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Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support -SWPBIS-

Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support -SWPBIS-. Mitchell L. Yell, Ph . D. University of South Carolina myell@sc.edu. Acknowledgements. OSEP Center on PBIS Robert H. Horner, University of Oregon George Sugai , University of Connecticut . What We Will Do.

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Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support -SWPBIS-

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  1. Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support-SWPBIS- Mitchell L. Yell, Ph.D. University of South Carolina myell@sc.edu

  2. Acknowledgements OSEP Center on PBIS Robert H. Horner, University of Oregon George Sugai, University of Connecticut

  3. What We Will Do • Define SWPBIS • Discuss the multi-tiered system of support • Explain the process for implementing SWBIS

  4. What We Know • Educators cannot “make” students learn or behave • Educators can create environments to increase the likelihood students learn and behave • If we change adults’ behavior, restructure the school environment, we can improve student learning and behavior

  5. Need • Problem behaviors are the single most common reason why students are removed from classrooms • Key measures of problem behaviors indicate that are teachers are facing more students with problem behaviors • A major reason that teachers leave the profession early isproblem behavior • Research evidence and national assessments tell us much about what interventions are effective and which are not 5

  6. Science of behavior has taught us that students…. • Are NOT born with “bad behaviors” • Do NOT learn when punished or presented contingent aversive consequences ……..Do learn better ways of behaving by being taught directly & receiving positive feedback 6

  7. School-wide Positive Behavior Support SW-PBS is a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behavior OSEP Center on PBIS

  8. Purpose of SWBIS The purpose of SWPBIS is to make schools more effective learning environments for all students.

  9. Message of SWPBIS School environments that are positive, preventive, predictable, & effective • Are safer, healthier, & more caring • Have enhanced learning & teaching outcomes • Provide continuum of behavior support for all students 9

  10. SWPBS is • Not specific practice, cookbook, or curriculum…it’s general approach to preventing problem behavior • Not limited to any particular group of students…it’s for allstudents • Not new…its based on long history of behavioral practices & effective instructional design & strategies 10

  11. Core Features of SWPBIS • Use of evidence-based curriculum & practices • Universal screening • Multiple tiers of increasing intensity • Data-based decision making

  12. Evidence-Based Practices Instructional practices or strategies that: • are based on high quality research over a range of different students, in a range of places, and over a range of behavior • have been shown to result in measurable educational, social, or behavioral benefit • Measures must be implemented with fidelity

  13. Evidence-Based Features of SWPBIS • Focus on prevention • Define and teach positive social expectations • Acknowledge positive behavior • Arrange consistent consequences for problem behavior • On-going collection and use of data for decision-making • Continuum of intensive, individual intervention supports.

  14. Universal Screening • All students are screened on academic or behavioral measures • In SWBIS, schools often use the following for universal screening: • Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) • Behavioral screening measures

  15. Multiple-Tiers of Instruction ~5% ~15% Increasing Intensity of Intervention Students move between tiers based on response ~80% of Students

  16. Frequent & Systematic Data-Collection Few Some ALL Universal Screening

  17. SWPBIS is a evidence-based, multi-tiered Frameworkor ProcessNOT a specific Curriculum

  18. Data-Based Decision Making • School-based teams collects high quality data to enable to guide them in making important decisions • ODRs • Behavioral screeners • CBMs (academic)

  19. SchoolwidePositive Behavior Support Systems Classroom Setting Systems Nonclassroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems 19

  20. “Train & hope” approach • React to identified problem • Select & addpractice • Hire expert to trainpractice • Expect & hope for implementation • Wait for new problem…. 20

  21. What SWPBS looks like: School Level • Team-led school climate effort. • All students are directly taught & acknowledged for displays of desired school-wide expectations. • Administrators are active participants. • Parent involvement is active & visible. 21

  22. School-wide Systems 1. Common purpose & approach to discipline 2. Clear set of positive expectations & behaviors 3. Procedures for teaching expected behavior 4. Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior 5. Continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior 6. Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation 22

  23. What SWPBIS looks like: CLASSROOM • Maximum time allocated for instruction • Maximum opportunities to respond correctly • High rates of positive reinforcement & supervision • Individualized support • Positive adult-to-student interactions exceed negative 23

  24. What SWPBIS looks like:Nonclassroom • Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged • Active supervision by all staff • Scan, move, interact • Precorrections & reminders • Positive reinforcement 24

  25. What SWPBIS looks like:Individual Student • Behavioral competence at school & district levels • Function-based behavior support planning • Team- & data-based decision making • Comprehensive person-centered planning • Targeted social skills & self-management instruction • Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations 25

  26. Implications for School Districts 1. District policy Clear statement of values, expectations, outcomes 2. Provide support District provides support for schools District provides universal screening and progress monitoring assessment tools 3. Recruitment and hiring Expectations defined in job announcements 4. Annual faculty orientation

  27. Implications for School Districts 5. Professional development Focused strategies for staff development in core skills Train teams not individuals Match training with access to coaching support Evidence-based strategies & practices 6. Coaching Capacity Training linked to on-site assistance to implement SWPBIS

  28. Lessons LearnedHorner & Sugai • Maintain a clear and unrelenting focus on student outcomes (academic & behavior) • Select research-validated practices that provide multi-tiered systems of support • Use data for decision-making to assess BOTH fidelity and impact(continuous improvement is essential for sustainability) • Build the systems (team structure, policies, data sources) that support high fidelity implementation • Invest in durable, large-scale applications of effective practices.

  29. School-Wide PBS Works!! • PBS is feasible • PBS is effective • Creates positive climate • Invests in prevention • Builds a culture of competence • Increases instructional time • Decreases problem behaviors • Improves lifestyle for students & staff • PBS issustainable

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