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Explore the complexities of language conflict in Belarus and Ukraine, the implications of linguistic nuances on geopolitical dynamics, and the Euro-Atlantic community's stance towards East-West relations.
Vencislav Bujic, SEAS Foundation (Serbian Euro-Atlantic Cooperation) Regional Peculiarities of the Russian Hybrid Aggression Kiev, 2019
Belorussia – examples of how NOT to do it Language – Russian or Belorussian?! Conflicts between russian and belorussian speaking people. Complaints, lawsuits. Never “happy end”, but always a conflict. Chmir. Lyubov Luneva. Charter97. Dual language system with one of them russian, is easy for Kremlin to exploit – one country should have one language.
Parallels with Ukraine – Kremlin wants people to be in conflict
Name of the country Belarus or Belorussia
Many languages, many ways to pronounce the name of the country Country FRANCE in some of the world languages, source – Wikipedia.
Only name of the country is important • Only Belarus, Belarus, Belarus… like if there is nothing else important. Government took over everything else, and left only the name of the country to the Belarussian opposition.
Parallels to Ukraine – Kiev or Kyiv? • Kiev is great city, no matter how do you write its name. • Tomos. • History. • Independence. The Ukrainian government adopted Kyiv as its standard Latinisation in 1995, making Kyiv mandatory for use in legislative and official acts.
The Calvert Journal I spoke to Dr Rory Finnin, Head of the Department of Slavonic Studies and Director of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Cambridge, about the issue. While Dr Finnin believes that we should respect the request of the Ukrainian government regarding spelling, he stresses that our focus on the question is “indulgent and unhelpful” and risks “disastrous consequences”. “Deliberating whether to base a transliteration off the Russian or Ukrainian spelling risks legitimising these language politics — not to mention Russian disinformation, which cartoonishly pits Ukrainian speakers against Russian speakers — at the wrong time.
Russia house, Belgrade, oct. 2018 «Ассамблея народов Евроазии»
Kremlin tells serbian russophiles to be patient and wait for EU elections in may 2019
Who are serbs? Is it true that majority of serbs are russophiles?
Simple facts about serbs. Simple facts, but very indicative. Weak signals.
Protest against granting of diplomatic status to “Russia Serbian Humanitarian Center” in south Serbia
#SaveSentsov protest in front of Russian embassy in Belgrade, Serbia
Serbian immigration Approximately the same, 98% to Euro-Atlantic countries (USA, Canada, West Europe, Australia), and only about 1 – 2 % to Russia.
Serbs about russians Sometimes, even Serbian “russophiles” can say that Russia is greatest enemy of Serbia, that their rulers are rude, selfish tyrants, soulless…
So, in general, serbs are not russophiles. Then, why was Euro-Atlantic community so hard on serbs?
They even patiently wait for him while he is late for a meeting?!
What serbs asks themselves is… Why West is so nice with Putin, and yet, so hard on them? Are they afraid of Putin? Why West did not bomb Putin’s Russia after invasion of Georgia, Ukraine, etc? If NATO is afraid, then, it is not something that we want to follow, or be part of…
Is it really that bad? Is there a chance for Euro-Atlantic community not to look afraid in front of Putin’s Russia, not to look disunited, not to look that indecisive, not to look weak, and even not to look corrupted by Kremlin’s money?
“Fifth element” Ukraine Serbia
Ukraine is Europe and Europe is Ukraine. Both Euro-Atlantic community and Ukraine will benefit from Ukraine in EU and NATO. СЛАВА УКРАИНЕ!