1. The Very Hungry CaterpillarBy Eric Carle
2. Snacks and Nutrition for preschoolers Nutrition is how our bodies use the foods we eat to produce energy, growth, and health.
(Just like in the book!)
4. INTREGRATE FOOD INTO OTHER LEARNING AREAS: SCIENCE: Melting, congealing, shrinking, expanding, water to steam.
LANGUAGE: Learn cooking vocabulary, names of foods and utensils.
MATH: Measuring, compare quantities.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Working cooperatively, learn about cultures & customs.
LITERACY: Read recipes from chart, make grocery lists, read stories connected to the food.
5. WHAT ABOUT MANNERS? “Please, Thank you, Your welcome, Excuse me”.
Sharing and passing
Appropriate eating habits
How are your manners?
6. The Food Guide Pyramid MyPyramid.gov - Inside the Pyramid.
7. Grain Group: Make Half Your Grains Whole Eat 4-5oz everyday Help your preschooler learn to eat and enjoy whole grains.
Include them often in meals and snacks. In general, at least half of all grains eaten should be whole grains.
Eating grains, such as whole-grain breads, cereals, rice and pasta provides nutrients and health benefits. People who eat whole grains as part of a healthy diet have a lower risk of some chronic diseases. Many preschoolers don’t eat enough fiber, and whole grain foods are an easy way to get fiber into your child’s diet.
What foods are whole grains? Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel ? the bran, germ, and endosperm. Some examples of whole grains are: •100% whole-wheat bread, bagels, or English muffins •oatmeal •100% whole wheat crackers •shredded wheat cereal •toasted oat cereal •whole corn tortillas •brown rice •whole grain pasta •whole wheat bulgur (cracked wheat)
What counts as an ounce equivalent of grains? In general, 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of ready-to-eat cereal, or ˝ cup of cooked rice, cooked pasta, or cooked cereal can be considered as 1 ounce equivalent from the grains group.
More information on the Grain Group: •Tips to help everyone eat more whole grains •What foods are in the Grain Group? •Learn what grains might be a choking hazard
8. Vegetable Group: Vary Your VeggiesEat 1 ˝ cups everyday Help your preschooler learn to eat and enjoy a variety of vegetables.
Vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that help your child grow and stay healthy. It is common for preschoolers to dislike or refuse some vegetables. Encourage your child to try vegetables and eat them yourself.
Eating vegetables provides long term health benefits. People who include vegetables in an overall healthy diet have lower risks of developing some chronic diseases. Include vegetables in meals and snacks every day.
There are many types of vegetables to choose from. For example, try a new dark green or orange vegetable. Learn more about helping your child enjoy new vegetables. Vegetables may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed.
What counts as a cup of vegetables?In general, 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or 2 cups of raw leafy greens can be considered as 1 cup from the vegetable group. The chart lists specific amounts count as 1 cup of vegetables (in some cases equivalents for ˝ cup are also shown)
More information on the Vegetable Group: •Tips to help everyone eat more vegetables •What foods are in the Vegetable Group? •Learn how to prepare vegetables to avoid a choking hazard
9. Fruit Group: Focus on FruitsEat 1 ˝ cups everyday Help your preschooler learn to eat and enjoy a variety of fruits.
Include fruits in meals and snacks every day. Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed. Choose canned fruits packed in juice instead of syrup. Fruit juice does not contain the fiber that is in whole and cut-up fruits.
Eating fruit provides a variety of health benefits. Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals that help your child grow and stay healthy. People who eat more fruits in an overall healthy diet have lower risks of some chronic diseases.
What counts as a cup of fruit?
Serve your preschooler no more than ˝ cup to 3/4 cup (4 to 6 ounces) of juice a day. Choose 100% fruit juice — check the label to be sure.
In general, 1 cup of fruit or 100% fruit juice, med sized, or ˝ cup of dried fruit can be considered as 1 cup from the fruit group.
More information on the Fruit Group: •Tips to help everyone eat more fruits •What foods are in the Fruit Group? •Learn how to prepare fruits to avoid a choking hazard
10. Milk Group: Get Your Calcium-Rich FoodsEat 2c everyday Help your preschooler consume and enjoy milk and milk products.
Now is the time to switch your preschooler from drinking whole to low-fat or fat-free milk. Kids that are two years and older can drink low-fat (1% milk) and fat-free (skim milk) milk. They provide the same amount of calcium and vitamin D as whole milk or 2% milk, but less saturated fat and calories. Foods high in saturated fat tend to raise blood cholesterol levels.
Milk and milk products provide health benefits ? like building and maintaining strong, dense bones. They are important parts of your child’s food intake. Include low-fat and fat-free milk and milk products in meals and snacks for your child every day. If you think your preschooler may be lactose intolerant or allergic to milk, check with your child’s doctor to be sure.
What counts as 1 cup in the milk group?
In general, 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1 ˝ ounces of natural cheese, or 2 ounces of processed cheese can be considered as 1 cup from the milk group.
More information on the Milk Group: •Tips to help everyone consume milk products •What foods are in the Milk Group?
11. Meat & Beans Group: Go Lean with ProteinEat 3-4oz everyday Help your child learn to eat and enjoy a variety of foods from
this food group.
Choose foods from the meat & beans group that are low in saturated fat. Foods high in saturated fat tend to raise blood cholesterol levels. Include a variety of lean meat and poultry choices in your meals. Include fish and cooked dry beans in meals often.
Eating foods in the meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds group provides nutrients that are vital for health and maintenance of your preschooler’s body. For example, all kids need protein to help them grow.
What counts as an ounce equivalent in the meat & beans group?
In general, 1 ounce of meat, poultry or fish, Ľ cup cooked dry beans, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, or ˝ ounce of nuts or seeds can be considered as 1 ounce equivalent from the meat and beans group. 3oz=deck of cards
More information on the Meat and Beans Group: •Tips to help everyone make wise choices in the meat & beans group •Vegetarian choices in the meat & beans group •What foods are in the Meat and Beans Group? •Learn how to prepare meats and beans to avoid a choking hazard
12. Extras: Fats and Sugars ? Know Your Limits
“Extras” are the solid fats and added sugars in foods and beverages.
Extras add calories, but no vitamins or minerals.
Preschoolers can have some “extras,” but too many can fill them up without getting the nutrients they need. “Extras” can also add more calories than your child needs.
Some examples of “extras” are:
•The sugars or sweeteners in soft drinks, fruit punch, candies, cakes, cookies, pies, and ice cream.
•The solid fats in butter, stick margarine, fried foods, sausages, fatty meats, cheese, biscuits, and some desserts.
Some foods such as milk, yogurt, and cereals provide important nutrients, but they can also contain “extras.” For example, sweetened yogurt and sweetened breakfast cereals contain sugars. Whole milk and cheese contain solid fat.
Look for choices of milk, yogurt, cheese, and cereals that are low-fat, fat-free, unsweetened, or with no-added sugars.
There is room for foods with added sugars or solid fats now and then. But most daily food choices should be low in these “extras.”
The taste for salt is learned. Adding less or no salt and choosing foods lower in salt can help your preschooler learn to like foods with a less salty taste.
Most salt that Americans eat comes from processed foods and foods eaten away from home.
13. Here are some healthier ideas: Instead of...
Regular cheese
Sweetened yogurt
Whole milk
Sweetened breakfast cereals
Fried chicken or fried fish
French fries
Ice cream or frozen yogurt
Soft drinks or fruit punch
Potato chips
Butter or margarine
Jam or jelly Choose...
Low-fat cheese
Plain yogurt plus fruit
Fat-free or low-fat milk
Cereals with little or no added sugar
Graham crackers
Baked chicken or fish
Oven-baked fries
Frozen fruits / frozen 100% fruit bars
Baked chips or whole grain crackers
Trans fat-free tub margarine
100% Fruit spread
14. How are YOU following the Food Guide Pyramid? Fill in your pyramid based on yesterday’s food in take.
What kind of an example are you on following the food guide pyramid?
15. What about YOUR Physical Activity? How Much Inactive Time Is Too Much?
It is okay for your preschooler to have quiet time.
After 60 minutes of inactivity (such as watching TV) have your child get up and do something active for a while.
Here are some tips for making sure your preschooler is not inactive too often:
Limit TV and screen time to less than 2 hours daily, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Try to make inactive time reading time rather than TV time.
Quiet time is best before naps or Your preschooler will learn that being physically active is part of a healthy life.
Avoid having the TV on during mealtimes
Only put TVs in family rooms. Don’t put a TV in your child’s bedroom. This helps your preschooler spend less time watching TV.
As a parent, you have an impact on your preschooler’s behaviors and activities. Be a role model and try to limit your own time spent sitting, such as watching TV. So what can you do…….
16. 1. Set a good example.
Be active and get your family to join you.
Have fun together. Play with the kids or pets. Go for a walk, tumble in the leaves, or play catch.
2. Take the President’s Challenge as a family.
Track your individual physical activities together and earn awards for active lifestyles at www.presidentschallenge.org.
3. Establish a routine.
Set aside time each day as activity time— walk, jog, skate, cycle, or swim.
Adults need at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week;
Children 60 minutes everyday or most days.
4. Have an activity party.
Make the next birthday party centered on physical activity. Try backyard Olympics, or relay races. Have a bowling or skating party.
5. Set up a home gym.
Use household items, such as canned foods, as weights. Stairs can substitute for stair machines.
6. Move it!
Instead of sitting through TV commercials, get up and move. When you talk on the phone, lift weights or walk around. Remember to limit TV watching and computer time.
7. Give activity gifts.
Give gifts that encourage physical activity—active games or sporting equipment.
17. Developing Healthy Eating Habits Use the food guide pyramid when developing meals and snacks
Mealtime should be relaxed, positive, and happy times; avoid punishing.
There are many factors that enhance the eating experience:
Aesthetics of food, method of preparation, cleanliness, manners, environment/atmosphere/mood, people, celebrations
Foods vary in variety - plants and animals, Color, flavor, texture, odor, size, and shape,
Only introduce one new food at a time.
Offer small amounts with a favorite food.
Set a good example.
Your own food preferences are often imitated by the children so eat with the child and show enjoyment of nutritious foods.
18. Encourage children to help with food preparation. They are more likely to eat the food that they have helped make.
Serve child-sized portions (follow the size of their hand or 1TBS per year of age)
have them serve themselves.
Placing small amounts on small dishes allows the child satisfaction of finishing the food.
Allow children to have 2nds if they are still hungry
Use child sized tables, chairs, serving utensils, utensils, glasses, plates….
Behavior that is rewarded is repeated
Reward eating, ignore not eating
Expect some accidents or spills.
Encourage the children to wipe up their own spills
19. Do not use food as a reward for good behavior especially sweets and deserts
It is not to make someone happy or feel better either.
If a child goes on a “food jag” (requesting one food often) allow him to have it for a few days, he will get bored if an issue is not made of it.
Do not force a child to eat. Appetites vary from day to day.
Remove the food and have the child wait until the next meal or planned snack.
Healthy children will eat when they are hungry.
Healthy appetites depend on adequate play, rest, sleep, regular meal times, and healthy snacks.
20. 13. What About Beverages? Offer your preschooler water and fat-free or low-fat milk as beverage choices. You may also offer small amounts of 100% fruit juice.
Water •
When your preschooler is thirsty, water is a good beverage choice. It provides the fluid your child’s body needs. •Be sure to have water available when your child is playing outdoors or doing other physical activity. •Make sure your preschooler drinks fluoridated water. It helps build and maintain strong teeth. •Many community tap water supplies contain fluoride. Check with your water supplier to make sure. If your water supply is not fluoridated or is from a well, check with your doctor about a possible need for fluoride supplements. •Bottled water is not better or safer than regular tap water, and is an added expense. •“Flavored” waters or "vitamin" waters may have added sweeteners. Be sure to read the Nutrition Facts label on these beverages.
Milk •
Milk and milk products provide many vital nutrients that your preschooler needs for growth. Milk is a good choice to offer as a beverage at meals and snacks. •While some children don’t drink enough milk, others sometimes prefer to fill up on milk and avoid other important foods. Preschoolers need about 2 cups from the milk group each day. Help your child get enough but not too much milk. •Choose low-fat and fat-free milk. These have the same amounts of calcium and vitamin D as whole or 2% milk, but less saturated fat. •All types of fluid milk are routinely fortified with vitamin D. Some yogurts are also fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin-D fortified products help build and maintain bones. •Make sure you serve only pasteurized (not raw) milk to your preschooler.
100% fruit juice •
Fresh, frozen, canned and dried fruits provide more fiber than juice. Offer them most often. •Look for beverages that have 100% fruit juice on the label. 100% fruit juice can be a healthy part of a preschooler’s beverage choices in small amounts. •You may offer your preschooler up to ˝ cup to 3/4 cup (4-6 ounces) of 100% fruit juice per day. •Sweetened beverages such as fruit punch and fruit drinks look like fruit juice, but may contain little or no fruit. These drinks, as well as some flavored waters, sweetened teas, and sports drinks, provide calories, but little or no nutrients. •Make sure you serve only pasteurized juice to your preschooler.
21. Healthy snacks are essential for preschoolers. Snacks round out the child's diet – not replaces meals.
A young child eats a little at a time and quickly uses up the food for energy. They cannot go long hours without eating.
It is difficult for them to get the nutrients they need from just three meals. Plan snacks as part of the daily menu and use them to help kids meet their nutritional needs.
3 meals with 2 or 3 snacks is acceptable – 6 small meals a day.
22. Signs of a Good Snack Develops the senses. (sensory experience)
It attracts the eye and satisfies the palate.
It provides adequate nourishment.
It supplies valuable nutritive elements while avoiding useless calories.
It varies from day to day.
It keeps the child’s mind and fingers busy.
The child can help in its preparation.
23. 8. It includes foods children like. Finger foods
Bright colors
Colorful fruits and vegetables
Colorful and fun utensils, plates, glasses…
Crisp, moist, smooth, chewy
Mild flavors
Children have sensitive taste-buds.
24. 9. It is smart AND fun Bagel snake ? Split mini bagels in half. Cut each half into half circles. Spread the halves with toppings like tuna salad, egg salad, or peanut butter. Decorate with sliced cherry tomatoes, or banana slices. Arrange the half circles to form the body of a snake. Use olives or raisins for eyes.
Frozen graham cracker sandwiches ? Mix mashed bananas and peanut butter, spread between graham crackers and freeze.
Smiley sandwiches ? Top a slice of bread with peanut butter and use an apple slice for a smile and raisins for eyes.
Frozen juice cups ? Pour 100% fruit juice into small paper cups. Freeze.
To serve, peel off the paper and eat.
Frozen bananas ? Put a wooden stick into a peeled banana. Cut large bananas in half first. Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze. Once frozen, peel off the plastic and enjoy.
Potato pal ? Top half a small baked potato with eyes, ears, and a smile. Try peas for eyes, a halved cherry tomato for a nose, and a low-fat cheese wedge as a smile. Be creative, you’ll be surprised at how many foods can turn into eyes, noses, and smiles!
English muffin pizza ? Top half an English muffin with tomato sauce, chopped veggies and low-fat mozzarella cheese. Heat until the cheese is melted.
Fruit smoothies ? Blend fresh or frozen fruit with yogurt and milk or juice. Try 100% orange juice, low-fat yogurt, and frozen strawberries.
Ants on a log ? Thinly spread peanut butter on narrow celery sticks.
Top with a row of raisins or other diced dried fruit.
More on Developing Healthy Eating Habits
25. ASSIGNMENT #1 Create 2 preschool snacks that follow the guidelines for snacks.
Tell what you will make and need. What creative name could you call it.
(hint: think about your theme)
Include the ingredients needed and the instructions
If you are doing this for your lesson, draw pictures so a child can help prepare it.
Include a list of the food guide pyramid categories that your snack fits under.
26. More Snack Ideas from the My Pyramid Food Groups Grains
dry cereal, whole grain crackers, mini rice cakes, sliced bread, mini bagels, graham crackers, whole wheat tortillas
veggie “matchsticks” (thin sticks) made from carrots* or zucchini,* bell pepper rings, cherry tomatoes*, steamed broccoli, green beans, sugar peas, avocadoes
apple slices*, tangerine sections, strawberry halves, bananas, pineapple, kiwi, peach, mango, nectarine, or melon, grapes*, berries, dried apricots*
low-fat cheese slices or string cheese, mini yogurt cups, fat-free or low-fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese
Meat and Beans
egg slices or wedges, peanut butter*, bean dip, hummus, slices of lean turkey* or chicken*, shelled pumpkin seeds* If not prepared correctly, these foods could be choking hazards. For more information on choking hazards, click here.
More snack ideas that combine two or more of the food groups:
•yogurt topped with diced peaches or berries •whole grain bread spread with peanut butter and sliced bananas •graham crackers to dip in yogurt •a small portion of last night’s leftovers (Make sure leftovers are safe to eat.)
27. ASSIGNMENT #2 Create a One Day Menu for a Preschooler Prepare a one day menu using the food guide pyramid and snack suggestions or some of your own.
The day’s menu should include breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner.
Make sure your cover the minimum suggestions for each food group.
Complete on the back of Nutrition Analysis
28. Menu Sample
29. ASSIGNMENT #3 Nutritional Value Comparison
Choose 3 different food items that might be served in the child care center.
Find these at school, at home, or in the store. Note the price of each item.
Using the nutritional labels from each item, complete the chart.
Which food item provides the best nutritional value?
30. Children’s Food LabNEXT TIME!