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Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded - Programming Language Insights

Explore the history of programming languages, object-oriented programming terminology, and creating Windows-based applications in Visual Basic .NET. Learn about object manipulation, OOP terminology, and the essentials of the Visual Studio .NET IDE.

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Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded - Programming Language Insights

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  1. 1

  2. Objectives Major concepts • Explain the history of programming languages • Define the terminology used in object-oriented programming languages • Create a Visual Basic .NET Windows-based application • Manage the windows in the IDE • Set the properties of an object Integrated Development Environment Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  3. Objectives (continued) • Add a control to a form • Use the Label and Button tools • Enter code in the Code Editor window • Save a solution • Start and end an application Ex: button Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  4. Objectives (continued) • Print a project’s code • Close a solution • Open an existing solution Without computer generated code! Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  5. Programmers • Programmers • People who write programs • Programs • Directions given to a computer accomplish a given task Underlying logic is an algorithm – sequence of steps to solve a problem Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  6. A Brief History of Programming Languages • Machine Languages • 0 (for on switch) • 1 (for off switch) • Tedious and prone to error • Assembly Languages • More advanced than machine languages • Mnemonics (memory aids) • Examples: MUL b1, ax • Require an assembler There are lots of programming languages – starting with low level moving to high level Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  7. A Brief History of Programming Languages (continued) • High Level Languages • Require Interpreter or compiler • Interpreter translates high-level into machine code line-by-line while program is running • Compiler translates entire program before program has run • English like syntax • Allow for object-oriented programming • Programmer focuses on using objects to achieve the program’s goal High level languages: C, C++, Java, VB .NET Compiler produces executable code (.exe) Older way – procedural – new way objects Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  8. OOP Terminology Objects are things that can be manipulated – in English - nouns. • Object • Anything that can be seen touched, or used • Has Attributes - also called Properties • Characteristics that describe the object • Has Behaviors - also called Methods • Operations the object is capable of performing • Class • Pattern or blueprint used to create an object A class defines what an object will look like. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  9. OOP Terminology (continued) • Encapsulation • Combination of attributes and behaviors that describe object created by class • Abstraction • Hiding internal details of object from user • Inheritance • Ability to create one class from another • Polymorphism • Same instruction carried out differently depending on the object giving the instruction Things that are abstracted have details hidden from the user New class has characteristics of parent + new characteristics Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  10. Illustration of OOP Terms Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  11. Visual Studio .NET There are other IDE’s other than those by Microsoft! • IDE • Integrated Development Environment • Contains all the features needed to create, run, and test programs • Editor for entering program instructions • Compiler for running and testing program • Allows creation of Web-based and Windows-based applications Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  12. Visual Studio .NET (continued) • Solution .sln • Container for project and files for application • Project .vbproj • Container for storing files associated with a specific piece of the application • Files • Individual files necessary to store information about the application • Include forms and class information Can click on this to start the IDE. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  13. Illustration of solution, project, and file Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  14. Starting Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  15. Visual Studio .NET 2003 startup screen Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  16. Purpose of windows in the IDE Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  17. HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  18. Creating A Visual Basic .Net Windows-Based Application Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  19. Creating A Visual Basic .Net Windows-Based Application (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  20. HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  21. The Dynamic Help Window Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  22. The Windows Form Designer Window • Windows form object (form) • Foundation for the user interface Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  23. Solution Explorer Window • Contains: • Projects • References • Addresses of memory cells • Namespace – block of internal memory cells • Contains code that defines a group of related classes • Source files • Contains program instructions – called code • Examples: Assembly information, Forms VB code. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  24. The Solution Explorer Window (continued) Click on Form1.vb to have form displayed in the IDE. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  25. The Properties Window • Object box (contains name of selected object) • Properties list has 2 columns • Left column displays property names • Right column displays Settings box • Contains current value for each property Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  26. Properties of a Windows Form Object • Select object to display properties • Dot member access operator • Separates words in property name • Example: System.Windows.Form.Form DOTS important! Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  27. Properties of a Windows Form Object (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  28. The Toolbox Window • Toolbox contains tools and other components used in creating application • Tools are called controls • Controls are displayed on the form Use the thumbtack to tack toolbox to side of IDE Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  29. HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  30. The Label Tool • Use tool to instantiate a Label object • Object displays text that user is not allowed to edit This shows some example of where to use a label. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  31. HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  32. The Button Tool • Button Tool instantiates a Button control • Button Control used to perform immediate action when clicked Here are 2 buttons [Calc] and [Exit] Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  33. HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  34. The Code Editor Window The user does these. • Events • Actions such as clicking, double-clicking, and scrolling • Event Procedures • Set of Visual Basic instructions (code) • Tells an object how to respond to an event • Contained in the Code Editor Window The system automatically brings you to this code when event is done. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  35. HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  36. The Code Editor Window (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  37. The Code Editor Window (continued) • Class Definition • Block of code that specifies attributes and behaviors of an object • Inherits keyword • Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form • Allows derived class to inherit attributes and behaviors of base class • Windows Form Designer generated code section • Contains code generated by the designer A windows application form inherits its ability to handle MS windows from its parent (FormS). Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  38. The Code Editor Window (continued) Usually hide this stuff. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  39. Code Editor Window (continued) • Class name list box • Lists names of objects on user interface • Method name list box • Lists events selected object responds to • Procedure • Block of code that responds to an event Parts of window when we write code. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  40. The Code Editor Window (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  41. Code Keyword Examples • Public class frmCommission • Public indicates class can be used by code defined outside the class • Private Sub btnExit_Click… • Sub is abbreviation for sub procedure • Block of code that performs a specific task • Private indicates procedure can be used only in class in which defined • btnExit is name of object on user interface • _Click is name of the event (Click) When you ‘click’ on the button on the form you go to the underlying code. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  42. The Me.Close Method • Instructs computer to terminate current application • Me refers to the current form • .Close refers to an intrinsic method • Part of built-in VB .NET language • Code is performed using sequential processing, also known as sequence structure Me.Close( ) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  43. The Me.Close Method (continued) Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  44. Saving a Solution Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  45. Starting and Ending an Application Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  46. Setting the startup object If not done system will want to start in SubMain and thus will be lost! Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  47. HOW TO… Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  48. Starting an Application Run with no debugging – faster – will debug later. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  49. Printing Your Code Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

  50. Closing the Current Solution Microsoft Visual Basic .NET: Reloaded

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