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Learn about the benefits of integrating behavior and academic supports at tier II-III levels in a schoolwide model. Discover effective strategies and tools for coordinated support efforts and intervention planning.
Integrating Behavior and Academics at Tiers II-III of a Schoolwide Model Steve Goodman Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Initiative (MiBLSi) sgoodman@miblsimtss.org miblsi.cenmi.org 7th Annual School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Conference Nashville, Tennessee November 14, 2013 10:45:00AM – 12:00PM
Presentation Description This presentation will emphasize behavior and reading supports that are integrated at tier II and tier III. A team approach for providing tier II and tier III involves team structures for coordinating support efforts. The coordinating team manages the student systems of support by tracking data on effectiveness, by developing access to these systems of support, and providing staff with access to training and coaching to develop local capacity. Content experts in behavior and academics are involved in assessment and intervention planning that matches intervention to student need. An intervention plan is based on consideration of the functional relationships between behavior and academics. Support planning involves a comprehensive approach to integrating both behavior and academic supports, based on student need. Examples of an integrated model and sample implementation tools will be provided.
Your Turn How might you explain the value of integrating behavior supports with academic supports to you colleague back at school?
Tier I Supports in an Integrated Model Common strategies of good instruction apply to both academic/behavior • Big Ideas • Conspicuous Strategies • Mediated Scaffolding • Strategic Integration • Primed Background Knowledge • Judicious Review Good instruction will reduce problem behavior and good behavior support will provide instructional environments more conducive to learning
Possibilities of Behavior/Academic Concerns around function of problem Behavior Problems Academic Problems Interrelated Behavior and Academic Problems Nonrelated Behavior and Academic Problems
Integrated tier II supports for interrelated behavior and academic problems • Shorter program/intervention duration • Match to focus of student need • Small group instruction/intervention • Grouping students with similar needs • Moderate acute difficulties for academic and/or behavior
Possible Integrated Tier II Practices • Interventions for students who seek adult attention during the instructional period. • Interventions for students who engage in problem behavior to seek peer attention during the instructional period. • Interventions for students who engage in problem behavior to escape or avoid academic instruction due to academic skill deficits. • Interventions for students who engage in problem behavior to escape working with adults or students during academic instruction. • Interventions for deficits in academic facilitative behaviors lead to behavior problems during instruction.
Interventions for students who seek adult attention during the instructional period • Review behavior expectations (identify, teach, practice and acknowledge) with specific focus on obtaining adult attention • Provide increased opportunities for student responding and feedback from instructor • Arrange the instructional environment so that appropriate adult seeking attention is easy and not disruptive to others (“Help tent” for independent work)
Interventions for students who engage in problem behavior to seek peer attention during the instructional period • Review behavior expectations (identify, teach, practice and acknowledge) with specific focus on obtaining peer attention • Provide increased opportunities for peer mediated instruction • Arrange the instructional environment so that appropriate peer seeking attention is easy and not disruptive to others proximity of students with monitoring of instructor
Interventions for students who engage in problem behavior to escape or avoid academic instruction due to academic skill deficits • Develop skills in deficit, provide instruction at student success level • Provide more practice in deficit area • Check in- Check out
More practice • Choral responses • Partner responses • Written responses • “Randomly” call on students • Supplemental interventions that focus on specific skill deficit • Teacher-Directed PALS • Road to the Code • REWARDS • Peer Assisted Learning Strategies • Read Naturally
Interventions for students who engage in problem behavior to escape working with adults or students during academic instruction • Provide opportunity for independent structured instruction (programed instruction, computer assisted instruction)
Interventions for deficits in academic facilitative behaviors lead to behavior problems during instruction • Review behavior expectations (identify, teach, practice and acknowledge) with specific focus on appropriate classroom behaviors • Teach specific facilitative responses such as attending, organization skills, engagement strategies
Evidence Based Practices in Classroom Management • Maximize structure and predictability. • Post, teach, review, monitor, and reinforce a small number of positively stated expectations. • Actively engage students in observable ways. • Establish a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behavior. • Establish a continuum of strategies to respond to inappropriate behavior. Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai (2008). Evidence-based practices in classroom management: Considerations for research to practice. Education and Treatment of Children, 31, 351-380.
Classroom management to address problem behavior related to academic problems You may have the best classroom management but if student problem behavior is related to academic skill deficit, then classroom management may not be adequate
Tier II Supports for interrelated behavior and academic problems • “Good Instruction” is an appropriate academic AND behavior intervention • Emphasis is placed on academic support in deficit area • Two main strategies • Improve opportunities for responding, more practice with feedback • Provide access to evidence-based supplemental interventions
Take a moment to discuss with a colleague How would you explain to your staff the logic that you might address “at risk” problem behavior through reading instruction? Your Turn
Integrated tier III supports for behavior and reading • Individualized instruction • Based on functional assessment • For chronic problems
Tier III Support Example: Eddie • 3rd Grade Student • Problem: Disruptive and argumentative *fictional student with fictional data for illustration of process
Functional Assessment of Behavior or Academic Problems • A process for identifying the conditions that reliably contribute to behavior and/or academic problem. • Use of existing data • SWIS • DIBELS/AIMSWeb • Teacher Interview • Student Interview • Observation • This information is then linked to a support plan
Functional Assessment of Behavior and Academics Behavior To obtain • Objects/activities • Attention from peers • Attention from adults To Escape/avoid • Objects/activities • Attention from peers • Attention from adults Academic Can’t do • Accuracy deficit • Deficit in targeted skills • Deficit in prerequisite skills • Application of misrules • Fluency deficit (not enough time doing it) • Generalization deficit • Mismatch between skill level and task difficulty (too hard) Won’t do • Motivational deficit
Student is referred for behavior concern Process: Referral for behavior problems Yes Document previous strategies implemented to address problem Develop behavior support plan Develop integrated academic and behavior support plan Improve fidelity of Universal Supports No No Universal Supports implemented with fidelity? Does behavior serve to escape/avoid academic task? Conduct behavior functional assessment Yes Conduct academic functional assessment
Student is referred for Academic concern Process: Referral for academic problems Conduct academic and behavior functional assessment Develop integrated academic and behavior support plan Does student’s behavior interfere with learning opportunities Yes Document previous strategies implemented to address problem Improve fidelity of Universal Supports No Universal Supports implemented with fidelity? Conduct academic functional assessment Develop academic support plan No Yes
Demonstration Behavior Data from School-Wide Information System: Eddie Problems in Classroom
Demonstration Behavior Data from School-Wide Information System: Eddie
Demonstration Behavior Data from School-Wide Information System: Eddie Avoid Adult Avoid Task
Demonstration Behavior Data from School-Wide Information System: Eddie Reading Social Studies
Demonstration Reading Data: DIBELS Class Progress Report Eddie Eddie W
Demonstration Reading Data for Eddie: Low Accuracy/Low Rate I pressed saw company • It was a pretty good composition. I felt proud knowing 10 • it was the best one at my school. After I’d read it five times, 24 • I was impatient to start reading it out loud. 33 • I followed the book’s directions again. First I read the 43 • composition out loud without trying to sound impressive, just 52 • to hear what the words sounded like. I did that a couple of. 65 • times. Then I moved over to my full-length mirror and read the 78 • composition out loud in front of it a few times. At first I just 92 • read it. Then I practiced looking up and making eye contact. 103 • Of course I was making eye contact with myself, and that felt 115 • pretty silly, but that was what the book said to do. 126 • Accuracy: ________________ four tims I I important doctor book long company some important work that 41/57 = 71.9%
Eddie Williams Example:Individual Student Report for Eddie Phonemic Awareness Alphabetic Principal Deficit in Prerequisite Skills (below goal) Vocabulary Fluency and Comprehension Deficit in Target Skills (below goal) 30
What existing behavior academic information do you currently use to develop support plans within your school? Your Turn
The Competing Pathways chart for our friend Eddie Desired Alternative Typical Consequence Told “good job” Grades Do work successfully w/o complaints Strengthened through Core Program Consequences strengthened through Universal Supports What we want
The Competing Pathways chart for our friend Eddie Desired Alternative Typical Consequence Told “good job” Grades Do work successfully w/o complaints What we got Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequences Function Reading curriculum that is at frustration level Asked to complete reading assignment Argues, threatens uses profanity Remove from class Avoid task
The Competing Pathways chart for our friend Eddie Desired Alternative Typical Consequence Told “good job” Grades Do work successfully w/o complaints Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequences Function Reading curriculum that is at frustration level Asked to complete reading assignment Argues, threatens uses profanity Remove from class Avoid task Acceptable Alternative What we could put up with (for now) Ask for break, ask for help
Desired Alternative Typical Consequence Told “good job” Grades Do work successfully w/o complaints Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequences Function Reading curriculum that is at frustration level Asked to complete reading assignment Argues, threatens uses profanity Remove from class Avoid task Acceptable Alternative Ask for break, ask for help
The Competing Pathways chart for our friend Eddie Desired Alternative Typical Consequence Told “good job” Grades Do work successfully w/o complaints What we need to do Academic Skill Development Reading: decoding skills Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequences Function Reading curriculum that is at frustration level Asked to complete reading assignment Argues, threatens uses profanity Remove from class Avoid task Acceptable Alternative Ask for break, ask for help
The Competing Pathways chart for our friend Eddie Desired Alternative Typical Consequence Told “good job” Grades Do work successfully w/o complaints Academic Skill Development Reading: decoding skills Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequences Function Reading curriculum that is at frustration level Asked to complete reading assignment Argues, threatens uses profanity Remove from class Avoid task Acceptable Alternative Ask for break, ask for help
Desired Alternative Typical Consequence Told “good job” Grades Do work successfully w/o complaints Academic Skill Development Reading: decoding skills Setting Events Triggering Antecedents Problem Behavior Maintaining Consequences Function Reading curriculum that is at frustration level Asked to complete reading assignment Argues, threatens uses profanity Remove from class Avoid task Acceptable Alternative Ask for break, ask for help
Strategies that are contraindicated • Provide opportunity for escape but without addressing academic deficit • Provide extra dose of academic intervention but at a level that is not successful for student and will not address need for skill development
Brainstorm Possible Interventions for Eddie Antecedent Strategies Consequence Strategies Setting Event Strategies Teaching Strategies Behavior Skills Strategies Prompt task completion Make task less difficult Do first activity together Provide different tasks Present “forced” choice of which reading items to complete on worksheet Provide reward within 1 min. of starting task (3 min., 5 min., 10 minutes) Give break & help when requested Minimize rewards for problem behavior (don’t remove to a nicer area) Reward expectations Assess if reading curriculum is at appropriate level-place in appropriate level Use an intensive –evidence-based reading program (e.g. ,Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading) Remove peer audience during reading time Teach alternatives to problem behavior: 1. Ask for break 2. Ask for help Academic Skills Strategies Teach general academic skill development Teach problem-solving skills
Antecedent Strategies Consequence Strategies Setting Event Strategies Teaching Strategies Behavior Skills Strategies Prompt task completion Make task less difficult Do first activity together Provide different tasks Present “forced” choice of which reading items to complete on worksheet Provide reward within 1 min. of starting task (3 min., 5 min., 10 minutes) Give break & help when requested Minimize rewards for problem behavior (don’t remove to a nicer area) Reward expectations Assess if reading curriculum is at appropriate level-place in appropriate level Use an intensive –evidence-based reading program (e.g. ,Reading Mastery, Corrective Reading) Remove peer audience during reading time Teach alternatives to problem behavior: 1. Ask for break 2. Ask for help Academic Skills Strategies Teach general academic skill development Teach problem-solving skills
Narrowing down the strategies Consider: • Likelihood of successful outcome • Resources available? (cost, time, materials, staff) • Smallest change to create the biggest change • Likelihood of plan being implemented
Evaluation Plan • Behavioral goal • Short term • Long Term • Evaluation procedures • Data to be collected • Review Date
Eddie’s Evaluation Procedures Are reading skills improving? Is appropriate behavior increasing? Is problem behavior decreasing?
Your Turn • Please describe your school’s process to identify specific contributing factors to academic/behavior problems? • Are these integrated or separate processes?
Summary • Academic and Behavior supports are symbiotic. • Academic and Behavior supports can be implemented together • The common functions provide the framework for implementing Academic and Behavior supports at all three tiers.