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Donatello, Habakkuk (“Zuccone”) Marble, c.1427-36 Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Florence (removed from the Campanile). Habakkuk, detail. Detail of Abraham. Donatello and Nanni di Bortolo, Abraham and Isaac, Marble, c.1418 Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Florence (removed from the Campanile).
Donatello, Habakkuk (“Zuccone”) Marble, c.1427-36 Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Florence (removed from the Campanile)
Detail of Abraham Donatello and Nanni di Bortolo, Abraham and Isaac, Marble, c.1418 Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, Florence (removed from the Campanile)
Detail of Isaac View of Abraham and Isaac Within Campanile niche
Donatello and Michelozzo, Tomb Monument of Baldassare Coscia (Anti-pope John XXIII), Marble with gilt bronze effigy 1425-27 Baptistery, Florence
Detail of effigy Seen from above
Detail of Madonna and Child In lunette above the effigy
Detail of Faith, Charity and Hope (by Michelozzo)
Donatello, David Bronze c.1430s Bargello, Florence
Detail of Goliath’s head From Donatello’s marble David, 1408
Donatello, Bronze David: detail of relief on Goliath’s helmet
Ghiberti, Quercia, Donatello, et al Baptismal Font Marble and gilt bronze c.1417-1430 Siena Baptistery
Attributed to Donatello, Detail of “Faith” from Bapismal Font, Siena Gilt bronze c.1428 Donatello, Detail of “Hope” from Bapismal Font, Siena Gilt bronze c.1428
Donatello, Detail of statuettes from Baptismal Font, Siena Bronze, 1429 Dancing Putto, Siena Baptistery Putto with Tambourine, Staatliche Museen, Berlin Putto with Trumpet, Siena Baptistery
Donatello, Feast of Herod, Gilt bronze panel from Baptismal Font c.1423-27 Siena Baptistery
Feast of Herod, detail
Donatello, Cantoria (Singing Gallery) Marble and mosaic inlay, 1433-39 Museo dell’Opera del Duomo (removed from Florence Cathedral)
Cantoria, Detail of left portion of balustrade
Cantoria, Detail of right portion of balustrade
Cantoria, Detail of angels from right portion of balustrade
Cantoria, Detail of angels on flanks of balustrade
Sta. Croce, Interior view towards altar
Donatello, Annunciation, Limestone with residual gilt and polychromy c.1435 Sta. Croce, Florence
Detail of terracotta putti on Upper portion of tabernacle