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G A P G İ D E M P R O J E CT Entrepreneur Support Centres

G A P G İ D E M P R O J E CT Entrepreneur Support Centres. 26 February 2004. Contents. GİDEM Project. Organisation Chart. Strategic Approach. Objective – Purpose – Expected Outputs. Management Principles. Services and Activities. GİDEM Project. Financing Agreement.

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G A P G İ D E M P R O J E CT Entrepreneur Support Centres

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  1. G A P G İ D E M P R O J E CT Entrepreneur Support Centres 26 February 2004 GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  2. Contents • GİDEM Project • Organisation Chart • Strategic Approach • Objective – Purpose – Expected Outputs • Management Principles • Services and Activities GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  3. GİDEM Project Financing Agreement Execution Agreement Enf of First Year First Phase End Second Year End Third Year 12/01 03/02 04/02 - 04/03 - 04/04 - 04/05 • TAT starts 09/02; • Offices renovated 10/02; • Inception report 03/03; • Services; • Business Diag. Studies 03/04; • Sustainability 11/03; • internet & intranet 04/04; • € 2 mn. Grant Programme ?/?; • Services • Revision of service strategy; • Sustainability strategy; • Implementation of grant prog.; • Services GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  4. Organisation Chart EC Representation to Turkey United Nations Development Programme, Turkey GAP Regional Development Administration Advisory Committee GAP RDA, SPO, Treasury, KOSGEB, TOBB, UNDP, ECR Project Management and Coordination Unit CTA, FM, MEDA Ankara Adiyaman Provincial Ad. Com. Governorate, CCI, Municipality, UCTA. Adiyaman GİDEM Coordinator Field Officer (1) Diyarbakır Provincial Ad. Com. Governorate, CCI, Municipality, UCTA. Diyarbakır GİDEM Coordinator Field Officer (2) Mardin Provincial Ad. Com. Governorate, CCI, Municipality, UCTA. Mardin GİDEM Coordinator Field Officer Şanlıurfa Provincial Ad. Com. Governorate, CCI, Municipality, UCTA. Şanlıurfa GİDEM Coordinator Field Officer GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  5. Development of GIDEM’s Strategy Macro Level Inputs GAP RDA Master Plan EU Enterprise Policy EU Regional Development Pol. GIDEM’S STRATEGY Analyses Project Document & Budget UNIDO Report Micro Level Inputs Integration of Analyses Constraints Evaluation of 1st Phase Needs Analysis Problem Tree Analysis Stakeholder Analysis SWOT Analysis GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  6. Logical Framework Vision: Improve GAP Region’s competitiveness on national and international markets. Mission: Assist business start-ups and improve the entrepreneurial, operational and managerial capacities of existing entrepreneurs, small, medium and micro scale enterprises through up-graded GIDEM services • GIDEMs physical & organisational capacity up-graded to provide improved business development services to micro enterprise & SMEs in the GAP Region • Business development services delivered • Windows for special groups clusters & sector specific capacity improvements developed • Selected projects financed through competitive grant scheme GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  7. Activities Outputs Purpose Objective Management Principles Project Cycle Management Participatory Planning Information based mgmt. & Quality Focus on clients’ needs • All project activities are planned and implemented in accordance with PCM logic. PCM GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  8. Management Principles Project Cycle Management Participatory Planning Information based mgmt. & Quality Focus on clients’ needs • National and Provincial Advisory Committees • NAC and PACs are convened regularly to exchange views on the implementation of the Project. • Collaboration during the development of annual work plans • Local GIDEM offices collaborate with local business communities during the development of annual work plans. Participatory Planning GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  9. Management Principles Project Cycle Management Participatory Planning Information based mgmt. & Quality Focus on clients’ needs • Information Based Management • Information on clients, services and activities is kept on GIDEM databases. • Quality • Expertise areas of local GIDEM experts complement one another. • ISO 9002 level quality assurance system is . • Staff trainings are held regularly to improve the quality of services delivered. Info Based Mgmt. & Quality GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  10. Management Principles Project Cycle Management Participatory Planning Information based mgmt. & Quality Focus on clients’ needs • Business Yellow page • GIDEMs have collected some basic information on the local enterprises. This information is kept on a searchable database. • Business Diagnostic Study • GIDEMs conduct business diagnostic studies on local enterprises to determine the exact needs of local business community. Focus on clients’ needs GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  11. Services and Activities • Sectoral reports, Legislation, Dissemination of Business Cooperation Requests. Information • Trade, Investment, Quality, Standarts, New Trends in Business Training Consultancy / Advice • Business Diagnostic Studies • Business Plans, Feasibility Studies etc. Opportunity Windows • Large –scale regional projects • Organic Agriculture etc. Others • Sustainability studies, Establishment of an MIS GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

  12. THANKS GAP GİDEM Project Management and Coordination Unit Willy Brandt Sok. No: 5 Kat: 2 Oda No: 212 T: 312 442 2324 ext: 1493 F: 312 440 1384 @: gidem@gap.gov.tr February 26, 2004 GAP GIDEM Project is funded by the European Commission and implemented by UNDP in coordination with GAP RDA

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