generators
Tertiary generators
21. Power and steam generation in PRIMES (4)The network Nodes: Production, Transmission, Distribution
groupings: by company and country as some constraints apply only at a group level (e.g. reserve margin, environmental regulation, fuel or exchange contracts)
Flows: electricity and steam over different topology of the network
Plants are linked to Production nodes, owned by companies according to the grouping
Customers (from PRIMES demand side) are connected to Distribution nodes:
multiple connections are possible, as well as privileges
Exchanges are conveyed via transmission nodes
constrained by capacity, losses, contracts etc.
22. Power and steam generation in PRIMES (5) Structure of power/steam generation model
23. Power and steam generation in PRIMES (6) Flows over the Network Electricity
Thermal Power
Intermittent Power
District Heating
Fuel Purchased
stackable (coal, oil)
load related (natural gas)
Contracts vs. Spot for the above items Determined over Chronological Load
time segments of typical days
linked to demand
two seasons
Items with load pattern
consumption, production, exchanges
consumption, production, exchanges
intermittent supply
inflow to reservoir hydro
contracts, some fuels
24. Conversion Decentralisation Comparative advantage
availability of fuel (e.g. waste) or site for RES
avoiding costs of self-supply of energy uses (e.g. steam)
market relationships
supply contracts
support (fixed costs, risk)
Efficiency, Economics
25. Mathematical Form Minimize
Total system cost for expansion, operation, trade
both for electricity and steam