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This essay discusses the operational and strategic importance of job analysis in relation to other HRM functions. It also explores the major criticisms surrounding job analysis. The essay follows a structured format with an introduction, main body, and conclusion. The reference list includes relevant academic sources.
Guidance for ASSESSMENT 2 ESSAY MNG00724 Human Resource Management Session 1 2018 Unit Assessor: Silvia Nelson
Marking Rubric Note: • The marking rubric is a guide but the marker will judge quality and merit. • the marker will take into account technical matters, including the length of the assignment, assignment format and referencing (in-text and reference list). • Extent of reading: the weekly content and textbook may be quoted but will not count in the list of references.
Essay Format • Assignment cover sheet • Title page (optional) • Introduction • Define and explain the operational and strategic importance of job analysis, especially in relation to other HRM functions. • Discuss the major criticisms regarding job analysis. • Conclusion • References Word Count: from ‘Introduction’ to ‘Conclusion’ NOTES: 1) You do not need to use headings in an academic essay. However, if you choose to do so, that is acceptable for this assignment. 2) ‘Executive Summary’ and ‘Table of Contents’ should not be included in an academic essay.
Introduction • Short and clear statement of the purpose of the essay: - general introductory statement - aim of the essay - an outline of issues addressed in the body of the essay) • References are not required • Suggestion: 100 words approximately
Discuss the following issues • Define Job Analysis • Explain the operational and strategic importance of job analysis, • especially in relation to other HRM functions. • Discuss the major criticisms regarding job analysis. • Note: • You will need to use references to support your arguments (see marking rubric).
Conclusion • Short overview of the main points/arguments • Emphasise your arguments and summarise your answer to the task and make sure that you are actually addressing the issues raised in the task. • Draw conclusions based on your main arguments. New ideas and new information should not be included in the Conclusion. • References are not required Suggestion: 100-150 words approximately
Reference List • List all references included in the body of the assignment. • Your “Bibliography” (all the stuff you have read) should not be included in an academic assignment. All references included in the Reference List MUST have been used in the body of the assignment and you will be assessed on your ability to use the references to support your discussion/argument. • In academic assignments, it is better to use references from academic journals. You can use any of the articles available in this unit (eReadings, weekly content). The Weekly Topics and the textbook may be quoted but will not count in the list of references.
Planning your assignment • Roughly outline the issues addressed in the tasks. This will help you to decide which reading you need to do. • Discuss your issues with your learning facilitator, other students, friends and with the librarian/academic skills development. • Analyse all the issues that you have identified: think about possible solutions to the problems, drawing on books/scholarly publications. No Planning?
Important Points (1) • Double space; page numbers • Font size 12 - Times New Roman or Arial • Spell check • Referencing: Harvard referencing style (Southern Cross School of Business and Tourism) • Word count:1,000 words +/- 10% not including references • Please include the word count in the cover page. • Assignments will be submitted using Turnitin • Upload your assignment as “.doc” (or Mac equivalent) not PDF
Important Points (2) • In academic assignments (e.g. essays, reports) you are not required to do a literature review, but to carefully select relevant references to support your argument(s). Note that, however, when we write a paper for a scholarly journal or when we write a chapter for a thesis we do need to do a literature review to support our theoretical arguments. In doing this, we use a number of references together that emphasise the same issue - e.g. Effective training has a positive impact on individual performance (Author A 2009; Author B 2010; Author C 2001). You should not do this.That is, do not tack a large number of references on the end of a sentence or paragraph. Remember: the purpose of an academic assignment is different from the purpose of a scholarly paper or thesis.
Important Points (3) In most academic assignments you are expected to use a formal writing style and write in the third person. Avoid using dot points/bullets. See below a note from Monash University: • ‘Bullets free the writer from having to indicate relationships, order, sequence, and all those other methods we use to expand our ideas in the development of an argument. We thus restrict ourselves when we use bullets…If you are constantly writing in point form, you are not expanding, explaining, making complex links, or indicating relationships as you can in ordinary prose.’
Rules Relating to Awards - PLAGIARISM • Rule 3 Section 18 – Academic Misconduct, Including Plagiarism as contained in the SCU PolicyLibrary. You need to understand the penalties that apply for plagiarism and agree to be bound by these rules. The work you submit electronically must be entirely your own work. http://policies.scu.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00140#s18 • The link below provides good online resources explaining what academic integrity is and how to practise it. http://scu.edu.au/teachinglearning/index.php/6 • The video below explains why referencing is essential for academic integrity in academic writing, and where and how to cite. https://youtu.be/I5_fYtAh9dA
Extension Policy • From Session 1 2018 all requests for special consideration will be submitted online: Current information available: https://www.scu.edu.au/current-students/student-administration/special-consideration/. Contact the student service if you require additional information. • Requests for special consideration in relation to assessment tasks shall only be considered on the following grounds: health (including impacts of religious fasting); compassionate circumstances; religious observances or celebrations; serious unforeseen personal events; selection in State, national or international sporting or cultural events; rendering genuine and unforeseen emergency service in a professional or voluntary capacity; or rendering any service (including undertaking training) in the Defence Reserves. For more information see the following sections of Rule 3 — Coursework Awards — Student Assessment and Examinations: • Section 4 — Grounds for Special Consideration • Section 5 — Types of Special Consideration • Section 6 — Examination and Special Examination Periods
Late Submission • Any assignment submitted after the due date will be processed in accordance with the University's Assessment Policy and Procedures (http://policies.scu.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00255). In cases where there are no accepted mitigating circumstances as determined through Special Consideration procedures, the late submission of an assessment task will lead automatically to the imposition of a penalty. • Specifically, this means a deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark achieved by the student, one minute after the due date and time specified by the Unit Assessor. A further deduction of 5% of the available mark from the actual mark will then be imposed for each 24 hour period that the assignment remains overdue. • any piece of work submitted 10 or more days after the expiry of the deadline will be deemed a non-submission and assigned a mark of zero.
Late submission penalty: a practical example. • Assume that your assessment is worth 30 marks and you submitted it 1.5 days late. After assessing your assignment in the same way that all other papers are assessed, the marker determine that you should receive 20 marks. As per the Late Submission policy, 1.5 marks should initially be deducted (5% of 30). A further 1.5 marks should also be deducted for the one complete 24 hour period that the assignment was overdue. A total of 3 marks should therefore be deducted, leaving a final mark of 17/30.
Useful Resources SCU Library resources online • http://scu.edu.au/teachinglearning/index.php/2/