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FSU Tomorrow Economic Transformation Through Teaching, Research, and Service

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FSU Tomorrow Economic Transformation Through Teaching, Research, and Service

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    1. FSU Tomorrow Economic Transformation Through Teaching, Research, and Service Presenters Chancellor T. J. Bryan Dr. Jon Young Ms. Emily Dickens ~~~ April 27, 2007

    2. Welcome SLIDE 2: Good morning and welcome to Fayetteville State University. This morning we are going to discuss how Fayetteville State University and our regional and state partners can facilitate economic transformation in our service area. First, I would like to extend an invitation to Erskine to make a few comments before we start. Then, I would like each of us to introduce ourselves. [ERSKINES COMMENTS] [INTRODUCTIONS] [NEXT SLIDE] SLIDE 2: Good morning and welcome to Fayetteville State University. This morning we are going to discuss how Fayetteville State University and our regional and state partners can facilitate economic transformation in our service area. First, I would like to extend an invitation to Erskine to make a few comments before we start. Then, I would like each of us to introduce ourselves. [ERSKINES COMMENTS] [INTRODUCTIONS] [NEXT SLIDE]

    3. Presentation Content FSUs Role in Economic Transformation Whom do we serve? What can we do to address the greatest barrier to economic transformation, which is low educational attainment? How do our academic programs respond to regional and state needs? How do our research and service respond to regional and state needs? How can we collaborate with regional partners to promote economic transformation? Closing Comments SLIDE 3: Our presentation explains FSUs role in economic transformation. We found these five questions as essential to the discussion and, subsequently, used them as our framework. Our presenters today will be Dr. Jon Young, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Emily Dickens, Director of Constituent Relations and Economic Development. I will make a few closing comments at the end and if needed, we can answer any remaining questions. [NEXT SLIDE] SLIDE 3: Our presentation explains FSUs role in economic transformation. We found these five questions as essential to the discussion and, subsequently, used them as our framework. Our presenters today will be Dr. Jon Young, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Emily Dickens, Director of Constituent Relations and Economic Development. I will make a few closing comments at the end and if needed, we can answer any remaining questions. [NEXT SLIDE]

    4. Outline To promote the economic transformation of our service area, FSU must address barriers to educational attainment; provide academic programs that prepare its graduates to succeed in and contribute to the global economy; focus research and service on meeting regional and state needs; and strengthen partnerships to support economic-transformation activities that meet regional and state needs. SLIDE 4: The outline you see here further establishes our framework for todays presentation into four sections. In essence, this is our overarching response to the previous five questions and our presentation will follow in this order. We will first hear from Jon followed by Emily. [LEAVE THIS SLIDE UP AND JON WILL CHANGE TO NEXT SLIDE.]SLIDE 4: The outline you see here further establishes our framework for todays presentation into four sections. In essence, this is our overarching response to the previous five questions and our presentation will follow in this order. We will first hear from Jon followed by Emily. [LEAVE THIS SLIDE UP AND JON WILL CHANGE TO NEXT SLIDE.]

    5. Service Area Definition not a simple matter Multiple perspectives Historical outreach (Cumberland and five surrounding counties) BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) Regional Task Force (11 counties) State economic-development zone (Southeast Regional Economic Development Board) Partnerships with community colleges (sixteen campuses) Enrollment and recruiting (top twelve counties)

    6. Historical Service Area Bladen County Cumberland County (Home County) Harnett County Hoke County Robeson County Sampson County

    7. The Southeast Region of NC Source: Southeast Regional Economic Development www.ncse.org/counties.php

    8. BRAC Partnership Region Bladen County Columbus County Cumberland County (Home County/Ft. Bragg) Harnett County Hoke County Lee County Moore County Richmond County Robeson County Sampson County Scotland County

    9. Community College Partnership Region Bladen CC Cape Fear CC (Pender) Central Carolina CC (Harnett/Lee) Fayetteville Technical CC (Cumberland Home County) James Sprunt CC (Duplin) Johnston CC Lenoir CC Montgomery CC Pitt CC Southeastern CC (Columbus) Richmond CC Robeson CC Sampson CC Sandhills CC (Hoke) Wayne CC Wilson CC

    10. Enrollment and Recruiting Region Top Twelve Counties (Prioritized) Cumberland Mecklenburg Robeson Wake Harnett Hoke Sampson Guilford Halifax Columbus Wayne Bladen

    11. Historical Service Area Bladen County Cumberland County (Home County) Harnett County Hoke County Robeson County Sampson County

    12. I: Educational Attainment FSU will promote economic transformation by working to eliminate barriers to educational attainment through outreach programs, student success initiatives, and methods of instruction and program delivery that serve traditional-aged college students and adult learners.

    13. Low Educational Attainment

    14. Low Median Income / High Poverty

    15. Traditional First-Time Students: Academic Preparation - SAT

    16. High Minority Population

    17. Addressing Educational Attainment Pre-College Programs Upward Bound Educational Talent Search GEAR-UP Mathematics-Science Education Network Cross Creek Early College High School (FSU campus) Fire Science (2+2+2) Program (CCS high school, FTCC, and FSU) Education Opportunity Center (EOC) (college entry preparation for adult learners)

    18. Addressing Educational Attainment Recent and Proposed University Community Alliance for Mathematics and Computer Science (2006) P-16 Science-Mathematics Initiative (in planning stage) Increasing Male Enrollment Initiative (in planning stage) SAT boot camps

    19. Addressing Educational Attainment University Programs Comprehensive student success and retention CHEER Creating Higher Expectations for Educational Readiness (summer-bridge program) University College (programs for first- and second-year students) Learning communities

    20. Enhancing Delivery of Instruction and Programs Enhancing face-to-face instruction through engaging pedagogies and web-enhanced instruction Implementing hybrid courses a blend of face-to-face and online instruction Increasing online courses and degree programs Using interactive television Incorporating new technologies (e.g., PDAs)

    21. Enhancing Delivery of Instruction and Programs for Adult Learners Extended hours for key offices Online resources for self-service Weekend-and-evening condensed terms (eight-weeks) Consolidated academic-advisement center Courses taught on community-college campuses Dual-enrollment agreements with community colleges

    22. II. Economic Transformation Through Teaching and Academic Programs FSUs core curriculum and major programs will enable graduates to succeed in the global economy and become change agents for economic transformation in the region and the state.

    23. Employer Needs Employers cited the following skills as most important for new employees: Teamwork skills (44%) Critical thinking reasoning (33%) Oral/written communication (30%) Ability to assemble/organize information (21%) Innovative/thinking creatively (20%) Able to work with statistics/numbers (9%) Source: How Should Colleges Prepare Students to Succeed in Todays Global Economy, AAC&U, 2006.

    24. Meeting Employer Challenge Core curriculum learning outcomes to meet needs of global economy National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) to measure level of student engagement in educationally purposeful activities, including soft skills Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) to assess writing and analytical reasoning skills

    25. Meeting the Challenge Student Development Activities for Soft Skills Leadership-development programs Service and outreach Health and wellness programs Career services Living-learning communities

    26. Addressing State and Regional Needs through Degree Programs

    27. Addressing State and Regional Needs Through Degree Programs

    28. Addressing State and Regional Needs Through Degree Programs

    29. Addressing State and Regional Needs Through Degree Programs (Proposed and Approved to Plan)

    30. Our Graduates ACT Alumni Outcomes Survey* of graduates from 2002-2006 provided the following results: 71% of respondents to Alumni Survey report that they are living and working in North Carolina 86% of respondents stated that their current positions are related to their major. 48% reported that they plan to pursue a Masters degree; and 24% stated that they plan to pursue a doctorate 17.6% of our undergraduates from 2002-2006 are enrolled in graduate or professional schools (594 of 3,379) *Survey conducted in spring 2007 - 117 of 2,025 responded to paper survey; 194 of 2500 responded to email survey

    31. III. Economic Transformation Through Research and Service The universitys research and service activities must also serve the economic transformation of the region and state.

    32. Addressing Regional Needs Through Research Health Disparities Research that addresses social and behavioral factors that affect health disparities in the region Criminal Justice Research for local law enforcement agencies to assess fear of crime among city residents Mental Health Research on the patterns of mental illness and substance abuse among newly released offenders Natural Sciences Research on nanotechnology; studies of biodiversity and conservation

    33. FSU Tomorrow The Institutes Concept emerged in strategic-planning process Implementation between 2007 2012 Infrastructures for focusing research, service, and teaching on areas of high need: Community Justice Entrepreneurship Health Disparities Teaching Excellence World Service

    34. FSU Tomorrow The Institutes Key objectives of the Institutes: Collecting and disseminating data about key indicators Guiding review of academic programs to ensure they are current and relevant in the light of regional and state needs Conducting forums that enable researchers and members of the community to come together to solve regional and state problems Providing internships, service-learning projects, and other real-world experiences for students.

    35. FSU and Regional Economic Transformation FSU is contributing to regional economic transformation by Breaking down barriers that limit educational attainment among the citizens of the region; Providing academic programs that prepare graduates to succeed in the global economy and to become change agents for economic transformation; Establishing Institutes that focus research and service on meeting regional and state needs.

    36. IV. Strengthen partnerships to meet state and regional needs The University must meet state and regional needs through a process that is responsive and reliable to garner support for its economic transformation activities.

    37. Meeting New Demands Expanding the role of the Bronco Development Corporation Forming Economic Development Advisory Board Drafting an economic development strategic plan Increasing sponsored programs staff to support additional pursuit of grants and government contracts

    38. Economic Challenges Low-wage, low-skills, declining industries Heavy reliance on military as economic engine Poor transportation infrastructure and indirect rail routes Competition for talent Strain on resources due to growth at Fort Bragg

    39. Existing Partnerships Minority and small business initiatives in partnership with the Cumberland County Business Council Fire Station on FSU campus (City of Fayetteville) Workforce Development Board (Cumberland County)

    40. Existing Partnerships Educational Channel (joint initiative with FTCC, Cumberland County Schools, Ft. Bragg Schools) Institute for Community Leadership (initiative with Cumberland County, Cumberland County Schools, City of Fayetteville, and Methodist College) Intelligence-studies outreach program (Cumberland County School System)

    41. Existing Partnerships Internships and degree-program development (Defense Services Technology Accelerator) Roland Community Resources Initiative (NC Dept. of Commerce, Office of NC Representative Garland Pierce)

    42. Potential Partners Smaller municipalities within the economic- development service area (e.g., Spring Lake, Roland) Veterans and retired military business owners Department of Defense and defense industries Establishing New Partnerships

    43. Implementing Economic Transformation Activities Application of research and teaching to regional needs Microprobe lab at FSU Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) Initiative MBA student consultant services

    44. Implementing Economic Transformation Activities Workforce Development Target displaced workers Degree-completion program partnership with Workforce Development Re-establishment of continuing-education initiative for displaced homemakers

    45. Implementing Economic Transformation Activities Opportunities for small and minority-owned businesses Fayetteville Business Center responsible for eighteen existing businesses Bronco Square, a unique retail community center adjacent to FSU campus Non-degree certification for small businesses, such as the Minority Entrepreneurship and Franchising Certificate program Proposed Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) Academy

    46. Implementing Economic Transformation Activities Development and implementation of community- redevelopment activities in surrounding area Location of FSU bookstore at Bronco Square Location of FSU Institutes in the community to serve as resources HUD/HBCU proposal to address community resource needs Partnering with City on Murchison Road redevelopment

    47. Addressing the BRAC Impact Identify opportunities for University and its stakeholders Develop resource relationships Pentagon and Ft. McPherson (Atlanta) Educational institutions in previous BRAC- affected cities University of Alabama - Huntsville Alabama A&M Participate in local and state planning BRAC regional taskforce (11 counties) State BRAC Partners Committee

    48. Addressing the BRAC Impact Potential Areas of Need and Service Graduate and undergraduate degree programs in homeland security Graduate degree programs for higher-ranking military personnel transferring into Ft. Bragg and civilian workers Graduate and undergraduate programs for local workforce to attain qualifications for civilian jobs on base Undergraduate-degree programs for military personnel and dependents Continuing-education courses and certificate programs for military personnel, dependents, and civil-service workers

    49. Enhance Quality of Life Through Cultural Offerings and Outreach Increased instances of popular programs Distinguished Speaker Series Performing Arts Series Public Art Exhibits FSU Touring Troupe provides free theatrical performances for elementary schools on and off campus Development of more joint-community programs Fayetteville Symphony Museum of Art Cape Fear Regional Theatre Planetarium visits for school, civic, and social groups Continuing-education seminars (e.g., Experience China)

    50. FSU and Economic Transformation Economic Transformation activities at FSU will be conducted within a framework that is responsive, reliable and focused on Continuing to serve the City of Fayetteville and Cumberland County Becoming a resource to other municipalities in Cumberland County Extending resources to historical service areas This will be accomplished by Strengthening existing partnerships Developing new partnerships Applying research and teaching to regional needs Focusing on niche areas of workforce development Increasing opportunities for small and minority owned businesses Implementing community development activities in the surrounding area Addressing the BRAC impact

    51. Closing Comments SLIDE 51: CLOSING COMMENTS Today, we have responded to five questions about who we serve, how we plan to address low educational attainment through our academic programs, our research and service efforts with our regional and state partners. Clearly, we understand we must continue to develop and refine our regional economic transformation plan and will utilize the Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development proposal developed by the BRAC Regional Task Force as a primary source. Knowing that funding is always an issue, we understand that we must be committed to obtaining grants and external resource to achieve our goals and affect desired outcomes that will positively impact and transform economic conditions in this part of the state. We thank you for your time and attention today and, as always, welcome your support of Fayetteville State University.SLIDE 51: CLOSING COMMENTS Today, we have responded to five questions about who we serve, how we plan to address low educational attainment through our academic programs, our research and service efforts with our regional and state partners. Clearly, we understand we must continue to develop and refine our regional economic transformation plan and will utilize the Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development proposal developed by the BRAC Regional Task Force as a primary source. Knowing that funding is always an issue, we understand that we must be committed to obtaining grants and external resource to achieve our goals and affect desired outcomes that will positively impact and transform economic conditions in this part of the state. We thank you for your time and attention today and, as always, welcome your support of Fayetteville State University.

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