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Explore the fundamental concepts of nucleotides, nucleic acids, and their role in heredity. Learn about the structure, function, and significance of these biological molecules.
NUCLEOTIDES, NUCLEIC ACID, AND HEREDITY Nucleotides are the building blocks (monomer) of nucleic acids. Nucleic acid is a polymer composed of nucleotides Heredity is the transfer of characteristics, anatomical as well as biochemical, from generation to generation.
SEJARAH PENEMUAN ASAM NUKLEAT 1879, Albrecht Kossel menemukanasamnukleat yang tersusunolehsuatugugusgula, gugusfosfat, dangugusbasa
Degradation of nucleic acid Nucleoprotein Nucleic acid Protein Nuclease Nucleotide Nucleotidase Phosphate Nucleoside Nucleosidase Base Ribose
Nucleus (Inti sel) • Setiapselmakhlukhidupmempunyai nucleus (intisel) dimanadidalamnyaterdapatnucleoplasma • Nucleus berperandalam: • Menyimpaninformasigenetik • Duplikasi DNA • Transkripsi dalamsintesis protein
Nucleic Acids (Asam nukleat) • Dalamtubuhsetiapmakhlukhidupmengandungasamnukleat. • Merupakanmakromolekul. • Bentuknyabisaberupa DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) dan RNA (ribonucleic acid). • Beberapaorganismeberseltunggalseperti virus tubuhnyahanyaterdiridari DNA atau RNA saja.
Structure of nucleotides Know this! Below is the general structure of a nucleotide. The pentose sugar, the base, and the phosphate moieties all show variations among nucleotides.
Pyrimidine and purine Nucleotide bases in nucleic acids are pyrimidines or purines. Know these!
Major bases in nucleic acids Know these! • The bases are abbreviated by their first letters (A, G, C, T, U). • The purines (A, G) occur in both RNA and DNA • Among the pyrimidines, C occurs in both RNA and DNA, but • T occurs in DNA, and • U occurs in RNA
5 4 1 3 2 GULA RIBOSA • Gulapadaasamnukleatadalahribosa. • Ribosa (b-D-furanosa) adalahgulapentosa (jumlahkarbon 5). • Perhatikanpenomoran. • Dalampenulisandiberitandaprime(') untukmembedakanpenomoranpadabasa nitrogen
PERHATIKAN • Ikatangularibosadenganbasa nitrogen (pada atom karbonnomor 1). • Ikatangularibosadengangugusfosfat (pada atom karbonnomor 5). • Gugushidroksilpada atom karbonnomor 2
Structure of nucleotides Nucleotides have three characteristic components: A nitrogenous base (pyrimidines or purine) A phosphate group A pentose sugar
Structure of nucleosides Remove the phosphate group, and you have a nucleoside. H
Phosphodiester linkages in the covalent backbone of DNA and RNA
Schematic representation of the nucleotide sequences of nucleic acids
nucleoside nucleotides nucleic acids Nucleoside, nucleotides and nucleic acids The chemical linkage between monomer units in nucleic acids is a phosphodiester
Ribonucleosides/RibonucleotidesTerminology(where sugar = ribose)
DeoxyNucleosides/DeoxyNucleotidesTerminologywhere sugar = deoxyribose