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In Wisconsin… . . .disciplinary literacy is defined as the confluence of content knowledge, experiences, and skills merged with the ability to read, write, listen, speak and think critically in a way that is meaningful within the context of a given field.
Authentic • “…all content area teachers should know what is distinct about the reading, writing, and reasoning processes that go on in their discipline, they should give students frequent opportunities to read, write and think in these ways; and they should explain how those conventions, formats, styles, and modes of communications differ from those that students encounter elsewhere in school.” State Superintendent Adolescent Literacy Plan, Page 12
Create Your Own DL Analogy… An analogy is a comparison of similarities between things which are otherwise unlike. • What is a symbol, graphic, or picture that comes to mind for you when you think of Disciplinary Literacy? • Disciplinary Literacy in my field is like a/the ________ because ________. y with the group…
Let’s Begin with Disciplinary Literacy in WRITING What are some authentic writing tasks you currently do or could begin to do? • Just like reading, the writing in your class should match that done in your field. • Not “school writing”—Instead, we should be doing the kind of writing you want student to be doing in their careers.
Authentic WRITING Estimate the number of times you have students write during a class period… • Learning to Write • Formal writing (draft, revision, final) • Writing to Learn • Informal writing (short & quick) • Research shows that having students stop and write several times during a class period, increases their learning significantly (such as when watching a video, while reading a text, or during discussion/demonstration).
Writing in The Workplace… What types of writing are done in your field of interest? • You Tube “Writing in the Workplace” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvAiE7owmeI University of California – San Diego alumni talk about how writing skills learned in college apply to their everyday work and career development.
CCSS… Resource: Literacy in All Subjects p.63-66 #1. What are the expectations for students? #2. Provide examples of ways to incorporate these expectations into your instruction? • Read through the ELA Grade 6-12 CCR & CCSS for Writing, Speaking/ Listening and Language. • Complete the chart with an elbow partner… • What are the expectations for your students? • Instructional Examples?
The Writing Standards:TEXT TYPES and PURPOSES • Write Arguments to support claims… • Write Informative/Explanatory texts to examine & convey ideas and information… • Write narrative descriptions of Step-By-Step Procedures used for investigations or technical work – precise enough that others can replicate them and reach the same results)
Production & Distribution The Writing Standards: • Produce clear, coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose and audience • Strengthen writing skills: Plan, Revise, Edit, Rewrite • Use technology to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others
Research The Writing Standards: • SHORT (as well as sustained) Research Projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject. • Gather information from Multiple Sources, access Credibility & Accuracy, and integrate the information Avoiding Plagiarism. • Draw Evidence from literary or informational text to support analysis, reflection and research.
Range of Writing • Write Routinely and A LOT using long and short assignments that vary in task, purpose and audience.
Gallager: the Pillars of Writing Success… • Students need to do A LOT more authentic writing in CTE and other subjects (prompts) • Teachers need to MODEL writing • Students need to READ AND STUDY OTHER WRITERS (mentor text) Teaching Adolescent Writers… Page 13
Gallager: the Pillars of Writing Success… 4. Students need topic CHOICES when writing 5. Students need to write for AUTHENTIC (REAL WORLD) PURPOSES and to an AUTHENTIC AUDIENCE 6. Students need MEANINGFUL FEEDBACK (rubric) Teaching Adolescent Writers… Page 13
Running the Literacy Stampede… Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing p.3 • What should you do? A. Go home, watch TV, play video games & hope the literacy stampede goes away B. Run, scream wildly and flail your arms in an attempt to distract the literacy stampede C. Elevate your reading and writing abilities to the point that you can run with the stampede D. Stand still and envision that the stampede will avoid you E. Scream at your parents and blame all your literacy problems on them
Running the Literacy Stampede… • What should you do? A. Lay down and curl up, covering your head B. Run directly at the bulls, screaming wildly and flailing your arms in an attempt to scare them in another direction C. Turn and run in the same direction as the bulls D. Stand still. The bulls will run around you E. Scream at your parents for taking you on this “back to nature” vacation Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing p.1
Pillar #1 – Do More Authentic Writing Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing p.32 Resource: Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning p.141 Quick Writes • Prompt students to activate what they already know or have experienced about a topic or subject - use writing “frontloading” activities • Use writing as a “warm up” to reading • Self questioning is an attribute of independent learners. Students need to be taught to write good questions themselves rather than finding answers to questions others pose. • Quick Writes p. 141
Quick Writes… Resource: Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning p.141 Quick Writes • Provide a writing prompt that will introduce a new unit, topic, concept, thought, vocabulary word, procedure, etc… “ALTRUISM involves the unselfish concern for other people. It is doing things simply out of a desire to help, not because you feel obligated to out of duty, loyalty, guilt or that you will get a recognition or award. Is ALTRUISM being implemented in your school?” • Write down the prompt question…and begin writing immediately when I say “GO” and write until I say “STOP”. You will have 2 minutes. • Quickly jot down your thoughts to the prompt. (Don’t worry about form or writing conventions). The focus is on fluency. • You will share your writing with your elbow partner.
SDQR… Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing p.33 SDQR • Read the article “How to Develop a Welcoming Culture” • Use the SDQR chart to capture your thinking about the article and ALTRUISM • The strategy is that the physical act of writing helps imprint information in your brain and allows you to recall more detail, consolidate ideas, develop a question and retain information.
Pass the reflection… Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing p.38 Pass the Reflection • In the article “The Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace”, the author highlights 4 main soft skills that they think are important in small businesses… Drive/Work Ethic, Communication Skills, Teamwork & Decision Making/Problem Solving • After reading the article, select the soft skill you think is most important and write down the reasons for your selection. (1 minute) • Pass your paper on. Read the thinking on the paper you received and continue writing on the author’s topic & the thoughts of others. ( 1 minute). Pass the paper on… • Encourages extended thinking through their writing responses and those of others.
On-demand Writing … Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing p.41 - 42 ABC’s & D • On-Demand Writing may be the ONE skill that is MOST IMPORTANT to students. • It’s a component of the WKCE, SMARTER Balanced Assessment, college entrance and placement exams, scholarship essays, college & technical school applications, job applications, job interviews… • Use “annotated reading” and “text coding” strategies to be a better “On-Demand Writer”! • See “ABC’s & D” worksheet and page 42 for “Steps to Attack the Prompt”
ABC’s and D Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing p.41- 46 ABC’s & D • ATTACK the prompt; circle all of the verbs that tell you exactly what to do • BRAINSTORM possible ideas about how you could answer; make a list • CHOOSE the best idea from the list and further develop • DOUBLE-CHECK work by re-reading answer & check for errors
ABC’s & D See Website for Sample SAT Prompts for CTE • SAT Prompt #4 • Thomas Edison, the great inventor, once said the following about all of his inventions: “To invent something takes 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration.” Do you agree or disagree that for an idea or goal to become a reality it takes a lot of hard work? • Assignment: In an essay support your position that it takes a lot of hard work to make a goal a reality by discussing examples of an individual you know or have read about. Cite personal experiences where you had an idea and carried it through until it became a reality.
ABC’s & D… See Website for Sample SAT Prompts for CTE • SAT Prompt #1 • Think carefully about the issue presented in the following quotations and the assignment below. Then plan and write an essay that explains your ideas as persuasively as possible. • “There is only one boss. The customer. And they can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending their money somewhere else.” (Sam Walton) “Treat every customer as if they sign your paycheck…because they do.” (Anonymous) • Assignment: What is your view on the idea that “The customer is always right”? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples that come from your reading, studies, experience, and observations.
Pillar #2-Model Writing • Modeled authentic writing shows the teacher as being an active writer. • The teacher models… • the selection of topics; • the skills of gathering and organizing information; • the need to clarify meaning; • the ways in which information can be reordered, reoriented, changed, or deleted.
Modeling - Job Application Cover Letter… Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing p.59 STAR • Our next task in the “Career Preparation” unit is to write a “Job/Career Application Cover Letter”. I’ll begin the rewrite of a letter I started with you. • Rewriting Strategy: STARSubstitute, Take Things Out, Add, Rearrange • Group 1 – S & T Group 2 - A • Group 3 - R • Use Google Links on DL WIKI
Standard: Writing (Production and distribution of Writing ) Grade 11-12 #4,5,6, & 7 • Gather and Organize information using new sources such as books, web resources or experts in the field. • Find 2 sources of information on related to “Writing a Job Application Cover Letter” • Example: http://jobsearch.about.com/od/coverlettertips
Pillar #3 – Mentor Text What types of authentic writing are done in your class? Search on line for one mentor text to use in your class… • A mentor text is a published piece of writing a teacher uses during a writing lesson to either a) teach a writing skill or to b) motivate the students to want to write something similar. • Using mentor texts helps students answer the question, What should it look like at the end? • See DL WIKI for several mentor text examples
Pillar #4 - CHOICE Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing • Choice fosters a feeling of ownership • Choice engages students in their writing and increases their commitment to improve • Help students expand their knowledge/interest in a topic: • Topic Blast (p. 100) What Bugs Me (p. 102) • Good Ideas/Bad Ideas (p. 103) I remember (p. 105) • Pass the Portrait (p. 105) Words of Wisdom Project (p.110) • 4-Sided Argument (p.114) Ever Wonder Why? (p. 115) • Life After Death by PowerPoint: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbSPPFYxx3o
Pillar #5 – Purpose & Audience • Students who develop the ability to recognize purpose and audience reap two benefits: • 1) they read the world more critically and • 2) they sharpen their own writing skills. • RAFT: Role , Audience, Form, Topic …Expect Me To Teach…. p.64
RESEARCH - How would this look in your class? R A F T • How could you model the type of research that is done in the workplace and then incorporate it into a research task using RAFT? • This is what you could do: • Find two articles on a controversial topic • Walk students through both (modeling) • Ask students to take a position • Students must find ANOTHER article supporting their position (library/computer resources) • Students must write a persuasive letter citing evidence from ALL three texts (show them sample letters as examples)
8 Purposes … Resource: Teaching Adolescent Writing Variety in writing tasks will add interest to your class assignments! • 8 purposes for writing (p.123) • 1.Express & Reflect • 2. Inquire & Explore • 3. Inform & Explain • 4. Analyze & Interpret • 5. Take a Stand • 6. Evaluate & Judge • 7. Propose a Solution • 8. Seek common Ground
Pillar #6- Meaningful Feedback Tools used to provide Meaningful Feedback: • A rubric is a tool to grade writing or other projects that breaks out specific criteria of the assignment which are examined individually. • Exemplars generally shows the level of competence of a students’ writing, and help them distinguish quality writing characteristics using a variety of samples. • Feedback should be helpful to both teacher and student • Grading Reform: http://gradingreform.pbworks.com
Rubric Web Sites… • 6 + 1 Traits http://educationnorthwest.org/webfm_send/773 • UW-Stout’s link for 21st Century examples: http://www.uwstout.edu/soe/profdev/rubrics.cfm • U Virginia’s “Grading Essays in Any Course” http://trc.virginia.edu/Publications/Teaching_Concerns/Fall_1996/TC_Fall_1996_Caraco.htm • Smarter Balanced Assessment Writing Rubric: http://www.smarterbalanced.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/TaskItemSpecifications/EnglishLanguageArtsLiteracy/ELARubrics.pdf • Create and print your own rubrics: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/
6+1 Traits The 6+1 Trait® Writing analytical model for assessing and teaching writing is made up of 6+1 key qualities that define strong writing. These are: • Ideas, the main message; • Organization, the internal structure of the piece; • Voice, the personal tone and flavor of the author's message; • Word Choice, the vocabulary a writer chooses to convey meaning; • Sentence Fluency, the rhythm and flow of the language; • Conventions, the mechanical correctness; Plus. . . • and Presentation, how the writing actually looks on the page. (http://educationnorthwest.org/resource/503)
Michael Phelps – World Record Medal Winner… The more you dream, the farther you get! • "If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people aren't willing to do." • — Michael Phelps on his dedication and motivation "If you want to be the best, you have to do things that other people aren't willing to do." — Michael Phelps on his dedication and motivation
Next Steps • Adapt a lesson you already teach to include more reading, writing, speaking/listening and language… • Given what we’ve explored today, what support do you need to help your students meet the ELA standards in Disciplinary Literacy?