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AEP’s 765kV Transmission Line Model Validation for Short Circuit and System Studies

AEP’s 765kV Transmission Line Model Validation for Short Circuit and System Studies. T. Yang, Z. Campbell, and Q. Qiu American Electric Power. Outline. Introduction PSCAD 765kV Line Model Development and Apparent Impedance Calculation Line Impedance Calculation through Fault Records

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AEP’s 765kV Transmission Line Model Validation for Short Circuit and System Studies

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  1. AEP’s 765kV Transmission Line Model Validation for Short Circuit and System Studies T. Yang, Z. Campbell, and Q. Qiu American Electric Power

  2. Outline • Introduction • PSCAD 765kV Line Model Development and Apparent Impedance Calculation • Line Impedance Calculation through Fault Records • Model Validation and Unbalanced Mutual Coupling Impacts in Apparent Impedance • LLG Apparent Impedance Calculation and Validation • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Model Validation Requirements • MOD-032, MOD-033, … • AEP’s own benefits! • AEP 765kV Line Model/Relay Setting Validation • Unbalanced Mutual Coupling • +/-/0 Network model is no longer valid • Unique Type of Fault – Unique Relay Element • Lack of LLG fault records to validate LLG App. Impe. … • EMTP/EMTDC Type of Model & Fault Simulations

  4. Introduction 765kV Lines CT PT CT PT Tower Structure, Length, Conductors, Transposition, … Direct Validation Not Feasible DFR Relay Setting Model (Zab, Zbc, Zac Za, Zb, Zc, …) DFR PSCAD Model Fault Simulations: A-G, B-G, C-G AB-G, AC-G, BC-G … Indirect Validation

  5. PSCAD 765kV Line Model Development 765kV Overhead Line Model Infrastructure

  6. Apparent Impedance Calculation Thevenin Equivalent Thevenin Equivalent SLG Fault Line Model Phasors Phasors

  7. Line Impedance Validation (LIV) through Fault Records External Fault DFR DFR DFT, Resample, Sequence Phasor Calculation, … Phasors Phasors

  8. Model Validation Validation Process is just a Comparison One AEP 765kV Line Parameters Comparison However, SLG fault type matters…

  9. Unbalanced Mutual Coupling Impacts in Apparent Impedance Z+ derived from different SLG fault are different

  10. Unbalanced Mutual Coupling Impacts in Apparent Impedance • PSCAD Simulation Results Statistics • Criteria: • Results:

  11. LLG Apparent Impedance Calculation and Validation Line Relay Elements:

  12. LLG Apparent Impedance Calculation and Validation • All types of faults simulations • Example: LLG Elements in ohm

  13. Conclusion Validated PSCAD (EMTP/EMTDC) Model for Fault and System Studies Indirect Approach to Validate Relay Setting Model with Fault Records In-depth Understanding of Unbalanced Mutual Impacts in Sequence Network Apparent Impedance Future work includes Parallel Line Mutual Coupling Model Validation and Studies

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